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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

1000's of man hours have been put into this profile back. It is pretty awesome, hands down.

It is EXTREMELY evident being a first time user of a leveling bot since WoTLK how far these bots have come as far as development and intricacy. This thing is so fluid, I just began leveling my 72 hunter, and It's panning through quests so fast.

Well done, thanks to everyone. I'm hoping to hit 90 using this level profile. My one question is, there is ocassional bugs I see looking through the buglist are these ever possible to fix, are they in the works? Or do I have to do them my selfwhen the time comes?
Profile: [Fly][A - Quest] Twilight Highlands 84-85 [Kick].xml
Quest: He's Holding Out on Us - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: If the toon for some reason does not have Anduin along at Samuelsons locker, toon just stands there and tries to turn in quest. It should go back to Stormwind keep and pcik up Anduin again.

Hi, Slite62, and thanks for the report and log.

There is no way to make a blind fix for a problem like this—as we need a reliable way to detect the proper instance of Anduin, and whether he is 'ours' and not another player's. So, we've captured the issue to [post=1260134]Known Bugs List: Cata 80-85[/post].

Can you tell us how you managed to lose Anduin, so we can replicate the problem the next time we get a toon through the area?


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1390140]Slite62's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Update on my Demonology Warlock; 48 hours all heirlooms 1-70. It's 75 now with 56 hours. :)

Hi, Viclovesd, and thanks for the update.

Both of your data points have been added to the [post=1259964]FAQ[/post].

thanks again!
Should you run this with heirlooms?
As a first time user I don't know if it would be able to recognize the addition of extra experience? Thus making it waste time doing quests that might not be needed.
It's definitely worth it, although you do the extra quests (unless youre there to reset the bot when it hits the level cap of that zone) you do them faster because its better gear and you also get tons of money. My warlock is lvl79 and its made over 3k with full heirlooms

Hi, Peaka, and welcome aboard,

The profile pack will want to do all quests, naturally. You can accelerate this somewhat with some occasional manual intervention. More info here:
[post=1105561]HelpDesk: Quests are 'green' or 'gray'[/post]

The quest Called "A Damp Dark Place" In Zangamarsh the bot stops working
Log is below.
View attachment 118954

Hi, MrNova, and thanks for the log.

From the log, it appears that Honorbuddy simply stops executing profile directives. This is obviously not a profile problem.

We believe your problem is being caused due to an improperly installed Honorbuddy. You have installed it directly into the .../Documents/ directory. This will confuse Honorbuddy, since Honorbuddy itself will compile things in sub-directories. One of the things it tried to (wrongly) compile was .../Documents/My Music.

To remedy the problem, you will probably need to do a 'clean install' of Honorbuddy. In the clean install, please be certain to unpack it into an .../Honorbuddy/ sub-directory. You can find the full instructions for success here:
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]

If you are not off-and-away after this, please show us a clean log. The problem actually belongs in the Support forum, but we try not to unnecessarily bounce people around.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1390629]MrNova's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]
Description: Increase the TargetingDistance for the Grind Area in Un'Goro to 150. Target more NPCs and become faster Level 56 ;-)

Hi, MaxMuster,

The TargetingDistance for the Level 56 grinding area has been increased to 150 in v3118.

Thank you so much for the improvement!

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1391694]MaxMuster's profile improvement[/post][/size]
It is EXTREMELY evident being a first time user of a leveling bot since WoTLK how far these bots have come as far as development and intricacy. This thing is so fluid, I just began leveling my 72 hunter, and It's panning through quests so fast.

Well done, thanks to everyone. I'm hoping to hit 90 using this level profile. My one question is, there is ocassional bugs I see looking through the buglist are these ever possible to fix, are they in the works? Or do I have to do them my selfwhen the time comes?

Hi, MattyBRaps, and thank you for the kind words.

We are constantly modifying the profiles as we discover things. The Bugs Lists you see are there because we need to get a toon to that specific quest before we can effect a solid repair. Bugs are constantly going on and off the bug list.

