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This quest is still broken. Player rarely drops a totem before the NPC is dead, and when he does - he kills it before the envenom is cast by the NPC (which is what you need to collect). Player should drop the totem immediately after the pull.


At level 11 (Undead), the profile could not get me to northern barrens from Durator, gave me an error and stopped.

PS - Awesome profile so far. Player gets hung up in tents, caves where there are mining nodes, and in Sen'jin village a bit, but overall very good. Thanks!
Never Trust a Big Barb and a Smile
quest removed from new path

At level 11 (Undead), the profile could not get me to northern barrens from Durator, gave me an error and stopped.
need log

Player gets hung up in tents, caves where there are mining nodes
not profile related
Started leveling a mage today with full boa's. Left it AFK and was logged out when I returned at lvl8
[23:36:38.097 D] System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 000007E8 [299]!
at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWMovementInfo.()
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWMovementInfo.get_FallTime()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()

nothing i can do
isnt profile related

restart wow and bot and will be ok
Hm dont know, sometimes my Toon got enough Money sometimes not. This time my Toon running now 30 Minutes in Stormwind to buy stuff. He got 1g+ in the Bags (Picture).
Cant you disable this Autobuy? If Users set this in the HB Settings the Toon will get Stuff as he needs. At the moment he often Sells EAT/DRINK stuff and he didnt use it, and buy it in the next
Second new.

*edit* - in the Log you will see he use Fly to Iron Forge he still try to get Food/Drink, i think he will end up in Arathi Highlands at the Horde Vendor. Will let him run and repost the Log if this happens.

*edit-2* - as told, my Toon (alliance) go the whole Way and end up in Arathi Highlands at a Horde Vendor. PLEASE!!! Set 1-2 Vendors static for buying Food/Drink and Sell each Zone and disable the Buying in your Profile. (.zip File)

How about buying Riding? Did you figure out how to do this automaticly, i start to run this Profile with interacting with HBRelog and Toon got stuck at buying Riding.

Buying #40 [Melon Juice]
Not enough money to buy 40
Cleared POI - Reason Blacklisted Vendor
Cleared POI
Cleared POI - Reason Done buying
Cleared POI
[Singular-DEBUG] warning: 5.6 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
Changed POI to:Type: Buy, Name: Thurman Mullby
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Thurman Mullby
Interact Done:1009726460
Can't use item with id:1708 Reason:InvFull
Can't use item with id:1645 Reason:InvFull
Can't use item with id:4601 Reason:InvFull
Buying #40 [Melon Juice]
Not enough money to buy 40
Cleared POI - Reason Blacklisted Vendor
Cleared POI
Cleared POI - Reason Done buying
Cleared POI
[Singular-DEBUG] warning: 5.6 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
Changed POI to:Type: Buy, Name: Cousin Slowhands
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Cousin Slowhands
Could not find vendor: 'Cousin Slowhands[62822]' blacklisting!
Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted
Cleared POI
Changed POI to:Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Allison
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Allison
Interact Done:762264988
Vendor does not sell food or water. (Or none could be found) Blacklisting it!
Cleared POI - Reason Blacklisted Vendor
Cleared POI
Cleared POI - Reason Done buying
Cleared POI
Changed POI to:Type: Buy, Name: Roberto Pupellyverbos
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Roberto Pupellyverbos


Last edited:
it just removes everything that's left from my bags, including the hearthstone etc.
thats the third.

1- sell normal itens
2- sell special itens cant be mailled
3- destroi all wich cant sell

then will buy new food/water

the logic here is the next one
every time bot start a new map will clean bags to start with maximum possible space

cant creat macro to keep picks foods waters etc, thats why he sells all
later will script an plugin to keep all that and then bot will run with that, for now the idea is level up fast and ignore some itens

Hi Cava,

I do need to come back to you on this.

This time, I attached my log, but I doubt it will show much, because only see limited entries of those actions you mention.

The selling and clearing actions happen in the last minute of the log.

According to you, this should be happening :

1. Selling greys and other useless items <-- OK, but greys are sold by my addon ELVUI
2. Selling items that can't be mailed (??) <-- unable to detect this action
3. Destroying everything else <-- OK, effectively clearing the bags, including the hearthstone

BUT(!) : at step one OR two, the script does NOT sell greens and other higher level items that are useless to the character.

In stead, the script leaves them in the bags first and then performs step 3 and destroys those items, wasting lots of gold.

Would you be able to look into this?
It happens all the time, so you should be able to reproduce this.

Thanks m8.


Is there a way to download the Behavior's manual or force the bot to download them? The plugin tells me everything is up2date but i don't have the cava quest behavior's
Hm dont know, sometimes my Toon got enough Money sometimes not. This time my Toon running now 30 Minutes in Stormwind to buy stuff. He got 1g+ in the Bags (Picture).
Cant you disable this Autobuy? If Users set this in the HB Settings the Toon will get Stuff as he needs. At the moment he often Sells EAT/DRINK stuff and he didnt use it, and buy it in the next
Second new.

*edit* - in the Log you will see he use Fly to Iron Forge he still try to get Food/Drink, i think he will end up in Arathi Highlands at the Horde Vendor. Will let him run and repost the Log if this happens.

*edit-2* - as told, my Toon (alliance) go the whole Way and end up in Arathi Highlands at a Horde Vendor. PLEASE!!! Set 1-2 Vendors static for buying Food/Drink and Sell each Zone and disable the Buying in your Profile. (.zip File)

How about buying Riding? Did you figure out how to do this automaticly, i start to run this Profile with interacting with HBRelog and Toon got stuck at buying Riding.

