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Hello i lvl up a tauren druid.i used your profile from 1-15 and worked like a charm.!15-64 i used the dungeon bot and now i try to continue the quest bot again.The problem is that my druid dont use flight form to fly and going always to ogrimar buy flying mount.Is there a way to use flight form instead?
Hello i lvl up a tauren druid.i used your profile from 1-15 and worked like a charm.!15-64 i used the dungeon bot and now i try to continue the quest bot again.The problem is that my druid dont use flight form to fly and going always to ogrimar buy flying mount.Is there a way to use flight form instead?
you MUST have at least one flying mount (yes even druid) some objects, npcs cant be used while in shapshift form, but can be use while mounted.
if you dont have any mount, profile will go to main city (Orgrimar/Stormwind) to buy one
if you dont have the skill needed to use mount, profile also will buy it
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Hi Cava,

I have a freaky problem. I am questing in Deepholm and go a few minutes afk. When I come back, the bot stand in Borean Tundra O.O and stucks there.
I don`t know what happen there.

Have you an idea?

The problem is at [07:44:47.879 D], a little bit up in the log

View attachment 127612
let me try explain:
before i need you understand 2 things
-1- armageddoner profiles are in test status are reserved to testers and armageddoner users and are to be tested this means ALL quests in ALL profiles will be done (thats the only way to fully test then) when bot load armagedoner_next will pick first profile who have first undone quest.
-2- antistuck routine reserved for armageddoner users will try by any way unstuck bot the last one will shutdown wow+bot to force an reloger to fresh start it again, but in midle will close profile and load the starter profile to force bot to reload profile and move bot to start

when you use this 2 things at same time they are very good, but....
you got this
bot stuck-> unstuck->reload starter profile-> check first quest undone-> load icecrom profile-> move bot to icecrow-> start questing

when the profile is released to public bot will not check first quest undone and will do this:
bot stuck-> unstuck->reload starter profile-> check best profile for bot level-> load that profile-> move bot to that map-> start questing
that map can be the same or next in progress your case will quest at Deepholm or Uldum

good things all is qorking as scripted, unstuck is fully working
bad things like armageddoner user bot moved you back to fully test all undone quests
you MUST have at least one flying mount (yes even druid) some objects, npcs cant be used while in shapshift form, but can be use while mounted.
if you dont have any mount, profile will go to main city (Orgrimar/Stormwind) to buy one
if you dont have the skill needed to use mount, profile also will buy it

TY for the answer.So if i have 1 mount each will the bot use the flight form at questing or i have to add the code at bot settings and tools?
CavaPlugin 4.6.0 Live

Added [N-Quest](80-81)Icecrow[Cava]
Added [N-Quest](80-81)TheStormPeaks[Cava]

Added [N-Quest](87-88)KrasarangWilds[Cava] (this profile its now 100% AFK, its in test status, reserved for testers and armageddoner users)

Removed old non AFK Krasarang Wilds profiles

Just to remember:
To keep the 100% questing objective bot will quest untill level 81 in northrend (Icecrow+ The Storm Peaks = levels 80->81)
I don't really understand what's happening with the profile here. I'm currently leveling a 46 Dwarf Shaman that is 77% through 46, the plugin auto-loads the Eastern Plaguelands profile for 39-44 then manually runs to Stormwind from the Eastern Plaguelands to update the Flightmaster nodes. T_____________T

It's currently generating a path to run all the way the hell back to the Eastern Plaguelands for whatever reason.
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I don't really understand what's happening with the profile here. I'm currently leveling a 46 Dwarf Shaman that is 77% through 46, the plugin auto-loads the Eastern Plaguelands profile for 39-44 then manually runs to Stormwind from the Eastern Plaguelands to update the Flightmaster nodes. T_____________T

It's currently generating a path to run all the way the hell back to the Eastern Plaguelands for whatever reason.
whitout log i dont know
whitout log i dont know

I removed the checks that tell the bot to go to Stormwind if not in the appropriate zone in all my profiles. It's currently moving zone-to-zone without a problem, no more hitches between zones and it's increased my xp/hr by roughly 35%. /shrugs
had a scan through these pages and can't seem to find anything related to my question.

So Ive started the script on a level 17 dudu (H) HB has taken the toon to silverpine forrest and started there 11-20 zone. the quest levels that the toon is running atm are low, but when the toon reaches level 20 will it throw it into a new zone? or will it continue and complete the quest line thinking the toon is only a low level?

This is probably a stupid question but im having a dumb week.

had a scan through these pages and can't seem to find anything related to my question.

So Ive started the script on a level 17 dudu (H) HB has taken the toon to silverpine forrest and started there 11-20 zone. the quest levels that the toon is running atm are low, but when the toon reaches level 20 will it throw it into a new zone? or will it continue and complete the quest line thinking the toon is only a low level?

This is probably a stupid question but im having a dumb week.

profiles are scripted to move char for next map when char hit X level
bot will leave from silverpine to azshara at level 20 at your case
Cava, q
What does it means?
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
[CavaPlugin]:Is now ENABLED
[CavaPlugin]:[System Anti-Stuck Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Open Boxes: Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Summon Random Pet Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:Fix Summon Mount Vendor Disabled
[CavaPlugin]:Remove Blacklist Flight Master Disabled
[CavaPlugin]:Anti Gank System Disabled
[CavaPlugin]:[Accept lvl 25 guild invite Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Refuse guild invites Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Refuse party invites Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Refuse trade invites Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Refuse duel invites Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:Auto Loot in combate Disabled.
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
I'd love to test it but unfortunately when I run the 85-90 leveling profile on my lvl 85 druid, it selects the 87-88 profile so it doesn't work....