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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

hey been having some troubles recently starting my bot and getting it to function properly, its something on my end just not sure what else to do, ive re-downlloaded the bot several times and same with your profile pack and deleted all the old ones along with the SVN and re-downloaded that. but here is my log hopefully you can help me out!- Thank you in Advance.


pretty sure i got a profile issue this time.

View attachment 118016

I am level 50. The bot wants to attack this stable with some worgs and a stable master elite. He isnt supposed to. It is for a quest where you put the really silly orge mask on, and they become your allies.

My quest log is empty, so I dont know what the quest is. Let me see if I can find out. I dont know if it is in the log.

EDIT: I got past the area by stopping and restarting the bot far away from that spot. But he still got awfully close.

Hi User0828, and many thanks for the log

The log shows you were heading to pick up the Done Nothing Wrong - Quest - World of Warcraft quest. And, you were fighting the Giant Ember Worgs on your way to the quest giver.

I find nothing untoward in your log.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1383893]User0828's original post w/log[/post][/size]
I have noticed one thing from lvling a new char i don't know if this is a BOT issue or a profile issue. But when he's questing he will go to turn in to the "Quest Giver" and have his back turned to him so he won't turn in and after a few min of inactivity logs out. But you can see my toolbar flashing rapidly trying to do something like interact with him but he's turned around.

Hi, Risien,

From your problem description, this is a problem with your Combat Routine. Such things are addressed in the [post=1259964]FAQ[/post].

Go back to Singular, and all should return to normal.

I the future, if you need assistance, please attach your full log file that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Hey Kick, I love your profiles and use them for just about everything I do. Question on the argent tournament dailies... the pauses in the chain, is that because you haven't had the time to write quest behaviors for those specific items, or are you not planning on doing it? If not would you be willing to accept "user submission" workarounds to make the profile afk-able?

Hi, Griffin224,

As stated in [post=1260136]Known Bugs List: Miscellaneous (Rep, Seasonal, etc)[/post], the Argent Tournament profiles are horribly stale. They are on our TODO list, but not high priority at the moment.

I'm having several problems with the questing profile for BC. I've had several problems with it trying to pick up quest it can't do yet or not the right person giving the quest and some times just not accepting the quest. I've did the whole clear your caches thing, a few times actually. I have been just manually getting the quest and doing them and hoping it will get straightened out but it just runs into another issue.

Here is a log from the current issue I'm having.

View attachment 118159
I'm thinking this may be a glitch with WoW maybe? Everything I've seen says the quest should be available at lvl 58 with no prerequisites but it's "grayed"out to me as you can see in the picture.

Hi, Kaotic184, and thanks for the log.

We seriously doubt this one is a WoWclient glitch. Its more likely a chain prerequisite has been skipped due to caching issues. (Although, we can find no explicitly document prerequisite on WoWhead, but this is not unusual.)

From both your problem description, and from your log, your problem really looks like a 'cache corruption' issue. Its possible you've missed, or failing to completely clear one of the four caches involved. Please try one more time to clean the caches by following the process outlined here:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]

If that brings no joy, please open a new thread in the Support forum with a fresh log. The problem is something in your Honorbuddy installation, and not the profile's.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1384651]Kaotic184's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Dunno whats wrong, Bot just don't move and does nothing.
View attachment 118213

Help? :(

Hi, BozzAldi, and thank you for the log.

By German court order, BosslandGmbH and its employees are forbidden from providing Honorbuddy's Questing and Gathering capabilities to German users. You can find more information about it here:
Ref: [post=1256821]Honorbuddy Deutsche Version - Pressemitteilung[/post]

Please do not ask any further in the BosslandGmbH forums about how to circumvent the court order for this. To do so, is a bannable offense:
[post=1351196]HelpDesk: What will get my BosslandGmbH forum account banned?[/post]

Very sorry we are unable to assist you in this matter.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1384906]BozzAldi's original post w/log[/post][/size]

I'm using the profile [N - Fly][QO] BRS Rogue [Kick], starting the profile in Burning Steppes or Searing Gorge just spamms "Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc:
" and doesnt move.
When I start the profile while in the L/U/BRS, the toon pickpockets one mob very close and it gets discovered, it kills the rest of the group. It does like this with all the gruops and after all are dead its just wandering inside the instance going in the places he was before, where all mobs are dead.