Buying #40 [Melon Juice]
Not enough money to buy 40
Cleared POI - Reason Blacklisted Vendor
Cleared POI
Cleared POI - Reason Done buying
Cleared POI
[Singular-DEBUG] warning: 5.6 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
Changed POI to:Type: Buy, Name: Thurman Mullby
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Thurman Mullby
Interact Done:1009726460
Can't use item with id:1708 Reason:InvFull
Can't use item with id:1645 Reason:InvFull
Can't use item with id:4601 Reason:InvFull
Buying #40 [Melon Juice]
Not enough money to buy 40
Cleared POI - Reason Blacklisted Vendor
Cleared POI
Cleared POI - Reason Done buying
Cleared POI
[Singular-DEBUG] warning: 5.6 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
Changed POI to:Type: Buy, Name: Cousin Slowhands
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Cousin Slowhands
Could not find vendor: 'Cousin Slowhands[62822]' blacklisting!
Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted
Cleared POI
Changed POI to:Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Allison
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Allison
Interact Done:762264988
Vendor does not sell food or water. (Or none could be found) Blacklisting it!
Cleared POI - Reason Blacklisted Vendor
Cleared POI
Cleared POI - Reason Done buying
Cleared POI
Changed POI to:Type: Buy, Name: Roberto Pupellyverbos
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Roberto Pupellyverbos

Hi tumbum
you wrote some points will try clarify all of then
1.disable this Autobuy?
some users like you, are realy good with bot, they know what bot is doing, when, if bot is stucked, how to configure, etc. Some users don't, some only press start and expect bot do all things. When i script i always do that for lowest denominator = users only press start button, because that i need "help" then with some configurations, like buy food/water. Yes i can disable it, and you will enable when you think bot need, but what others will do? users who dont know will look bot waiting to recover HP/mana because dont have food/drinks in bags
alliance char...end up in Arathi Highlands at the Horde Vendor.
This is not profile related, in profile i added vendors and repairs, for some reason bot blaklist then and run to others, if the others are horde, its something i cant fix, all that its inside core bot
How about buying Riding? Did you figure out how to do this automaticly, i start to run this Profile with interacting with HBRelog and Toon got stuck at buying Riding.
I scripted Alliance first and Horde after, i improved scripts for horde (learned some things), alliance side still have some (not best way todo) things when buy mounts, if you think you found one, just upload log with that will try fix that
Not enough money to buy 40
right now you can since level 1 enable loot, realy cant see how can that appens
Hi Cava,

I do need to come back to you on this.

This time, I attached my log, but I doubt it will show much, because only see limited entries of those actions you mention.

The selling and clearing actions happen in the last minute of the log.

According to you, this should be happening :

1. Selling greys and other useless items <-- OK, but greys are sold by my addon ELVUI
2. Selling items that can't be mailed (??) <-- unable to detect this action
3. Destroying everything else <-- OK, effectively clearing the bags, including the hearthstone

BUT(!) : at step one OR two, the script does NOT sell greens and other higher level items that are useless to the character.

In stead, the script leaves them in the bags first and then performs step 3 and destroys those items, wasting lots of gold.

Would you be able to look into this?
It happens all the time, so you should be able to reproduce this.

Thanks m8.

just look at last lines in code will try explain all of then and why :

<CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoMail="True" DoSell="True" DoRepair="True" />
If you selected an alt to receive mails
1) bot will mail Green/Blue and Purple itens
2) bot will sell Grey and White (if not in protected list)
3) bot will repair
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/run for i=0,4 do for j=1,GetContainerNumSlots(i)do l=GetContainerItemLink(i,j)if l then _,_,q=GetItemInfo(l)if q &lt; 4 then PickupContainerItem(i,j)PickupMerchantItem(0)end end end end" />
4) bot will sell Grey/White/Green and Blue (if vendor accept then)
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/run for i=0,4 do for j=1,GetContainerNumSlots(i)do l=GetContainerItemLink(i,j)if l then _,_,q=GetItemInfo(l)if q &lt; 4 then PickupContainerItem(i,j)DeleteCursorItem()end end end end" />
5) bot will destroy remanescent Grey/White/Green and Blue (old quest itens/HS/Trash)
<CustomBehavior File="SetHearthstone" MobId="47942" X="-7085.53" Y="-1202.19" Z="323.9868" />
6) bot will save at Inn and obtain a new HS

all this when all is working well and no errors, but not always life are nice, and sometimes theres is something missing like in this case the sequence are missing (in profile) one condition, already fixed, next time you have one char there, you can check the fix
Fixed at rev 7
Thanks for report
Is there a way to download the Behavior's manual or force the bot to download them? The plugin tells me everything is up2date but i don't have the cava quest behavior's
just reinstall CavaPlugin
So hello first, I test the plugin for about 14 hrs so far I am very satisfied and had no problems until now.
Alli - WL - Human - lvl 32
- Honor Buddy v2.5.7089.246

I'm now a few days I look at the times and report my opinion or what I should notice here. Thank Cava ever good work (:
So hello first, I test the plugin for about 14 hrs so far I am very satisfied and had no problems until now.
Alli - WL - Human - lvl 32
- Honor Buddy v2.5.7089.246

I'm now a few days I look at the times and report my opinion or what I should notice here. Thank Cava ever good work (:

This is the latest Release Version - Honorbuddy v2.5.7094.573 - Better Update.
And without a Logfile, nobody can help.