Same issue here, guys.
I create my profile
set all valid and correct information, like username and password
then i start HBRelog and it starts WoW but dont fill password...
still empty that dammed pass tab.
Could u help me? Here, my log:
Starting C:\Users\Public\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
Waiting for Wow to start
Wow is ready to login.
Setting Window location to X:1658, Y:1 and Size to Width 43, Height:27
Sending letters to AccountLoginPasswordEdit
Failed to login wow, lets restart
Warning: Possible corrupt \WTF\ file at line #:16.\n\tReason: Number of elements does not equal 3
I create my profile
set all valid and correct information, like username and password
then i start HBRelog and it starts WoW but dont fill password...
still empty that dammed pass tab.
Could u help me? Here, my log:
Starting C:\Users\Public\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
Waiting for Wow to start
Wow is ready to login.
Setting Window location to X:1658, Y:1 and Size to Width 43, Height:27
Sending letters to AccountLoginPasswordEdit
Failed to login wow, lets restart
Warning: Possible corrupt \WTF\ file at line #:16.\n\tReason: Number of elements does not equal 3