When pool fishing, you do not need to equip a pole anymore, so a line of code change, and bot will not equip pole while poolfishing, but will if not.
in the EquipPoleAction.cs Composite change the RunStatus from:
protected override RunStatus Run(object context)
if (_me.Inventory.Equipped.MainHand == null ||
_me.Inventory.Equipped.MainHand.ItemInfo.WeaponClass != WoWItemWeaponClass.FishingPole)
if (EquipPole())
return RunStatus.Success;
return RunStatus.Failure;
protected override RunStatus Run(object context)
if ((_me.Inventory.Equipped.MainHand == null ||
_me.Inventory.Equipped.MainHand.ItemInfo.WeaponClass != WoWItemWeaponClass.FishingPole) &&
if (EquipPole())
return RunStatus.Success;
return RunStatus.Failure;
the only change is the if statement from:
if (_me.Inventory.Equipped.MainHand == null ||
_me.Inventory.Equipped.MainHand.ItemInfo.WeaponClass != WoWItemWeaponClass.FishingPole)
if ((_me.Inventory.Equipped.MainHand == null ||
_me.Inventory.Equipped.MainHand.ItemInfo.WeaponClass != WoWItemWeaponClass.FishingPole) &&
instead of checking if "I have no weapon" or "the weapon is not a fishing pole" then equip a pole we check if "I have no weapon" or "the weapon is not a fishing pole" AND I am not poolfishing then equip a pole