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Hello !

When i want to Enable the plug-in HonnorBuddy ! the HonnorBuddy freez and bug and i have to remove HB from the Task manager !

Why ?
Hello !

When i want to Enable the plug-in HonnorBuddy ! the HonnorBuddy freez and bug and i have to remove HB from the Task manager !

Why ?

don't do it
after you enable Cavaplugin for first time, it will download all profiles all quest behaviors and update CavaPlugin
that will take up to 3 minutes

right now im re-instaling my OS at my main computer, asap will add that warning to CavaPlugin
Ashenvale quest "Vorsha the Lasher".

Seems bot does escort part of quest but them runs back to loot the mobs that it killed on the way during which time it flags the quest as failed.

View attachment 96053

I thought it might be the "Loot" setting causing this, or something odd in the cache. So I've cleared cache, and ensured that the "Loot" mobs is unchecked, and reloaded it. Exact same behavior :(
Escorts perfect to the island, and then as soon as it says about escort ending when destination reached it runs away back to the main island to loot the mobs it killed while escorting. When it returns to the island to interact with the item, the quest is already failed (the quest mobs still appear but obviously doesn't allow completion).

Log from run with cleared cache:

View attachment 96066

Update: Eventually managed to get it to compete this quest by installing the plugin-combat-loot.
will disable loot while doing quest
Problem questing in Loch Modan:

I'm using a Gnome Warrior in Fury spec, with Singular.
on the quest "Wing Nut" bot needs to kill Golden Eagle, most of which are perched upon hills that the bot can not path to. The bot must taunt or range attack the mob to pull them toward the bot for mele combat. However this problem I'm sure rises from Singular as a Fury Warrior it's not designed to taunt, it fails. Also it does not seem to want to cast "Throw" being the only range attack at level 17 for a fury warrior.

I suppose it should be noted somewhere that some classes and specs using Singular "Because it works!" routine, does not always work. :(

My solution will be to try switching from fury to protection spec. As a tank, I'm hoping singular will taunt ranged mobs down from places where the bot can't path too. Or I may need to find a warrior CC that will work with Cava / quest bot and that uses "Throw" as a pulling option.

The log may show this, but the bot failed to blacklist the mob it could not find a path to. I just kept running into the side of the hill. With the bot running, I attempted to mouse move the bot around the hill but there was no path that I could find either.. when the bot failed to pull using taunt or throw.. I cast these manually on a couple similar mobs, and successfully killed them. I stopped the bot shortly after to report this here.

Log Attached & thank you for your time

UPDATE: I've changed to Protection spec and Singular is still failing to taunt. Seems singular it's broken in this latest patch. At least for warriors. Won't pull using taunt nor will it use throw. I've played around with pull distance as well.. I've used 25. Which is default by Cava I think. I've also tried 35 & 1, but still does not work. Also disabled Charge in singular because I noticed it was charging in range instead of taunting first, but this does not help.

Uploaded a new log for this latest attempt.
I'm out of ideas at the moment. Any help please.
not the first time i read reports for that quest but so far cant reproduce error
will level up one warrior with singular to test it
asap will report back
In Ashenvale. Left bot running, woke up to find him standing trying to turn in a quest that he didn't have (perhaps already turned in).

Stopping and starting sorted it. But it's annoying that's he's stood there for 7 hours doing nothing. When it's working right the profile is very impressive, and the attention to detail on some things is great, but right now it seems that every 30 mins or so the bot is needing attention, certainly not AFK-able. :(

View attachment 2176 2013-06-15 00.00 - Copy.zip
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Created a new Char on a new Realm, so I don't have all Flight-Paths yet.
I'm now Lvl 41 (Horde) and Profile wants me to quest in Eastern Plaguelands - went to Undercity but Bot just talks to Flightmaster and that's it.
I will attach a Log as soon as possible, but can someone already guess why this happens?

