Have you seen the quest turn-in issue occur at different quest-givers and do you have a log of this occurring?
Any thing i can do as a healer to stay with the tank when hes off chain pulling, as gettin in combat seems to stop all following/movement;
My dungeonbuddy just stopped working all the sudden, it happened before a simply restart was enough to fix the issue but now I can't get it to work anymore.
Any thing i can do as a healer to stay with the tank when hes off chain pulling, as gettin in combat seems to stop all following/movement;
This is a combat routine issue.
A lot of healer routines seems to be having this problem which is why I'm planning to add an option to have Dungeonbuddy handle moving within range of kill/heal targets.
There's already an option in the gui for this called 'Combat Movement' (as ShortRound has noticed) but there's no logic in place yet.
Just a simple questio, can I run normal Throne of Thunder with this? And keeping an eye 100% of the time? Like, can I say I know the boss battles? lol
I've run it on a couple of the LFR ToT raids, it does some stupid things (ie pull trash, some goofy targeting, weird positioning). As long as you aren't a Tank or Healer and stop it when you need to navigate and manually around trash you'll be fine.
It is smart on some stuff - for instance it will run out of the raid on Magera with cinders. On that note be warned, if you have a class that can remove cinders turn it off on that fight, or else you will cleanse it and before its time and piss alot of people off...
No one will notice you're goofy behavior in LFR as long as you don't continually aggro stuff you shouldn't and die over and over.
Thanks! Then I should run only LFR, it will make me get kicked out of a group on a normal ToT 10 ...