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I am having major issues with HB getting stuck on mesh Downloads when using Dungeonbuddy.

Basically it never comes to the point where Dungeonbuddy actually qeues, see logfile attached.

This is normal when the bot didnt download the meshes before. Just leave it running.

I suggest u define a FIXED folder for meshes, which inst in your HB installation, so they dont get downloaded each time u do a clean install.

For example u have your HB in:
C:\Users\***\Downloads\HB De

Make a new folder called MESH in
and change the path in HB settings, so it points to the new folder. (u have to change this path in settings every time u make a clean install, but it wont download meshes again which didn't change)

(current total size of the Mesh folder on my comp is 713 Mb)

I hope i was clear enough...
Thanks Kmica.

I had already created a dedicated Mesh folder and set it up correctly in HB.

My Problem is the fact that the bot starts downloading meshes but then (after around 21MB) just stops and I can also not stop HB anymore. It just hangs and I have to shut it down via the Task Manager.
When I use Tyrael everything works fine.
I think I found the problem.
My bags were pretty full and it seems Dungeonbuddy could not handle this.
Emptied my bags and now it seems to work normally.
Appreciate your help Kmica!

Hi, Testerplutod, and many thanks for the log.

Kmica is spot on—this is not a DungeonBuddy issue. Tile downloading is handled by HBcore, and the bots don't run during this time. When you get all the needed tiles, DungeonBuddy should start running smoothly. Just let Honorbuddy "do its thing".

Tyreal works fine, because its a bot that doesn't do movement (thus no need for Honorbuddy's navigation facilities). Any bot or plugin that performs movement will need the tiles that are downloading.

Great analysis on the 'full bags' situation! We were wondering why you needed so many tile loaded. Apparently, the dungeon you are in is quite a distance away from the nearest vendor.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1547329]Testerplutod's original post w/log[/post][/size]
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After latest update to honorbuddy ive been starting to get this message when doing LFR

I dont know why i get it, i queue as healer.

View attachment 132215

Hi, Granis,

Thanks for trying to attach the log, but for some reason it is invalid. If the problem happens to you again, please try to attach a fresh log so we can see what's going wrong.

I have been having and issue with dungeonbuddy recently, the last three revisions, that once I run dungeonbuddy all it does is sit there. I've had it sit there long enough that the combat routine will buff the character but that's all it does. All other bot bases work just fine, but not dungeon buddy. Any help would be greatly appricated. Log attached.

Hi, Medivh,

Very sorry, but I missed your post. Honorbuddy has up-revved several times since you made the post. Are you working now?


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1542068]Medivh's original post w/log[/post][/size]
I just started using this and I have 2 questions so far.

1. Im farming SM, trying to level enchanting and getting mats. I have it in farm mode and after each run it just stops at the exit. I have to stop it and turn it back on again for it to do another run each time. Is this normal? Is there anyway I can make it more than 1?

2. Is there anyway to have it clear everything? It kills about 30% of the guys and would make more money and mats if it cleared all.

Heres my log just in case.

View attachment 28280 2014-06-10 07.44.txt
Hi, all,

Just a reminder...

To investigate issues, we need to see the log that captured the problem, in order to analyze it.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

We do not write up bug reports without logs... so no log of the problem → no opportunity to write up a bug report. In some cases, I have a log hanging around of an issue and can supply it. But this doesn't happen often.


Hi there, In the Shado-Pan Monastery dungeon, both regular and heroic, the bot is not killing the Gripping Hatred spawns on the last boss. the bot appears to be targeting the mob but will not attack because it wants to avoid the Pool of Shadows AOE that surrounds the mob. this is a problem because for much of the boss fight the bot is sitting on its butt just outside the Pool of Shadows AOE targeting the Gripping Hatred doing nothing instead of killing either the mob or the boss. In a 5 man bot run only the tank keeps on the boss.

Now sometimes the spawn of the mobs is far enough away that the bot keeps on the boss for a while, and for some reason the bot will actually kill some of the mobs sometimes (perhaps because of aoe damage from the tank?) not sure why but it is normally a 1 in 4 type of thing. I know that Dungeonbuddy use to kill the Gripping Hatred as soon as they spawned before the last two updates to Honorbuddy but I don't know what might have changed in the script or if it is a hardwired HB thing.

Perhaps if I had a ranged on my 5 man dungeon team it wouldn't be as much of a problem but I normally run all DK'S/Pallys...but both of these classes have attacks that out distance the AOE zone of the Pool of Shadows so no idea what is going on or why they are not attacking. If the bot can just be told to ignore the Pool of Shadows for melee classes that would be great as a melee class is going to have to stand in the fire to kill the Gripping Hatred quickly anyway so no need to avoid it.

