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I am having a issue with my worgen. I tried using this at level 20 and it wants to go back to Gilneas. Is there anyway to stop this?
Hey again Cava.
Level 46 Badlands.
These quests:
View attachment 95482

The bot just stands there doing nothing. No error on honorbuddy, just says "Honorbuddy Startup Completed" and that's it.
I opened the log folder to see what's all about, and saw that it's producing massive size logs. They grow really really fast.
I am sending you from Wetransfer at your mail the 2 logs. The smallest size is the newest. On description you will see "Goo44 logs buddyforum"

Also tried with my older honorbuddy folder (same version and updated cava etc) and had the exact same results.

that quest use mobs like pets and your combat routine try summom warlock pet
do quest manualy or try diferent CR
svn update is asking for user/pass do we need to pay for updates or should we just use zip file from now on?
much love for your work you put into this
that quest use mobs like pets and your combat routine try summom warlock pet
do quest manualy or try diferent CR

those dwarves pets were the problem indeed, thanks. Did about 5-6 quests manually which required them, and after that everything came back to normal. Summoning warlock pet made them disappear, so the only option was to manually complete the quests. Singular CR :) cheers!
Hey again Cava.
Level 46 Badlands.
These quests:
View attachment 95482

The bot just stands there doing nothing. No error on honorbuddy, just says "Honorbuddy Startup Completed" and that's it.
I opened the log folder to see what's all about, and saw that it's producing massive size logs. They grow really really fast.
I am sending you from Wetransfer at your mail the 2 logs. The smallest size is the newest. On description you will see "Goo44 logs buddyforum"

Also tried with my older honorbuddy folder (same version and updated cava etc) and had the exact same results.

You are not the only one having this issue. I am as well.

Here are the logs for you, CAVA. The original file was too large to attach, so I figured I would cut and paste it into a .txt file for ya. ALSO, it will start. It will take me from Badlands - to Stormwind - back to Badlands. Ultimately resulting in me ending up in the same place I started.

View attachment honorbuddylog.txt
Problem.. level 32 Worgen Prot Warrior attempting to level. However when I begin 1-90 profiles, it does not recognize I'm 32 and attempts to go to 1-5 Gilneas Worgen start zone for quests that I've long since completed. Fact it went to menethil harbor and attempted to run across the ocean to Gilneas and died over and over.
Guess I have to use Kick's profiles for now.

Log Attached


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You are not the only one having this issue. I am as well.

Here are the logs for you, CAVA. The original file was too large to attach, so I figured I would cut and paste it into a .txt file for ya. ALSO, it will start. It will take me from Badlands - to Stormwind - back to Badlands. Ultimately resulting in me ending up in the same place I started.

View attachment 95531
if file is too big send it to [email protected] or zip it
realy need full log to analize wheres the problem
Problem.. level 32 Worgen Prot Warrior attempting to level. However when I begin 1-90 profiles, it does not recognize I'm 32 and attempts to go to 1-5 Gilneas Worgen start zone for quests that I've long since completed. Fact it went to menethil harbor and attempted to run across the ocean to Gilneas and died over and over.
Guess I have to use Kick's profiles for now.

Log Attached

2 problems

one- you are using HB Beta version, please use use normal version with cava profiles
second- probably you switched characters and didnt shutdown HB and/or you have Cache problems look HERE how to fix that problems
When I run I get an error and it just sits there.

View attachment 95591

Hi, Yerfy55,

You've attached a partial log. From the limited information you provide, it looks like your Honorbuddy installation is damaged and you need to do a 'clean install'. Instructions here:
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]

In the future, please attach the full log. And if you are getting errors, the Support forum should probably be the first place you post, and they will direct you further if needed.

Problem questing in Loch Modan

Problem questing in Loch Modan:

I'm using a Gnome Warrior in Fury spec, with Singular.
on the quest "Wing Nut" bot needs to kill Golden Eagle, most of which are perched upon hills that the bot can not path to. The bot must taunt or range attack the mob to pull them toward the bot for mele combat. However this problem I'm sure rises from Singular as a Fury Warrior it's not designed to taunt, it fails. Also it does not seem to want to cast "Throw" being the only range attack at level 17 for a fury warrior.

I suppose it should be noted somewhere that some classes and specs using Singular "Because it works!" routine, does not always work. :(

My solution will be to try switching from fury to protection spec. As a tank, I'm hoping singular will taunt ranged mobs down from places where the bot can't path too. Or I may need to find a warrior CC that will work with Cava / quest bot and that uses "Throw" as a pulling option.

The log may show this, but the bot failed to blacklist the mob it could not find a path to. I just kept running into the side of the hill. With the bot running, I attempted to mouse move the bot around the hill but there was no path that I could find either.. when the bot failed to pull using taunt or throw.. I cast these manually on a couple similar mobs, and successfully killed them. I stopped the bot shortly after to report this here.

Log Attached & thank you for your time

UPDATE: I've changed to Protection spec and Singular is still failing to taunt. Seems singular it's broken in this latest patch. At least for warriors. Won't pull using taunt nor will it use throw. I've played around with pull distance as well.. I've used 25. Which is default by Cava I think. I've also tried 35 & 1, but still does not work. Also disabled Charge in singular because I noticed it was charging in range instead of taunting first, but this does not help.

Uploaded a new log for this latest attempt.
I'm out of ideas at the moment. Any help please.


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Questing in Silverpine Forest, all going fine till bot stops. I think it's supposed to be accepting/picking up the quest "On Whose Orders" which is clickable under the minimap.

I've attached log but had to trim start off as it was over 1MB limit.

View attachment LogSection.txt

Clicking "Start" gets it going again, so not a hugely serious bug, but nonetheless, preventing AFKness.

Hope this helps.
Hit level 20 and when I started the bot it's decided it wants to move to next zone.

However it's going in a big loop over and over. It rides to "The Sepulcher" in Silverpine Forest then flies to Brill, and then walks all the way back - repeating over and over.

View attachment LogSection2.txt
Ashenvale quest "Vorsha the Lasher".

Seems bot does escort part of quest but them runs back to loot the mobs that it killed on the way during which time it flags the quest as failed.

View attachment LogSection3.txt

I thought it might be the "Loot" setting causing this, or something odd in the cache. So I've cleared cache, and ensured that the "Loot" mobs is unchecked, and reloaded it. Exact same behavior :(
Escorts perfect to the island, and then as soon as it says about escort ending when destination reached it runs away back to the main island to loot the mobs it killed while escorting. When it returns to the island to interact with the item, the quest is already failed (the quest mobs still appear but obviously doesn't allow completion).

Log from run with cleared cache:

View attachment 6700 2013-06-14 23.47 - Copy.txt

Update: Eventually managed to get it to compete this quest by installing the plugin-combat-loot.
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