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Hello Cava,

I am leveling a rogue at the moment, not sure if its your plugin or the autoequipment thingy, but it keeps changing weapons very fast, like he doesnt know what to do, he keeps changing between my level 1 weapons and better weapons. I am not sure what it is, can you tell me where I need to look for this problem?


Possible to move the Toon to the Grind area of the Map and reduce the Blacklist Timeout for that Quest if he cant use the Item?


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Quest: Sporeggar

- Toon doesnt dismount while gather the "Mature Spore Sac".
- My Toon cant pick up the Quest, and get stuck there.


Quest: The Public Servant - Wait time after giving rune to trapped miner needs to be more like 9 or 10 seconds. 7 seconds results in me trying to give them the rune again just as they disappear and waiting for 7 more seconds.

Very nice profile so far. Thank you!
Alliance - Paladin - LVL41

Again same Problem ... Toon runs to buy Food/Drinks at "[23:25:56.090 N] Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Kosco Copperpinch" and this Vendor is in the Horde Base. So my Toon got
killed a lot there :(
Please deactivate the "Automatic Vendor finder" and set for Horde and Alliance 2 Vendor manual in the Profil.

And ... lvl41 why he buy in Arathi Highlands?!


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There's something I don't understand ..
At times, the scripts go to a vendor to sell certain items.

What the scripts leaves behind, are items like food, cloth etc.
After selling a few items, the ones that are left behind are being removed from the bags.

1. Why not selling them? After all, it's still money.
2. Would it be possible to introduce an option *not* to sell certain items? Some kind of "do not touch" list?
3. Every time, I noticed that the scripts destroy the Hearthstone, only to obtain it again a few seconds later. Wouldn't it be better to just keep that thing in the bags?

Cheers m8 .. the scripts are working like a charm :)
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There's something I don't understand ..
At times, the scripts go to a vendor to sell certain items.

What the scripts leaves behind, are items like food, cloth etc.
After selling a few items, the ones that are left behind are being removed from the bags.

1. Why not selling them? After all, it's still money.
2. Would it be possible to introduce an option *not* to sell certain items? Some kind of "do not touch" list?
3. Every time, I noticed that the scripts destroy the Hearthstone, only to obtain it again a few seconds later. Wouldn't it be better to just keep that thing in the bags?

Cheers m8 .. the scripts are working like a charm :)

char sell 2 times
first he sell gray + trash itens
second sell all possible itens ( soulbound + food etc)
Quest: Sporeggar

- Toon doesnt dismount while gather the "Mature Spore Sac".
- My Toon cant pick up the Quest, and get stuck there.

- Toon doesnt dismount while gather the "Mature Spore Sac".
Tested and cant reproduce this bug my char dismount to pick up itens

-My Toon cant pick up the Quest, and get stuck there.
think its a core-beta issue theres a problem with GetFactionReputation
got same problem when tested it

First of all, thank you for this great Profiles!
I'm using it to level a Night Elf Druid (Feral - Cat).
Can not let it go AFK 100% but I let it run in the back (2nd screen) and work with my PC for my IRL job!
It works quiet good (actually Lvl26) and I have to interfere only a few times!

I wanted to Lvl Mining and Herbalism on the same time by allowing Mining and Herb gathering in the Bot settings.
To bring some incoming from the beginning; as this toon is the first one from a new account!
But I face a problem => every time it sale: the mining pit!!! => so, impossible to mine further!
Herb gathering do not have that problem because do not use tool!

So, as Aetheric said, it should be good to have a "Do Not Sale" list!

Just to bring you some feedback!

So! Now, I level my character with Herbalism only and will level Mining when he'll be level 60 up (separately)!

Thanks again!

PS. As this character is a Druid (Feral - Cat) he do not have the use of food and drink but at each stop, he sales all what he have and buy 2 full new stack of it! Can something be done about it?
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- Toon doesnt dismount while gather the "Mature Spore Sac".
Tested and cant reproduce this bug my char dismount to pick up itens

-My Toon cant pick up the Quest, and get stuck there.
think its a core-beta issue theres a problem with GetFactionReputation
got same problem when tested it

Tested on the Release HB Version and the same, Toon doesnt pickup the Quest.
char sell 2 times
first he sell gray + trash itens
second sell all possible itens ( soulbound + food etc)

That's what it should be doing, but what I noticed is that the second time, it doesn't _sell_ anything; it just removes everything that's left from my bags, including the hearthstone etc.
So, the second time, the script totally empties all bags - no selling at all.

And then it runs to the first available guy that sells food and drinks, only to buy the same food and drinks that has just been removed from my bags.
I don't understand the logic behind this behaviour.
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That's what it should be doing, but what I noticed is that the second time, it doesn't _sell_ anything; it just removes everything that's left from my bags, including the hearthstone etc.
So, the second time, the script totally empties all bags - no selling at all.

And then it runs to the first available guy that sells food and drinks, only to buy the same food and drinks that has just been removed from my bags.
I don't understand the logic behind this behaviour.
it just removes everything that's left from my bags, including the hearthstone etc.
thats the third.

1- sell normal itens
2- sell special itens cant be mailled
3- destroi all wich cant sell

then will buy new food/water

the logic here is the next one
every time bot start a new map will clean bags to start with maximum possible space

cant creat macro to keep picks foods waters etc, thats why he sells all
later will script an plugin to keep all that and then bot will run with that, for now the idea is level up fast and ignore some itens
Another question, m8 :

After starting the script, the char runs towards the flight master to do an update on the nodes.
Then the char mounts and after a second or two, it will dismount because the script decided that the char needs to fly somewhere.
Only then it takes that flight.

This is done in such a consistent way, that it's very obvious that this a bot operating the char.
Every time the same sequence : "run towards flightmaster -> update nodes -> mount -> dismount -> take flight"

My question is : is this due to the script or does HB do this? If the former, is there anything the script can do about it?