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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Bug Reports--DO NOT DELETE!

one of the randomly behaving bg-bot in the wait times and the score stood.
when I see a bunch of the same behavior that is all useless.
My conclusion therefore is the pvp aspect in the bot can not be used especially because so little can control profile with for example wait times and that's not all running bots simultaneously in Eots the right base or in the AV before the boss room on a put ~ wait 1 meter

sorry for my bad english
Could you put the nitty gritty stuff back into it's own tab? Diagnostic logging is basically forced for most situations, and it fills your screen with tons of stuff I have no use reading.
As already mentioned, a built in relogger would be nice.

Possibly one that detects the server reset and checks for when the servers come up, if that's even possible.
With mesh issues - it would be nice if the bots would report where they were when they had they had to use the unstuck. That way you would be able to identify spots where we commonly get stuck. It would be even more neat if there was a possible path around that spot if it could try to avoid that area.
Server issues aside...

  • I'd love to see a couple of popular plugins/apps integrated into HB - specifically LogMeOut & BuddyManager, and a relogger.
  • I know there are already many solutions around (HB community apps and generic remote access software), but I wouldn't mind paying a small subscription fee for a Bossland remote monitoring service - either via web client, or iOS & Android app.

Personally, my preference is:

  1. Stuck Handler Improvements
  2. DungeonBuddy & BGBuddy
  3. Disconnecter (i.e. LogMeOut)
  4. In-game task scheduler (i.e. BuddyManager)
  5. Remote monitoring
  6. Relogger
  7. Pet Combat Bot Base (personally I don't care about pet battles at all)

Also, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but Party Bot seems like it may need some love? I've tried using it with RaF a couple of times (even followed guides on the forums!), and I just end up just sending the RaF toons to level via Questing separately, or parking them somewhere and using Grind Bot on another character.
when you create an profile you don't know where you already have been added an hotspot.

is it passible lik in Piroxbot that you will open een map where you can see where you added your hotspot.

and when you are running an profile that you can see where are all the hotspot are.
BGBuddy needs to have 3-4 waypoint-profiles for each BG, which is randomly chosen every time you start the bot. This was something Piroxbots had, when it was still "alive", and it was working! Non-detectable.

DungeonBuddy is the lowest priority in my oppinion, because it is so hard to get working, that it will take a long time


No... Pet Battle is the lowest priority! .. No one will use it :)
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Here's some things that would be nice:

  • Better targeting system. It would be swell if the targeting system put 'Millhouse Manastorm' and 'Queen Azshara' at the bottom of the targeting list, so we kill adds around them first.
  • Better targeting system. It would also be nice if the targeting system prioritized healers over the rest. I don't care if it's a hack and doesn't work for PVP, as long as it notices 'Medics' and 'Healers' and the like, and put them at the top, that'd be swell.
  • Better targeting system. It would be great if the targeting system ignored 'popcorn mobs', ie, mobs too low level that are just a distraction, such as some small spiders in dungeons, and 'venomous snake' in PVP.
  • Better targeting - Automatically detect when your healer is under attack, and target that mob.
  • 'Fire' detection. The number one reason you can't go AFK in dungeons, is because the total lack of 'standing in the fire' detection. It would be nice if it noticed you were standing in 'Mannoroth's Fel Flames', for instance, and raised an event that the custom class had to handle, that involved getting out of the fire. There is no debuff aura applied on you for that, but it's fire nonetheless.
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BGBuddy - I joined a BG for the first time with the bot the entire alli side where also bots and there where 2 actual players on horde. These 2 players new exactly what base's to take and then to take the flag but not to cap it so the bots would stay at MT and not move. After awhile of this all bots got kicked for inactive in BG and also these 2 players where telling any real players to report them. (This was in Eye of the Storm).

