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I am seeing the same issue with r136 and the latest hb beta, but I don't think it is related to the speed of the computer it is running on.

HBRelog does not seem to realize that HB is already attached and running in WoW, so it kills it after a few seconds of runtime and reopens it. Then HB attaches successfully, starts doing its job just fine but HBRelog kills and reopens again. Over and over again.

and dont forget this problem please :)
Dose this program work, so when my bot gets DCed or wow/bot crashes it will start it up again ?
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first check your HBRELOG account settings:
is everything set right?
- battle.net account?
- wow account name?
- password?

then HBRELOG bot settings:
- honorbuddy key ok?
- botbase chosen?
- HB profile path + HB exe path?

you have the newst version of wow and the newest beta of honorbuddy installed?

microsoft framework 4.0 or higher installed/updated?

yes to all....
I had exactly the same problem ramtingaming, just do a SVN Update on HBRelog folder and it's fixed. At least it got fixed for me.
how can i configure HBRelog that the bot runs 5 hours and the he makes a break of 60min?
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Make a "Logon" with the char and profile you want, then add a "wait" of 300 mins, and then add a "Iddle" of 60 mins. It will repeat that cycle till you stop it.
When it changed profiles by closing and opening HB its like this:

[05/28/2013 13:06:15] ah: WoW and HB startup sequence complete
[05/28/2013 13:06:15] ah: Waiting for 35 minutes before executing next task
[05/28/2013 13:06:15] "myacc": WoW and HB startup sequence complete
[05/28/2013 13:06:16] "myacc": Waiting for 56 minutes before executing next task
[05/28/2013 13:06:35] ah: Honorbuddy is not responding.. So lets restart it
[05/28/2013 13:06:35] ah: Attempting to close Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:06:50] ah: Killing Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:06:51] ah: Successfully closed Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:06:52] ah: starting F:\wowadd\3ah\Honorbuddy.exe
[05/28/2013 13:07:01] ah: WoW and HB startup sequence complete
[05/28/2013 13:07:01] ah: Honorbuddy is not responding.. So lets restart it
[05/28/2013 13:07:01] ah: Attempting to close Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:07:16] ah: Killing Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:07:17] ah: Successfully closed Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:07:18] ah: starting F:\wowadd\3ah\Honorbuddy.exe
[05/28/2013 13:07:27] ah: WoW and HB startup sequence complete
[05/28/2013 13:07:39] ah: Honorbuddy is not responding.. So lets restart it
[05/28/2013 13:07:39] ah: Attempting to close Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:07:47] ah: Successfully closed Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:07:48] ah: starting F:\wowadd\3ah\Honorbuddy.exe
[05/28/2013 13:08:00] ah: WoW and HB startup sequence complete
[05/28/2013 13:41:16] ah: Wait complete
[05/28/2013 13:41:17] ah: Loading profile: ah and F:\wowadd\3ah\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\AHBuddy.xml
[05/28/2013 13:41:17] ah: Attempting to close Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:41:18] ah: Waiting for 35 minutes before executing next task
[05/28/2013 13:41:19] ah: Successfully closed Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:41:20] ah: starting F:\wowadd\3ah\Honorbuddy.exe
[05/28/2013 13:41:33] ah: WoW and HB startup sequence complete
[05/28/2013 13:41:33] ah: Honorbuddy is not responding.. So lets restart it
[05/28/2013 13:41:33] ah: Attempting to close Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:41:48] ah: Killing Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:41:49] ah: Successfully closed Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:41:50] ah: starting F:\wowadd\3ah\Honorbuddy.exe
[05/28/2013 13:41:59] ah: WoW and HB startup sequence complete
[05/28/2013 13:42:00] ah: Honorbuddy is not responding.. So lets restart it
[05/28/2013 13:42:00] ah: Attempting to close Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:42:15] ah: Killing Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:42:16] ah: Successfully closed Honorbuddy
[05/28/2013 13:42:17] ah: starting F:\wowadd\3ah\Honorbuddy.exe
[05/28/2013 13:42:27] ah: WoW and HB startup sequence complete
[05/28/2013 13:42:39] ah: Honorbuddy is not responding.. So lets restart it

and its not true cause HB is responding very well
GlueStatus: Disconnected

Hey there! :)