View attachment 7172 2013-06-15 15.09.txt
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if I want updeten Cava he wants from me login and pw have where I get the entrance data fro

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Created a new Char on a new Realm, so I don't have all Flight-Paths yet.
I'm now Lvl 41 (Horde) and Profile wants me to quest in Eastern Plaguelands - went to Undercity but Bot just talks to Flightmaster and that's it.
I will attach a Log as soon as possible, but can someone already guess why this happens?

View attachment 96198
rong log
please update right log
Created a new Char on a new Realm, so I don't have all Flight-Paths yet.
I'm now Lvl 41 (Horde) and Profile wants me to quest in Eastern Plaguelands - went to Undercity but Bot just talks to Flightmaster and that's it.
I will attach a Log as soon as possible, but can someone already guess why this happens?

View attachment 96198

Try to restart HB. Never stop HB while Questing to log on another Toon or just to Stop/Start HB. If you do this it will open the Flightmap and nothing more. If this happens, close the Flight Map, close HB, delete Cache in HB and restart HB and press Start.
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
CavaPlugin Disposed
[CavaLoader-v369(fatal) @line 18]: Profile 'Next[Cava].xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile?
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom

Cannot figure it out. What i have done to fix it.
fresh install of HB.
delete and redownload of scripts/plugin.
started bot out on starter but i get the above error.
Tried starting on next[cava] but keeps running to main city then nothing.
checked for SVN update but it always says its updated.
moved scripts to within HB plugin
kept scripts outside the bot folder
deleted all and re installed.


EDIT: I moved the scripts to within the default profile folder and it works, i still have to select the next profile for it to work though. and it went from UC to Org and back before it would start
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Ashenvale quest "Vorsha the Lasher".

Seems bot does escort part of quest but them runs back to loot the mobs that it killed on the way during which time it flags the quest as failed.

View attachment 96053

I thought it might be the "Loot" setting causing this, or something odd in the cache. So I've cleared cache, and ensured that the "Loot" mobs is unchecked, and reloaded it. Exact same behavior :(
Escorts perfect to the island, and then as soon as it says about escort ending when destination reached it runs away back to the main island to loot the mobs it killed while escorting. When it returns to the island to interact with the item, the quest is already failed (the quest mobs still appear but obviously doesn't allow completion).

Log from run with cleared cache:

View attachment 96066

Update: Eventually managed to get it to compete this quest by installing the plugin-combat-loot.
fixed at rev 27
Thanks for reporting
Thanks for fix of "Vorsha the Lasher".

I've another one. In Dustwallow Marsh, standing facing NPC "Balandar Brightstar", apparently thinks it has a quest to turn in, but alas there is no quest and it's just stuck there.

View attachment 6884 2013-06-15 19.00 - Copy (3).zip

A quick stop/start and it's on it's way again :)


Same thing occurring with "Goal: Turning in Quest - Army of the Black Dragon : QuestID - 1168 : To - Tharg : ID - 4502". Quest has been handed in and completed but it just stands there attempting to hand in.

Update 2:

Same thing again with "Goal: Turning in Quest - Frederick's Fish Fancy : QuestID - 27450 : To - Frederick Calston : ID - 45575"

Really annoying as apart from these it's running really well - but these mean it can't be left unattended for any length of time.
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Ok I just started using cava 1 to 90 for a Draeni Paladin I am leveling, I notice that it always picks the summoned "Great Exarch's Elekk" mount, this is a problem questing in certain places as the mount is so big it gets stuck and points out HEY LOOK HERE I AM A BOT!!!

I would like to know how to be able to change this to the mount set in honor buddy settings or at least edit a file to change it manually thanks.
Ok I just started using cava 1 to 90 for a Draeni Paladin I am leveling, I notice that it always picks the summoned "Great Exarch's Elekk" mount, this is a problem questing in certain places as the mount is so big it gets stuck and points out HEY LOOK HERE I AM A BOT!!!

I would like to know how to be able to change this to the mount set in honor buddy settings or at least edit a file to change it manually thanks.
inside all profiles

search and edit this:

<ElseIf Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Draenei" >
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" MountName="XXXXX" />