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Is there no scripts for Siege of Orgrimmar? Every time i try one dungeonbuddy says there are no scripts, yet i can queue for it
Some scenarios bot can't finish and require personal intervention...

#1 Crypt of Forgotten Kings Problems
Summary: Bot don't kill Sha of Angry(A little sha that we need to kill on water fountain in left Jin Iron Fist at Stage 2) and try go directly for the 3 stage and get stuck on door.
Class: Warlock Destruction - Paladin Protection - Paladin Restribution
CustomClass: Singular - With Changes
Role: DPS - Tank - DPS
Queue Type: Pre-Made Queue
Party Mode: On
View attachment 130421
I check the code and found some diferrent id for the little sha, try change but still not working


#2 The Secrets of Ragefire Problems
Summary: Bot don't "know what to take first" on the second stage.
Class: Warlock Destruction - Paladin Protection - Paladin Restribution
CustomClass: Singular - With Changes
Role: DPS - Tank - DPS
Queue Type: Pre-Made Queue
Party Mode: On

I already check code, probably found the problem:
On line 192 :
					stage = ctx as ScenarioStage;
					artifact = (from obj in ObjectManager.ObjectList.Where(o => artifactIds.ContainsKey(o.Entry))
								where !stage.GetStep(artifactIds[obj.Entry]).IsComplete
								let maxPartyToObjDist = Me.PartyMembers.Select(p => p.Location.DistanceSqr(obj.Location)).OrderByDescending(d => d).FirstOrDefault()
								orderby maxPartyToObjDist descending
								select obj).FirstOrDefault() as WoWUnit;
					return stage;

As all bot try not go to the same way, they will always changing "what to get first", i think is possible set a random artifact to get first before cheking distance between player/bot and artifact.

PS: This error happens twice one for inspect artifact and then to get them and take to goblin builder

#3 Battle on the High Seas - Horde Problems
Summary: Bot's don't pull the other two "mini boss" on stage 2, only that one that stay on top
Class: Warlock Destruction - Paladin Protection - Paladin Restribution
CustomClass: Singular - With Changes
Role: DPS - Tank - DPS
Queue Type: Pre-Made Queue
Party Mode: On
i have experianced all of these errors also, only happens when all 3 members of party are bots. please let me know if you want additional logs and i'll get some fresh ones.

Hi, Danmarzola, and thank you for the information.

For #1, we've opened HB-852 ("Crypt of Forgotten Kings: Missing steps in Stage 2 cause progression to Stage 3 to fail").
For #2, we've opened HB-853 ("Secrets of Ragefire: Target selection in Stage 2").
For #3, we've opened HB-854 ("Battle on the High Seas: (Horde) Fails to pull mini-bosses in Stage 2").


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1532765]Danmarzola's problem reports w/log[/post][/size]
With the actual version of Honorbuddy, Dungeonbuddy don`t pick up the quests in the low level instances

View attachment 130846

Is it intended that the bot don`t follow the tank and goes its own routes.
My bot just in Gnomeregan, goes in a completely different passage then the others and pull half of the instance.

View attachment 130878

Hi, Tigerlady3012, and many thanks for the log.

Regarding your first issue, "Dungeonbuddy don`t pick up the quests"...
[13:53:37.237 N] Honorbuddy Deutsche v2.5.10675.735 started.

You are using the DE version of Honorbuddy. Honorbuddy DE is prevented by court order from providing questing facilities. More information about the situation here:
Ref: [post=1256821]Honorbuddy Deutsche Version - Pressemitteilung[/post]

For your second issue, "bot don`t follow the tank"...
First, you might check that your 'Following Distance' is set to something reasonable (like 20-ish) in the DungeonBuddy configuration.

As described in the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post], toons should always follow the tank in 5-man dungeons. (Raids have slightly different following rules.) The only way we could see a toon taking an 'alternate route', is if a 'stuck' situation occurred and Honorbuddy dropped a blackspot at an unforunate location to correct the problem. Although, we've never seen this situation occur in a dungeon.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1535742]Tigerlady3012's original posts w/logs[/post][/size]
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My Honorbuddy is correctly started and working fine except Dungeonbuddy. When i try to start buddy i see this (problem1.jpg) then after several minutes of waiting this (problem2.jpg). I'm attach screenshots and log file. Please help me - need Dungeonbuddy so much.
Did u try clicking where it says "Type: None" ?
Change it to something else.

Hi, Bagla,

Kmica is spot on... After DungeonBuddy initializes, you must tell it what you'd like to do. Using your screenshots as reference, this is done by switching the "Type" to "Specific Raid", "Random Raid", "Raid not yet Completed", etc.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1536275]Bagla's original post w/log and screenshots[/post][/size]
Is there no scripts for Siege of Orgrimmar? Every time i try one dungeonbuddy says there are no scripts, yet i can queue for it
LFR SoO has scripts, not flex/normal/heroic though.

Hi, Silhouette2,

Siege of Orgrimmar works fine. As WoWuser123 has pointed out, DungeonBuddy only supports LFR groups. As discussed in [post=1245032]Working DungeonBuddy dungeons[/post] and [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post], Normal and Flex raids are not supported by DungeonBuddy—only LFR groups are supported.

If you need assistance, please attach the full log that illustrates the issue you are having.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

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How does the "queue for raids not completed" works?

I mean does it queue for all non-complete raids and then once that given raid is complete it will no longer queue on it?

Does it queue to all excluding the ones completed automatically(given you select everything available including the completed ones) or it will go thru all?
If u click (select ) all LFR parts it will queue for 5 at a time (there are 13 parts available if i am correct) , but it will go trough all of them until all bosses in all selected LFR parts are looted.

