The mechanics of this may be tricky. Since people are unpredictable:
- Go off to sell/mail/repair after some dungeons,
- Go craft for a bit
- Sit in chat on a 'break' or go for coffee
The bot would have a difficult time determining if the delay was temporary, or a more permanent situation of friends that like to be grouped no matter what they're doing. Humans take care of this by conversation—the intents of which a bot could not possibly comprehend. It is also possible to get yourself identified as a 'bot' when you refuse to break group, and are not chatting with the other players.
In short, determining when to 'break group' is not a simple calculation to make. Nevertheless, we've opened feature request HB-1056 (
"Don't break group, if the group requeues for dungeons") to see if some improvements might be possible.
What did you have in mind for the group-breaking heuristics?
[UPDATE 27-Aug-2014 by
chinajade]: Just a follow-up...
Highvoltz gave the idea due consideration, but declined the feature request with the following response:
"I don't like the idea, here's why.
- No control of what is queued for unless leader.
- Only beneficial to DPS role and possibly a disadvantage to Healer/Tank roles because queuing solo potentially has more matchmaking results, unless whole group agrees to queue up which doesn't happen often in my experience.
- This might actually be the most important reason. The more time players spend together, the less of a stranger they become to each other, the more likely they'll try to socialize. Any attempts to socialize with the bot increases the risk of being discovered a bot. Maybe I'm just being paranoid here.
Because of these reasons I don't feel this would be a good addition to Dungeonbuddy so I'm going to decline this"