Since 5.3 (after updating both, HBR+HB itself) i encounter this strange error:
[05/28/2013 18:22:14] HBRelog Version
[05/28/2013 18:22:24] ahbot: ********* Tasks ***********
[05/28/2013 18:22:24] ahbot: Wait: 25 minutes
[05/28/2013 18:22:24] ahbot: Stop profile: AhBuddy
[05/28/2013 18:22:24] ahbot: ********* End of Task list ***********
[05/28/2013 18:22:24] ahbot: starting C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
[05/28/2013 18:22:51] ahbot: Installing Endscene hook
[05/28/2013 18:22:52] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:22:52] ahbot: Setting Window location to X:730, Y:31 and Size to Width 328, Height:207
[05/28/2013 18:22:52] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:22:53] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:22:54] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:22:55] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:22:56] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:22:57] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:22:58] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:22:59] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:00] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:01] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:02] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:03] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:04] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:05] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:06] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:07] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:08] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:09] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:10] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:11] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:12] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:13] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:14] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:15] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:16] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:17] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:18] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:19] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:20] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:21] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:22] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:23] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:24] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:25] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:26] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:27] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:28] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:29] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:30] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:31] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:32] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:33] ahbot: Failed to login wow, lets restart
[05/28/2013 18:23:33] ahbot: starting C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
[05/28/2013 18:23:33] System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowManager.Pulse()
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.TaskManager.Pulse()
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.HbRelogManager.DoWork()
[05/28/2013 18:23:42] ahbot: Installing Endscene hook
[05/28/2013 18:23:43] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:43] ahbot: Setting Window location to X:730, Y:31 and Size to Width 328, Height:207
[05/28/2013 18:23:43] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:44] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:45] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:46] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:47] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:48] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:49] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:50] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:51] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:52] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:53] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:54] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:55] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:56] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:57] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:58] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:23:59] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:00] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:01] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:02] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:03] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:04] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:05] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:06] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:07] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:08] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:09] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:10] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:11] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:12] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:13] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:14] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:15] ahbot: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[05/28/2013 18:24:15] ahbot: Attempting to close Wow
[05/28/2013 18:24:16] ahbot: Successfully closed Wow

I dont know whats the exact matter, but maybe someone can help me?

And Arm:
[05/28/2013 13:42:39] ah: Honorbuddy is not responding.. So lets restart it
I had this error once. I removed the tick at "Check HB Responsivness" ... maybe that will help you?

[00:56:38] : Waiting on external application to start WoW
[00:56:39] : Waiting on external application to start WoW
[00:56:40] : Waiting on external application to start WoW
[00:56:41] : Waiting on external application to start WoW
[00:56:42] : Waiting on external application to start WoW
I have a somewhat slow PC which means that when it tries to open up HB, it terminates it again if it didnt start within ~30 seconds. Is there any chance you could make a timer on when HBRelog should restart HB if it didn't start already? So I could increase it to a minute or so.

Thanks for the great work!
I have a little question...
Where can i get the original name of a bot or an CR?
I need the name of the CRs or Bots, which HB knows if i start it over the command line.
Is there a file, where i can find the bots name oder CRs name?

Normally i am using Fpsware CR for my Druid, but how i have to write in CR field, that HB knows what i mean. I get always an error, that he cant find my CR.
Atm i only have the FPSware CR in my CR folder and let the field in HBRelog empty.

I hope you understand what i mean ;)

Ich suche die richtigen namen der CRs und Bots, da ich nie ganz genau wei? was ich in die Felder eintragen soll, ohne das mir HB n Error ausspuckt, weil er es nicht erkennt.
Z.B. w?rde ich gerne wissen, wie ich bei meinem Fpsware CR den namen schreiben muss, damit HB es erkennt.

Danke f?r eure hilfe ;)
sure its just me being an idiot, but how do you actually start the relogger up? cant find a .exe anywhere!
is there a way to say have my bot farm for 7 hrs then log off for 5 hrs then log back in and farm for another 7 or so?
im running honorbuddy with hbrelog on a slower machine now.
very often, hbrelog closes honorbuddy cause "it took too long to attach".

is there any way to increase the time to do that?

I am seeing the same issue with r136 and the latest hb beta, but I don't think it is related to the speed of the computer it is running on.

HBRelog does not seem to realize that HB is already attached and running in WoW, so it kills it after a few seconds of runtime and reopens it. Then HB attaches successfully, starts doing its job just fine but HBRelog kills and reopens again. Over and over again.

any solution yet?
A small request.

When you click add button, it basically creates a copy of the selected profile and it copies all information EXCEPT the TASKS.
Is there any chance you can make it to copy tasks also?
Its really annoying to have to recreate the same tasks over and over again, specially when you have a lot of tasks.
It would make things way easier.

any chance that you add a "execute external program" to the tasks pane?

concept would be:

>start profile "foobar.xml"
>wait 120
>stop profile
>run external program > curl fetch another version of foobar.xml (random profile)
>idle 15 mins

right now i did it with a external programm to renew the file, it would be great if HBR Could do call the script
How do I use Hbrelog API outside PB? I have quest order farming profiles - I would love custom behaviour for skipping task, but I would be good even with plugin - unfortunately my atemps failed: "error CS0103: The name 'HBRelog' does not exist in the current context" - so, how can I attach hbrelog api to plugin? - my idea is to make brand new plugin with purpose would be only to skip current task (there is custom behaviour to enable plugin - so that would be perfect) or to implement it with location distance checks - that would work for me too.