Hi Cava,
I have a freaky problem. I am questing in Deepholm and go a few minutes afk. When I come back, the bot stand in Borean Tundra O.O and stucks there.
I don`t know what happen there.
Have you an idea?
The problem is at [07:44:47.879 D], a little bit up in the log
View attachment 127612
let me try explain:
before i need you understand 2 things
-1- armageddoner profiles are in test status are reserved to testers and armageddoner users and are to be tested this means ALL quests in ALL profiles will be done (thats the only way to fully test then) when bot load armagedoner_next will pick first profile who have first undone quest.
-2- antistuck routine reserved for armageddoner users will try by any way unstuck bot the last one will shutdown wow+bot to force an reloger to fresh start it again, but in midle will close profile and load the starter profile to force bot to reload profile and move bot to start
when you use this 2 things at same time they are very good, but....
you got this
bot stuck-> unstuck->reload starter profile-> check first quest undone-> load icecrom profile-> move bot to icecrow-> start questing
when the profile is released to public bot will not check first quest undone and will do this:
bot stuck-> unstuck->reload starter profile-> check best profile for bot level-> load that profile-> move bot to that map-> start questing
that map can be the same or next in progress your case will quest at Deepholm or Uldum
good things all is qorking as scripted, unstuck is fully working
bad things like armageddoner user bot moved you back to fully test all undone quests