Anyhow, I have attached logs as requested. These are from one of my 5 man dungeon run set only to do Shado-Pan Monastery in normal mode so the boss will go down faster than in the heroic mode that I normally run so the ratio of wins to wipes changes a little...still not killing the Gripping Hatred though. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

View attachment 1.zip
Dungeonbuddy has again big problems claering the 4 mob groups in Temple of the Jade Serpent, in the room where Liu Flameheart should appear. Not happening everytime, but it happens, so afk'ing fails because of the issue. Happened on both release and beta.
This happens every single time for me..it's usually the same corner that it always skips. meanwhile your team will just stand in the middle forever untill you help it along or just stop it.

Any way to make it check the 4 corners to make sure they are clear? if boss not spawned then check corners?
This happens every single time for me..it's usually the same corner that it always skips. meanwhile your team will just stand in the middle forever untill you help it along or just stop it.

Any way to make it check the 4 corners to make sure they are clear? if boss not spawned then check corners?

Maybe try a fresh install or maybe it's a routine problem because my 5 man team runs Jade Temple on normal and heroic without any problems :)
So um, I keep randomly leaving after Omar in Hellfire Ramparts

For some reason Blizzard considers Omar the final boss as you get an achievement for him even though the vast majority of players are killing Vazruden as a last boss. Just enable optional bosses in DungeonBuddy and you should be okay.
Could the dungeonbuddy team please queue up for SoO LFR and sit there and watch their bot for an hour or two ?????
Do all 4 wings, see if you happy with the outcome, if you are, i'll never touch dungeonbuddy again.

You've created bgbuddy v2, there now are big bot trains, stopping, walking, stopping walking, looking so obvious i wanna fucking cry... 6 bots in my last downfall lfr, walking up to garrosh after every wipe sure was a treat for the eyes....you'll be lucky not to get player reports when its looking like that...
I told you to fix this a month ago but apparently "to much work"... (See hysterisis or w/e you called it china, feature request i did.)

Give it a month more and we'll see mass bans á la bgbuddy, mark my words...

Dungeonbuddy is not safe atm, if you care about your account, dont use it. Simple as that. (Using b741)
And no, i still wont supply logs when its unneeded to fill some silly dev fetish, either you care or you dont...
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Does anyone elses dungeonbuddy keep leaving LFR randomly after a wipe?
Im using it to try and get valour and its frustrating when it walks out the raid on the last boss for no reason
Seems to of started doing this in the last few weeks and its not my software as ive just replaced my pc this week
Maybe try a fresh install or maybe it's a routine problem because my 5 man team runs Jade Temple on normal and heroic without any problems :)
fresh install in 5 different folders and only use singular. as you saw from the other guy I quoted im not the only other... Granted some times it clears it fine then others it will just sit in the middle
Hello! I just bought the bot yesterday. Wow, such an amazing bot. Never tought this would be possible. Anyways: My dungeon bot seems to have a problem. Whenever i try to load a Dungeon i get this message:

You have not selected a Dungeon/Scenario/Raid type.XML Error: Unknown tag "DungeonId" (Input: "<DungeonId>164</DungeonId>") in "DungeonBuddyProfile"! - On line 4XML Error: Unknown tag "BossEncounters" (Input: "<BossEncounters> <Boss isFinal="false" entry="59789" name="Thalnos the Soulrender" killOrder="1" optional="false" X="1124.715" Y="688.5121" Z="1.231716" /> <Boss isFinal="false" entry="59223" name="Brother Korloff" killOrder="2" optional="false" X="864.9898" Y="604.6695" Z="9.9894" /> <Boss isFinal="false" entry="60040" name="Commander Durand" killOrder="3" optional="false" X="747.9653" Y="605.9705" Z="15.02731" /> <Boss isFinal="true" entry="3977" name="High Inquisitor Whitemane" killOrder="4" optional="false" X="747.9653" Y="605.9705" Z="15.02731" /></BossEncounters>") in "DungeonBuddyProfile"! - On line 5XML Error: Unknown tag "PullBlackspots" (Input: "<PullBlackspots> <PullBlackspot X="1168.032" Y="557.5326" Z="0.6547275" Radius="12.45993" /></PullBlackspots>") in "DungeonBuddyProfile"! - On line 15Changing current profile

Anyone that can help me plz? I would like to level some chars in dungeons while they are rested and have heirlooms. Thanks in advance!
This only happens on my hunter. I start the bot and it says [DungeonBuddy]: No script found for dungeonId: 0 then does nothing.

View attachment 132531

Thank you in advance.

Hi, R3dRum781,

We see nothing obviously wrong, here. But since your log shows you want to raid, have you made certain that Dungeon "Type" was said for "None"?

In any case, we've opened HB-929 ("No script found for dungeonId: 0") to have the issue investigated further. It may be a simple misunderstanding that we need to get documented.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1550269]R3dRum781's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
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I just started using this and I have 2 questions so far.

