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how use it with mixed mode (dungeons)
i download plugin, past it.
start hb, check plugins.
choose mixed mode, add questing and dungeons.
now plugin start and i choose 1-90 and press start.
questing go and registrate dungeons.
dungeon start and plugin start again. after timer he heartstoned and go questing.

what i do wrong?
sry for my bad eng)

never use Mixed Mode! It will not work with Questing!
I cant even start... when i push start button or not (via austostart after few sec) HB show error and HB close ;/ when i selected starting quest bos and then starting profile after push start bot nothing happand ;/

View attachment 108045
Theres no error in log, the errors hb show and shut down arent in log, probably your hb instalation is damaged
do this:
NEW folder
new hb instalation
---do not copy files from previus instalation
then install CavaPlugin and test it
Outro problema enquanto fazia a quest - Honor the Dead - Quest - World of Warcraft - assim que interagi com a quest que surgiu o seguinte log apareceu.

[InteractWith-v719(fatal)] [PROFILE ERROR] Veteran Forsaken Trooper provided an unexpected Quest frame--terminating profile. Please provide an appropriate InteractByQuestFrameDisposition attribute to instruct the behavior how to handle this situation.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile

e em outra quest ap?s reiniciar o HB.

Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Choosing Watched Watcher's Slippers.
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Tried to complete quest 5 times with no sucess
Closing Questframe
Could not find objective with ID 60977 in quest On Whose Orders? (On Whose Orders? - Quest - World of Warcraft
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create 'CurrentBehavior' in quest bot; an exception was thrown: Could not create Quest Hotspots. Place a Quest Override
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create 'CurrentBehavior' in quest bot; an exception was thrown: Thread was being aborted.

Tive que manualmente aceitar a quest!
o bot nesta ultima vers?o est? um pouco (muito) inst?vel aguarda at? ? pr?xima vers
The quest "Concern for Mankrik" seems to have been removed from the game. I commented out the following lines in the [H-Quest](34-35)SouthernBarrens[Cava] profile to get past this.

<!--<PickUp QuestName="Concern for Mankrik" QuestId="24604" GiverName="Mahka" GiverId="37812" X="-4017.233" Y="-1990.208" Z="92.62772" />-->
<!--<TurnIn QuestName="Concern for Mankrik" QuestId="24604" TurnInName="Mankrik" TurnInId="37847" X="-4148.825" Y="-1942.795" Z="92.94933" />-->

Full log is attached.
Just wanted to say, thanks for the great profiles Cava. 55-58 deathknight profile was pretty much flawless which is much preferred over the default profile. and apart from that, the general questing has been great as well!
Bug report

[InteractWith-v719(fatal)] [PROFILE ERROR] Hopeless Acolyte provided an unexpected Quest frame--terminating profile. Please provide an appropriate InteractByQuestFrameDisposition attribute to instruct the behavior how to handle this situation.

There is alot of problems with quests in this particular area. Toon keeps running around, targeting at 1yrd and keep getting attacked by the elite here. Won't deliver in quests to Anduin Wrynn. Had to do manually last time I quested here too. Please fix this. :)


The quest "Concern for Mankrik" seems to have been removed from the game. I commented out the following lines in the [H-Quest](34-35)SouthernBarrens[Cava] profile to get past this.

<!--<PickUp QuestName="Concern for Mankrik" QuestId="24604" GiverName="Mahka" GiverId="37812" X="-4017.233" Y="-1990.208" Z="92.62772" />-->
<!--<TurnIn QuestName="Concern for Mankrik" QuestId="24604" TurnInName="Mankrik" TurnInId="37847" X="-4148.825" Y="-1942.795" Z="92.94933" />-->

Full log is attached.
thanks for that info
The wowhead dont say about quest was removed but just for 310exp and to avoid future problems i also removed quest
Another report. I think this one is a singular problem related to shammy, but just in case I post a log. My toon keep following birds around and will not open attack, very bottish ask me :/. Here is the log (part of it). :) If this appear to be a CC issue then let me know so I can post a log in the Singular thread or if you do it, doesn't matter. :)


thanks for that info
The wowhead dont say about quest was removed but just for 310exp and to avoid future problems i also removed quest

worked for me with the last 3 toons. i lvled them in the last 7 days.
Bot fails miserably with quest "cleansing witch hill" in dustmallow marsh, running around in the water and jumping into the air. Using the "click-to-move"-function just straight into the air. I have done this same quest with Cava 4.0.6 without problems tho. Here is full log:


So far so good until dran pally questing and I get this...
Changing current profile to [A-Quest] (5-11) Azuremyst Isle [Cava] $Rev: 354 $:
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Changing current profile to [A-Quest] (5-11) Azuremyst Isle [Cava] $Rev: 354 $:
[CavaPlugin - Summon Random Pet Disabled]
[CavaPlugin - Accept lvl 25 guild invite Disabled]
[CavaPlugin - Refuse guild invites Disabled]
[CavaPlugin - Refuse party invites Disabled]
[CavaPlugin - Refuse trade invites Disabled]
[CavaPlugin - Refuse duel invites Disabled]
[CavaSettings-v501(warning) @line 315]: Attribute 'LootChests' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[CavaSettings-v501(warning) @line 315]: Attribute 'UseFlightPaths' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[Profile Message]: Compiling Azuremyst Isle Map Zone
[Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 0 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User
[Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 1 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User
No data for Expansion01_54_41.etm
No data for Expansion01_54_41.etm
No data for Expansion01_54_41.etm
No data for Expansion01_54_41.etm
Stopping the bot!
Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
No data for Expansion01_54_41.etm

I stopped the bot and tried the svn from you and got the same thing happens standing in front of Logan Daniel vendor opens bags open and then the no data
Hi again,
I previously posted regarding a problem with the NPC Mahka in the Southern Barrens not having a quest "Concern for Mankrik". Initially thought that this quest had been removed according to some of the comments on wowhead. Well, it looks like this NPC can get into a bugged state. I had another new problem with the same NPC not allowing you to turn in the quest "Blood of the Barrens". Several wowhead commenters also mentioned problems with "Blood of the Barrens" (Blood of the Barrens - Quest - World of Warcraft).

Attached is full log showing the issue, where my character just sits there trying to turn in the quest over and over.

It looks like once Mahka gets into this bugged state then she doesn't give out new quests or provide quest turn-ins. I ended up just moving manually to the next zone and starting up in Dustwallow Marsh.

One suggestion would be to comment out all of the quests related to Mahka just to be safe. Or replace them with some quests from Desolation Hold. There's a whole quest hub there...

Otherwise I'm loving this profile.. I'm up to Winterspring now!
is there some option i can check to use flying mounts? kinda sucks when it mount a flying mount and goes on the ground...
No data for Expansion01_54_41.etm
No data for Expansion01_54_41.etm
No data for Expansion01_54_41.etm
No data for Expansion01_54_41.etm

Stopping the bot!
Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
No data for Expansion01_54_41.etm

I stopped the bot and tried the svn from you and got the same thing happens standing in front of Logan Daniel vendor opens bags open and then the no data

Not profile related, report it at: Honorbuddy Support