Any suggestions, ideeas ? Thank you.

Hi, A_C_M, and thank you for the log.

[11:39:27.899 D] Could not generate path from {-7524.65, -1229.13, 285.731} to {80.04137, -281.7596, 60.70169} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly

This superficially looks like it could be a navigation issue. The following article should help resolve the issue:
[post=1067322]HelpDesk: Toon is not moving[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1385844]A_C_M's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]
Description: Set the TurnIn for "Torek's Assault" after the "To the Rescue!" PickUp and before the "To the Rescue!" TurnIn because both ends in Splitertree:

Hi, MaxMuster,

The better ordering of "To The Rescue!" turnin has been incorporated into v3108. Thanks!


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1386246]MaxMuster's optimization[/post][/size]
Profile: [N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick]
Quest: Evacuation Orders - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Its better to have a NoCombatMoveTo before the Interact, bceause there Spawns a lot of NPcs who the Bot will Kill, so it takes some long Minutes to reach the Interact NPC.

Thanks, MaxMuster!

The optimization has been incorporated into v3109.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1386334]MaxMuster's profile optimization[/post][/size]
hey been having some troubles recently starting my bot and getting it to function properly, its something on my end just not sure what else to do, ive re-downlloaded the bot several times and same with your profile pack and deleted all the old ones along with the SVN and re-downloaded that. but here is my log hopefully you can help me out!- Thank you in Advance.

Hi, Rmiller127, and thanks for the logs.

[21:45:18.440 D] System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find bots directory! please make sure the path is correct.
at Styx.CommonBot.BotManager.LoadBots()
at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.AddBotsToGui()


03:38:22.178 D] Exception was thrown in BotBase.Start. Bot cannot start.
[03:38:22.178 D] System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Styx.WoWInternals.QuestLog' threw an exception. ---> System.Exception: input .lzma is too short


[21:45:22.053 D] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
at Styx.CommonBot.Inventory.WeightSetEx.get_CurrentWeightSet()

Your Honorbuddy installation is obviously damaged, and you should do a clean install. This article will help you accomplish that:
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]

If no joy, please open a new thread in the Support forum with a fresh log. Your problem is not profile-related, but something wrong with your Honorbuddy installation.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1386447]Rmiller127's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Profile: [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml
Quest: Pick up flight path in Valliance Keep
Description: Toon exits the transport, runs to the flight master, decides it hasn't yet left the transport, jumps in the water and just stands there. Has happened on every toon I have leveled so far.


Profile: [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml
Quest: Pick up flight path in Valliance Keep
Description: Toon exits the transport, runs to the flight master, decides it hasn't yet left the transport, jumps in the water and just stands there. Has happened on every toon I have leveled so far.

Hi, Slite62, and many thanks for the log.

[06:35:05.984 N] [UseTransport-v1171(info)] Waiting for the end location
[06:36:52.968 D] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 2E070834, Size: 4
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)

Once these GreyMagic errors start, Honorbuddy is no longer in full communication with the WoWclient. Exiting the transport is failing because Honorbuddy can't tell that the transport has arrived at its destination.

The only solution we know for repairing GreyMagic errors is to reboot your machine.

If you have an example where this quest fails, and there is no GreyMagic error involved, please show us that log.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1386515]Slite62's original post w/log[/post][/size]
hey, I just saw, that the bot intends to walk through an ally base while he was (probably) doing the Elemental Quest in Feralas... Even if he tried to stealth through the guards there see him and shoot him oneshot...

[07:17:10.703 D] [ProfileCompatibilityInfo-v1232(debug)] ---------- BEGIN: Profile Compatibility Info ----------
    Toon: 43.2 Undead Rogue (Male, Horde)
    Specialization: RogueAssassination
        Tier 1: Shadow Focus(3)
        Tier 2: Combat Readiness(3)
    Location: Kalimdor => Feralas => Feathermoon Stronghold => <-4448.529, 2179.643, 17.88631>
    Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K and EK [Kick] ($Rev: 3101 $)
    Combat Routine: [Rogue] Singular v3.0.0.3195

