Sorry if this was answered already but I'm getting this in the Log window when I try to run AutoAngler2:
AutoAngler[2.98]: Equipping weapons
AutoAngler[2.98]: In 0 days, 0 hours and 0 minutes we have caught
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.Stop()
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileManager.get_CurrentProfile()
at Styx.CommonBot.AreaManagement.AreaManager.get_CurrentGrindArea()
at Styx.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse()
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse()
at Styx.Pulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
Any ideas?
<HBProfile creator="Gentle" version="0.1">
<Name>Rivers Krasarang Wilds</Name>
<!-- <GrindArea> -->
<Hotspot X="-1195.915" Y="1538.806" Z="33.01025" />
<Hotspot X="-1227.104" Y="1536.571" Z="28.89366" />
<Hotspot X="-1218.347" Y="1459.243" Z="34.89421" />
<Hotspot X="-1271.343" Y="1461.315" Z="26.32941" />
<Hotspot X="-1317.401" Y="1476.648" Z="25.40845" />
<Hotspot X="-1363.39" Y="1483.437" Z="20.3671" />
<Hotspot X="-1406.973" Y="1453.552" Z="28.42414" />
<Hotspot X="-1423.3" Y="1410.511" Z="27.71132" />
<Hotspot X="-1474.426" Y="1397.206" Z="27.31826" />
<Hotspot X="-1554.203" Y="1426.515" Z="25.57394" />
<Hotspot X="-1619.538" Y="1474.112" Z="28.66359" />
<Hotspot X="-1681.129" Y="1459.679" Z="28.35821" />
<Hotspot X="-1748.057" Y="1412.695" Z="29.63318" />
<Hotspot X="-1834.008" Y="1420.346" Z="29.50818" />
<Hotspot X="-1881.268" Y="1401.291" Z="29.53713" />
<Hotspot X="-1963.013" Y="1333.404" Z="15.18552" />
<Hotspot X="-2036.956" Y="1280.768" Z="12.7324" />
<Hotspot X="-2059.198" Y="1236.504" Z="12.16711" />
<Hotspot X="-2113.39" Y="1180.375" Z="8.247967" />
<Hotspot X="-2142.668" Y="1154.601" Z="10.48378" />
<Hotspot X="-2054.745" Y="949.238" Z="13.98177" />
<Hotspot X="-2089.333" Y="850.0106" Z="13.82178" />
<Hotspot X="-2050.884" Y="768.71" Z="16.57732" />
<Hotspot X="-1902.604" Y="776.791" Z="12.32319" />
<Hotspot X="-1854.015" Y="729.2688" Z="12.57049" />
<Hotspot X="-1786.182" Y="689.5096" Z="11.71809" />
<Hotspot X="-1732.491" Y="651.1087" Z="10.38914" />
<Hotspot X="-1607.648" Y="850.1932" Z="40.60886" />
<Hotspot X="-1483.541" Y="947.5713" Z="33.63829" />
<Hotspot X="-1384.984" Y="920.8907" Z="32.62646" />
<Hotspot X="-1277.994" Y="971.4466" Z="31.27917" />
<Hotspot X="-1255.791" Y="1135.818" Z="25.70827" />
<Hotspot X="-1214.019" Y="1183.142" Z="34.65207" />
<Hotspot X="-1146.296" Y="1252.666" Z="32.20825" />
<Hotspot X="-1082.649" Y="1331.525" Z="32.13312" />
<Hotspot X="-1053.886" Y="1401.353" Z="31.5301" />
<Hotspot X="-1133.769" Y="1480.338" Z="35.92376" />