Build in relog - I would like to see a build in reloger like Glider had before they got shut down, All you had to do was put the different account and password's in and choose the one you wanted at the start of each session.
I wish for a new feature, with which you can measure the distance of the road, not just the straight line.
I hate it when the bot calculates the route to a nearby occurrences, but the way to more distant occurrences will pass and dull passes without collect them.
1. BGbuddy.
The success of the bot is causing an obvious problem. Stop the "moving to biggest friendly group". It means all bots end up hugging eachother. Simple thing to do that will fix almost the entire problem. More random routes. Its not a problem for the bot to be alone, personally I only BG grind for honor gear so i love being 1 shot by 5 people. Less time for them to see my bot-ness.

2. Dungeonbuddy.
Pathing is pretty awful in a lot of instances, it cant be trusted to do much atm.

Those would be my 2 things. Thanks for getting the bot stable again. And keep it working guys.
I've often wondered while questing just how far into the profile the bot is or where a problem in the profile is. Would it be possible somewhere even in the developer tools section to put which line of the profile the bot is working on?
A request for custom class writers: A property that tells us what folder inside of 'Routines' our custom class is being executed from, so we can set the data paths without guesswork.
Personally, I would like to see the ability to use repair mounts instead of having to run all the way back...I think that would be a very great addition.
I can make a macro that uses the sea turtle while I'm swimming. Would be awesome if the bot had an option to use the sea turtle while in water if its going to mount. :D
I agree with most of what people are suggesting (also FlyPaths need sorting !)

I would like to suggest these UI mods to the main console:
Display current profile
Display "On line X of X in current profile"

sometime nodes under water , and hb blacklist it , please let us have option to blacklist or dismount and herb plz .
I think in general, what should be worked on is Guides on how to setup Honor buddy, and how to run/edit scripts.
Could even add youtube Guides.

I hear these ideas for Integrated in-game chat windows. I slightly think this is a bad idea, * might get detected/banned*
would be nice to have an actual website chat system, so users can Get Quick help, and this would be nice to reduce spam and duplicated topic/threads. ----- assuming this chat system can not be created in a very long time, for now it would be nice have more Sticky's/guides and different sections for specific things such as dungeonbuddy/support/scripts/rotation updates/plugins.. ect

Next i would like to see some new/more plugins for auto disenchanting/fishing/prospecting
Might be a few profession leveling scripts that already kind of do that, but I think an easy access plugin would be nice.
at least a simple default script.

Dungeonbuddy = this is pretty fun and awesome to use.
I would like to see Party support , so i can install a fresh copy of HB , switch to dungeonbuddy
invite people in game, and click start, and actually have the Bot Que me, and not have to do it manually.

I noticed my character goes to walk up a cliff/hill/ramp or try's to walk between 2 wood fences and turns right away and bot and wow delays cause the character to actually get stuck on the side of the fence in between 2 wood fences trying to walk left lol.
--- might just be scripts that need better coordinates to the bot walks further and then try's to turn left/right.

Honorbuddy 2.5.6519.513 - would like to see some updated default scripts for better rotations in general.
better lower level dungeon scripts, to not walk on the side of cliffs, and being able to jump across things like the river cliff in W/c

Battle_Grounds is like a Must.
we need that very badly.

MOP and Questing in general will never be 100% afk proof, b/c blizzard will always be updateing things.
so i recommend this as the lowest priority. ( bonus reason) of me saying this is b/c it would be nice if people payed attention to certain Quest fights and dungeons between lvls 80-90 , there might be a lot of new kids who buy honorbuddy ... bot 1 to 90.. and then wipe raids... so this would help give a chance for players to learn how to play and be ready for raids.
( I mean this in the best/nice-est way possible )

just 1 last thought.
A cpu limiter - make the bot only use so much cpu usage, so that your game client doesn't lag out.
Haven't seen / heard of any issues. just some interesting thought.

Thanks for reading, I know this information might be slightly spamming or not helpful, but this is my way of trying to help the community of the website.
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