        Mining: 60/75
        Riding: 150/150
        Skinning: 75/75

    Quest Log (4 total):
        "The Mark of Quality"(http://wowhead.com/quest=25452) incomplete
            Thick Yeti Hide: 0/10 (type: CollectItem) 
        "Even More Fuel for the Zapping"(http://wowhead.com/quest=25466) incomplete
            Water Elemental Core: 9/10 (type: CollectItem) 
        "Rulers of Dire Maul"(http://wowhead.com/quest=25252) incomplete
            Gordok Enforcer slain: 0/6 (type: KillMob) 
            Gordok Ogre-Mage slain: 0/6 (type: KillMob) 
        "Still With The Zapped Giants"(http://wowhead.com/quest=25465) incomplete
            Miniaturization Residue: 0/6 (type: CollectItem)

hey, I just saw, that the bot intends to walk through an ally base while he was (probably) doing the Elemental Quest in Feralas... Even if he tried to stealth through the guards there see him and shoot him oneshot...

Hi, Alex4honor, and welcome aboard.

Thank you for the screenshot, but to provide help we need the full log that captures the issue. Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].

Hi, Slite62, and many thanks for the log.

[06:35:05.984 N] [UseTransport-v1171(info)] Waiting for the end location
[06:36:52.968 D] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 2E070834, Size: 4
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)

Once these GreyMagic errors start, Honorbuddy is no longer in full communication with the WoWclient. Exiting the transport is failing because Honorbuddy can't tell that the transport has arrived at its destination.

The only solution we know for repairing GreyMagic errors is to reboot your machine.

If you have an example where this quest fails, and there is no GreyMagic error involved, please show us that log.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1386515]Slite62's original post w/log[/post][/size]

Ok, I'll check on the next toon that gets up there.. unless someone else can supply a log of the same problem before me
Still getting this in Deepholm

[09:57:47.081 D] Could not generate full path from {549.8345, 1476.387, 320.0161} to {1089.276, 436.3907, -45.83395} (time used: 3 milliseconds)
[09:57:47.146 N] Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <1089.276, 436.3907, -45.83395>, Name:
[09:57:47.208 N] Could not find vendor: ' [0]' blacklisting!
[09:57:47.208 D] Clearing POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted
[09:57:47.275 D] Changed POI to: Type: Mail, Loc: <1089.276, 436.3907, -45.83395>, Name:
[09:57:47.341 N] Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <1089.276, 436.3907, -45.83395>, Name:

After closing HB and restarting my Toon go on.


Quest: Salhet the Tactician

my Lions just hit 29/30 of the Mobs. Sometimes they run to far away on the Area and the other Mobs despawn, and now idle there. You can see how long Singular is in idle mode.
Possible to cancle this quest if not finished in an amount of time and retry?


Quest: Salhet the Tactician

my Lions just hit 29/30 of the Mobs. Sometimes they run to far away on the Area and the other Mobs despawn, and now idle there. You can see how long Singular is in idle mode.
Possible to cancle this quest if not finished in an amount of time and retry?

I can Confirm this Problem.
But we dont need to cancel the Quest. Leave the "Vehicle" and Gossip again, solves this problem (so we get again in the "Vehicle" and you have to kill only 1 mob...then the Quest is finished).

A Timer is a good Idee..5 Minutes should be good...

Its this Behavior: 28277-Uldum-SalhetTheTactician.cs
Quest: Anered Spirits

Toon has to use an item when Mobs are 50%. Most of my Toon kill the Spirits because too much melee dmg, too much dots etc. pp.

For this kind of Quest we need a QB for just do Whitehits, or any other Control of the CR so it doesnt burst this mobs down. Same with Quests in Uldum where you have to use an Cage on little gnomes or a Rope for the Camels. Hope any Dev can do this kind of QB.


Twilight Highlands
Quest: Weapons of Mass Dysfunction

Toon just fly around between the 3 Warmachines, sometimes press one and fly on. After a time he try to turn in at Garrosh, but Quest isnt Finished.

[16:23:41.517 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestTurnIn QuestId: 26294, QuestName: Weapons of Mass Dysfunction].
[16:23:41.518 D] Goal: Turning in Quest - Weapons of Mass Dysfunction : QuestID - 26294 : To - Garrosh Hellscream : ID - 39605
[16:23:41.518 D] Changed POI to: Type: QuestTurnIn
[16:23:41.649 N] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn

Toon has just to press the first Machine, after that he has to press on the little Goblin right next to the machine to kick him.