And yes, for quests on the bugs list, you may have to do some manually. Others may be 'class specific' problems, where the bug only manifests for shape-shifters, or range vs melee, or pet-based classes, or extra-squishie classes, etc.

cheers and welcome back,
Profile: [Fly][H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]
Quest: ... Or Maybe We Don't - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: We changed the action for this Quest sometimes ago, but it seems that you made this changes only for the alliance profile, so here is the change for the horde profile:

Hi, MaxMuster,

Nice catch and sorry for the slip-up.

The Horde side should now be repaired also in v3119.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1391712]MaxMuster's problem report w/recommended repair[/post][/size]
Hi, Slite62, and thanks for the report and log.

There is no way to make a blind fix for a problem like this?as we need a reliable way to detect the proper instance of Anduin, and whether he is 'ours' and not another player's. So, we've captured the issue to [post=1260134]Known Bugs List: Cata 80-85[/post].

Can you tell us how you managed to lose Anduin, so we can replicate the problem the next time we get a toon through the area?


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1390140]Slite62's original post w/log[/post][/size]

No idea, I was running this afk at the time, monitoring the bot from work and swtiched in with teamwiever and noticed that my toon was just standing there.

I'll check next time I have a toon doing the questseries for access too Twilight Highlands
View attachment 119119

Navigation stuck on trip to a quest giver in Uldum.

Hi, Dutamulia, and thank you for the log.

As described in [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post], navigational issues are not problems with the profile, and should instead be reported to the [post=350949]Navigation thread[/post]. Over there, the first post describes the information they require in order to address the problem.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1392170]Dutamulia's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Quest : Bring Down the Avalanche (on to turn in trip)

I'm not sure if this is considered a bug or just a mere coincidence, but after the bot killed the NPC required to finish the quest then the bot leaves the cave, walk a little and got caught in combat by mobs that are fighting each other there. But then the bot didn't kill the saith mobs and cannot get far enough to leave combat (surrounded by cliffs), therefore stand there stuck.

View attachment avalanche.txt

edit : er... pardon, is this also considered as a navigation issue? If so just delete it. Atm I don't have the will to find the proper subforum to report.

edit2 : just encountered exact same problem on other spot :/ so yeah I think this is navigational issue.
Quest name : weapon of mass dysfunction (twilight highland opening portal quest chain)
Problem : bot keep inspecting the same vehicle over and over

uploading failed, i compressed the log with 7zip because the original file grew to almost 2mb.
edit : it says invalid file :(

edit2 : the one -Unfamiliar Waters- Problem : bot is not attacking spawned hostile NPC, the map giver got killed by the hostile NPC. I had to manually kill them.

View attachment 2144 2014-02-01 22.24.txt
Can i stop the option "deleting quests"?

The bot finished 10 Quests in Nordend (lvl 74)

Before he flies back to get the XP Points i stopped the bot to get the Monk bonus buff.

After restarted the Bot deleted all quests .. Why ... All my XP.... Why does he do this ****...
its so boring to always babysitting this profile ...
stuck with a mage 22 in ashenval, with a chaman 66 in nagrand....
what the benefit to have a bot, when you have to stuck in front of your computer, and babysit the bot ???
its so boring to always babysitting this profile ...
stuck with a mage 22 in ashenval, with a chaman 66 in nagrand....
what the benefit to have a bot, when you have to stuck in front of your computer, and babysit the bot ???

So you don't have to do the work?
So you can do other things while your sitting at your PC?

You can enable teamviewer on your PC, and download the remote connection app on your phone and fix it from there, I've managed to setup a whole new profile, after being disconnected log back in.

It's pretty flexible, but it's not that perfect where it will never NOT encounter bugs.
Not sure if this is normal or not, or even the right venue to report this to, but I'm level 72 Horde Druid and started the '[Fly][H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]' profile and all my character does is sit in Grizzly Hills @ (coords) 36/68 and farm the human mobs there. Doesn't perform or pick up any quests in the area. Just seems like a grind-bot right now.