Why dont u just try it out? It wont kill u or damage your computer...
Actually, he answered it pretty exactly: "it will go through them until all bosses in all selected LFR parts are looted."

Meaning, if you que and get the last boss of a raid, it will re-que you for that raid and run up until the last boss, then drop out.

Hi, Namednoob,

Kmica and Alltrueist have answered the question well. The [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post] also discusses how this works.

Is there something wrong with Cataclysm dungeons? Trying to level more toons before WoD comes out, and 5x bots in dungeonbuddy is the safest way IMO.

Hi, Richarddoran, and thanks for the log.

Cataclysm dungeons work fine. But, End Times is the only Heroic version of a Cataclysm dungeon that is currently supported by DungeonBuddy. Please see the list of [post=1245032]Working DungeonBuddy dungeons[/post].


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1534990]Richarddoran's original post w/log[/post][/size]

in the current version .735 "abandon low lvl quests" under misc options seems not to work. Grey dungeon quests stays in questlog.

I have am at the moment in the queue for heroic dungeons and LFR, and the bot don`t realize that I am queued for both.
I always get the message again, that I have select too many instances, but only when I select both.
Hi there, BIG fan of Dungeon buddy...love it to pieces. However, something that has just started since the last two Honorbuddy updates dropped. I have found an issue in the Shadow-Pan Monastery Dungeon. When fighting the last boss, Corrupted Taran Zhu, the bot will not attack the Gripping Hatred's that pop up during the encounter which, over time, just kills everyone...everyone dies, resurrect, come back in and do it all over again. Used to work fine for this dungeon, not sure what has changed. Any help is much appreciated.
Looking for raid siegecrafter blackfuse fight need to tell the bot to KILL the mines instead of running away from it(when they are targeting you, they die fast no point running away which is more prone to fuck the raid), as well as on the trash before it.
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in the current version .735 "abandon low lvl quests" under misc options seems not to work. Grey dungeon quests stays in questlog.

Hi, Bier,

Thanks for the report, and we've noticed this too in the builds we've been testing recently. We've opened HB-863 ("Not abandoning 'grey' quests") against the issue.

I have am at the moment in the queue for heroic dungeons and LFR, and the bot don`t realize that I am queued for both.
I always get the message again, that I have select too many instances, but only when I select both.
Hi there, BIG fan of Dungeon buddy...love it to pieces. However, something that has just started since the last two Honorbuddy updates dropped. I have found an issue in the Shadow-Pan Monastery Dungeon. When fighting the last boss, Corrupted Taran Zhu, the bot will not attack the Gripping Hatred's that pop up during the encounter which, over time, just kills everyone...everyone dies, resurrect, come back in and do it all over again. Used to work fine for this dungeon, not sure what has changed. Any help is much appreciated.
Looking for raid siegecrafter blackfuse fight need to tell the bot to KILL the mines instead of running away from it(when they are targeting you, they die fast no point running away which is more prone to fuck the raid), as well as on the trash before it.

Hi, all,

Just a reminder...

To investigate issues, we need to see the log that captured the problem, in order to analyze it.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

We do not write up bug reports without logs... so no log of the problem → no opportunity to write up a bug report. In some cases, I have a log hanging around of an issue and can supply it. But this doesn't happen often.

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It does kill the mines that are not going towards the bot and run away from the ones that are linked to you, however if you are a ranged DPS which is what I was in the case it does not try to kill the mine which he should instead of kiting it into the tank/boss(which was where it kited it to) and blows it up there hoping another DPS would kill it.

Will post the log next time I do it as the one I had with it is already a pile of log and might not be worth the time.
Mogu'shan's Palace - The bot jumps down to fight Gekken. This usually takes a few attempts, and half the time wipes my 5 man group because the tank gets over the ledge, but the healer doesn't.

Wouldn't it be better to just make it run around and down the stairs to the side? Will take a bit longer, but safer and less likely to wipe.
Wouldn't it be better to just make it run around and down the stairs to the side? Will take a bit longer, but safer and less likely to wipe.

Wouldn't work for botting just 1 or 2 chars because 99% of human groups do jump down, so your bot would most like get reported for pulling half of the room.
Mogu'shan's Palace - The bot jumps down to fight Gekken. This usually takes a few attempts, and half the time wipes my 5 man group because the tank gets over the ledge, but the healer doesn't.

Wouldn't it be better to just make it run around and down the stairs to the side? Will take a bit longer, but safer and less likely to wipe.
Wouldn't work for botting just 1 or 2 chars because 99% of human groups do jump down, so your bot would most like get reported for pulling half of the room.

Hi, all,

This issue should be repaired as HB-809 ("Mogu'shan Palace: Jump down to get to Gekkan?") with this changelog note:
"Bots will no-longer jump before killing the pack of trash above Gekkan"

The bug has been marked as repaired in [post=1538434]Honorbuddy v2.5.10734.736[/post].

If you need further refinement, we must see the full log attached, and a clearer explanation of how the existing behavior is insufficient.

I noticed something is wrong with this bot. When in HC MoP Dungeons, it will sometimes just SIT THERE, and NOT follow the tank or group. it will also try healing the party through the wall.... ncie way to get banned. lol. just wondering if anyone can trust this bot fully afk???
I noticed something is wrong with this bot. When in HC MoP Dungeons, it will sometimes just SIT THERE, and NOT follow the tank or group. it will also try healing the party through the wall.... ncie way to get banned. lol. just wondering if anyone can trust this bot fully afk???
Hi, Duddy11,

There is absolutely no chance of assisting you with problems like this unless you provide the full log that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]