1. Im farming SM, trying to level enchanting and getting mats. I have it in farm mode and after each run it just stops at the exit. I have to stop it and turn it back on again for it to do another run each time. Is this normal? Is there anyway I can make it more than 1?

2. Is there anyway to have it clear everything? It kills about 30% of the guys and would make more money and mats if it cleared all.

Heres my log just in case.

View attachment 132569

Hi, Deathsmind,

  1. Nae. In "Farm mode", DungeonBuddy should completely exit the dungeon, reset the dungeon, then enter and proceed to clear things again. It should do these steps automatically without an Honorbuddy stop/start.

    Our guess is the problem lies in your Combat Routine. Most combat routines do not implement everything correctly for PvE environments. Go back to Singular and your problem should clear up.

  2. Nae. DungeonBuddy "farm mode" does not clear all the trash.
    Instead, is just executes the same script as in LFG—which clears the required amount of trash to keep the group safe, and no more.

    For what you want, there are two options:
    • Look for a 'questing profile'-based version for clearing dungeon trash.
      Most such scripts expect you to be 'over level' / 'over geared' for the dungeon. Botanist is famous for creating scripts that do this job. We don't know if he's got a questing bot profile for clearing Scarlet Monastery, or not. You should visit the Neutral profiles forum and have a look.

    • Alter the DungeonBuddy profile to do what you seek
      It is not hard to do this, but it is far beyond the scope of this thread.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1550627]Deathsmind's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Hi there, In the Shado-Pan Monastery dungeon, both regular and heroic, the bot is not killing the Gripping Hatred spawns on the last boss. the bot appears to be targeting the mob but will not attack because it wants to avoid the Pool of Shadows AOE that surrounds the mob. this is a problem because for much of the boss fight the bot is sitting on its butt just outside the Pool of Shadows AOE targeting the Gripping Hatred doing nothing instead of killing either the mob or the boss. In a 5 man bot run only the tank keeps on the boss.

Now sometimes the spawn of the mobs is far enough away that the bot keeps on the boss for a while, and for some reason the bot will actually kill some of the mobs sometimes (perhaps because of aoe damage from the tank?) not sure why but it is normally a 1 in 4 type of thing. I know that Dungeonbuddy use to kill the Gripping Hatred as soon as they spawned before the last two updates to Honorbuddy but I don't know what might have changed in the script or if it is a hardwired HB thing.

Perhaps if I had a ranged on my 5 man dungeon team it wouldn't be as much of a problem but I normally run all DK'S/Pallys...but both of these classes have attacks that out distance the AOE zone of the Pool of Shadows so no idea what is going on or why they are not attacking. If the bot can just be told to ignore the Pool of Shadows for melee classes that would be great as a melee class is going to have to stand in the fire to kill the Gripping Hatred quickly anyway so no need to avoid it.

Anyhow, I have attached logs as requested. These are from one of my 5 man dungeon run set only to do Shado-Pan Monastery in normal mode so the boss will go down faster than in the heroic mode that I normally run so the ratio of wins to wipes changes a little...still not killing the Gripping Hatred though. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

View attachment 132622

Hi, Malice211, and MANY thanks for those logs.

Each of the logs demonstrates a common (and heavily repeated) problem:

[16:23:40.976 D] System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Singular.Helpers.MoveContext' to type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit'.
at Singular.Helpers.Movement.<CreateMoveToMeleeTightBehavior>b__43(Object ret) in c:\HB 3\Routines\Singular\Helpers\Movement.cs:line 370
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action..()

Your Honorbuddy is throwing exceptions when DungeonBuddy is trying to move. The first step to clearing this problem would be to reboot your machine. If that doesn't clear the problem, you may be looking at a "clean install".

Your problem is not with DungeonBuddy, but with your particular Honorbuddy installation.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1551106]Malice211's original post w/log[/post][/size]
This happens every single time for me..it's usually the same corner that it always skips. meanwhile your team will just stand in the middle forever untill you help it along or just stop it.

Any way to make it check the 4 corners to make sure they are clear? if boss not spawned then check corners?
Maybe try a fresh install or maybe it's a routine problem because my 5 man team runs Jade Temple on normal and heroic without any problems :)

Hi, Tocsin,

Indeed, Alienware96 is spot on. You're probably not using Singular for your Combat Routine. Many Combat Routines bork in the PvE environment because they fail to handle certain details of Combat Routine implementation correctly.

We run this instance several times a day, and have never seen the issue you describe. If you require assistance with this, we simply must see the full log when the situation occurs.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

So um, I keep randomly leaving after Omar in Hellfire Ramparts
For some reason Blizzard considers Omar the final boss as you get an achievement for him even though the vast majority of players are killing Vazruden as a last boss. Just enable optional bosses in DungeonBuddy and you should be okay.

Hi, Honorbrody,

The confusion is completely understandable, and Junk has done a fine job of explaining it. We've taken the liberty of adding the question and answer to the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].

Thanks, Junk!
