and edit file Setting.xml.
hey bl4ck, is this a reply to my post mate?
is there a way to say have my bot farm for 7 hrs then log off for 5 hrs then log back in and farm for another 7 or so?
Quote Originally Posted by ThePassenger View Post
im running honorbuddy with hbrelog on a slower machine now.
very often, hbrelog closes honorbuddy cause "it took too long to attach".
is there any way to increase the time to do that?
Quote Originally Posted by peanutbird View Post
I am seeing the same issue with r136 and the latest hb beta, but I don't think it is related to the speed of the computer it is running on.
HBRelog does not seem to realize that HB is already attached and running in WoW, so it kills it after a few seconds of runtime and reopens it. Then HB attaches successfully, starts doing its job just fine but HBRelog kills and reopens again. Over and over again.
any solution yet?
HBRelog opens WoW, no problem.
HBRelog opens Honorbuddy, Honorbuddy loads up fine, but for some reason HBRelog claims that it is "not responding, restarting HonorBuddy", in a broken loop.
No clue about this, have never seen this issue before until last night. I am able to reproduce it on multiple toons.
I've included a log file from HBRelog, and two log file examples from the HonorBuddy logs. If there is anything else that I can do for you, let me know.
Err: Custom ActiongotoPoint = ProfileManager.CurrentProfile.HotspotManager.Hotspots.OrderBy(hs => hs.Distance(Me.Location)).FirstOrDefault()
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CodeDriver.Code1218508091(Object context)
at HighVoltz.Composites.CustomAction.Run(Object context) in d:\nynasser\Bots\Professionsbuddy\Composites\CustomAction.cs:line 70
Automatic WoW error window closing has been fixed. Fix is on SVN and in attached zip on 1st post.