[08:18:08.974 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: True] hasDeserter: False, hasDungeonCooldown: False, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:18:20.786 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Accepting LFG propsosal in 2 seconds.
[08:18:22.839 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Accepting queue
[08:18:23.391 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Proposal Succeeded
[08:18:23.947 N] Not in game
[08:18:34.141 D] Downloaded tilemap WarWharfSmackdown
[08:18:34.275 D] Changed map(s) to WarWharfSmackdown
[08:18:34.574 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: 5 members joined the group. Total number of group members: 5
[08:18:38.404 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Entered Железные доки Heroic dungeon and using default script
[08:18:42.959 N] [DungeonBuddy]: No profile found for dungeonId: 857
[08:18:42.959 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Building dungeon composite list
[08:18:43.008 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Added 15 encounter, 0 object, 0 location and 0 scenario stage behaviors for Железные доки Heroic. 15 behaviors total
[08:18:43.092 D] Activity: In instance
[08:18:43.255 D] Loading WarWharfSmackdown_33_19
[08:19:37.535 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Accepting ready check.
[08:19:40.983 D] Moving to <6755.131, -565.8965, 5.116397>
[08:19:40.993 D] Activity: Following Leader
[08:19:43.403 D] Moving to <6778.885, -575.9005, 5.178426>
[08:19:43.499 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Гром'карский пехотинец
[08:19:43.499 D] Activity: In instance
[08:20:13.650 V] Blacklisting 1C2FD495604F60C0005FAB0003210E5A for 00:03:00 [Type: Pull] - Reason: Took too long to pull
[08:20:16.589 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Current POI is not the best target. Changing.
[08:20:16.589 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Гром'карский военачальник
[08:20:23.997 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Current POI is not the best target. Changing.
[08:20:23.997 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Гром'карский остроглаз
[08:20:28.359 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Current POI is not the best target. Changing.
[08:20:28.359 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Гром'карский военачальник
[08:20:38.808 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Current POI is not the best target. Changing.
[08:20:38.808 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Гром'карский остроглаз
[08:20:41.280 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Current POI is not the best target. Changing.
[08:20:41.280 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Гром'карский пехотинец
[08:20:52.553 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Current POI is not the best target. Changing.
[08:20:52.553 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Гром'карский пехотинец
[08:20:57.850 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Current POI is not the best target. Changing.
[08:20:57.851 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Гром'карский поджигатель
[08:20:59.459 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Current POI is not the best target. Changing.
[08:20:59.459 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Гром'карский остроглаз
[08:21:06.919 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: Current POI is not the best target. Changing.
[08:21:06.919 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Гром'карский поджигатель
[08:21:14.979 D] Clearing POI - Reason No targets in list (pull)
[08:21:15.045 D] Moving to <6791.614, -581.9691, 5.02426>
[08:21:15.046 D] Activity: Following Leader
[08:21:15.234 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Гром'карский пехотинец
[08:21:15.239 D] Activity: In instance
[08:21:16.063 D] Moving to Гром'карский пехотинец
[08:21:17.842 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Stopped moving. Reason: looting
[08:21:17.911 D] Interacting with Гром'карский пехотинец (Unit Id: 81283)
[08:21:18.966 V] Blacklisting 1C2FD495604F60C0005FAB0001A10E59 for 00:25:00 [Type: Loot] - Reason: Гром'карский пехотинец is not lootable
[08:21:18.966 D] Clearing POI - Reason Loot blacklisted
[08:21:19.048 D] 19:048 Trying to cast Frost Presence (48266) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason FrostPresence RP: 0 (B:0 D:2 F:2 U:2)
[08:21:19.115 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 112
[08:21:19.256 N] 19:256 HP: 100% RP: 0 (B:0 D:2 F:2 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 100% hp Власть льда (48266)
[08:21:29.822 D] 29:822 Trying to cast Horn of Winter (57330) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason HornofWinterWoD1 RP: 0 (B:0 D:2 F:2 U:2)
[08:21:29.864 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Left dungeon: Железные доки Heroic
[08:21:29.985 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: I am no-longer in a group
[08:21:30.126 N] 30:126 HP: 100% RP: 0 (B:0 D:2 F:2 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 100% hp Зимний горн (57330)
[08:21:31.051 N] Not in game
[08:21:37.170 D] Changed map(s) to FWHordeGarrisonLeve2new, Draenor
[08:21:43.597 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:21:43.598 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:21:43.598 D] Activity: Waiting for dungeon cooldown to expire
[08:21:58.619 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:21:58.619 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:22:13.690 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:22:13.690 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:22:28.783 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:22:28.783 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:22:43.826 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:22:43.826 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:22:58.828 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:22:58.828 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:23:13.885 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:23:13.885 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:23:28.946 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:23:28.946 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:23:44.021 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:23:44.021 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:23:59.124 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:23:59.124 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:24:14.170 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:24:14.170 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:24:29.173 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:24:29.173 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:24:44.248 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:24:44.248 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:24:59.252 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:24:59.252 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True
[08:25:14.274 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [ShouldRequeue: True] queue: True, PartyMode Off And Not InParty: True, PartyMode Leader And Everyone IsAlive: False, Do VendorRun: False, Cant Do Vendor Run: False, IsTank: False, Can Queue As Tank: False
[08:25:14.274 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: False] hasDeserter: True, hasDungeonCooldown: True, hasQueuePermissions: True