I never use DX11, and have quintuppily quintuple checked to be sure. Any ideas now with the update?
;killing all processes
Func _ProcessCloseEx($sPID)
If IsString($sPID) Then $sPID = ProcessExists($sPID)
If Not $sPID Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return Run(@ComSpec & " /c taskkill /F /PID " & $sPID & " /T", @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE)
Func _ProcessCloseEx1($sPID)
If IsString($sPID) Then $sPID = ProcessExists($sPID)
If Not $sPID Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return Run(@ComSpec & " /c taskkill /F /PID " & $sPID & " /T", @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE)
Func _ProcessCloseEx2($sPID)
If IsString($sPID) Then $sPID = ProcessExists($sPID)
If Not $sPID Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return Run(@ComSpec & " /c taskkill /F /PID " & $sPID & " /T", @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE)
sleep(360000);waiting 5 minutes before starting again
;starting arelog
sleep(6000) ;6 seconds should be enough time for arelog to load and the window to be clickable
;select the profile we will launch
MouseClick("left", 206, 64, 1) ; there are no button control ids so lets resort to x,y coords. Use the autoit window info tool to discover the coordinates for your environment.
;click the "start selected button"
MouseClick("left", 157, 242, 1)
[11:48:31:400] [BNet: [email protected] Account: ] Please make sure that you selected Honorbuddy.exe (Discard this message if you renamed it
[11:48:31:615] Starting ARelog v1.0.2.9
[11:48:31:620] Checking for updates.
[11:48:31:856] ARelog is up-to-date
[11:48:35:258] Starting WoW
[11:48:35:263] Waiting for WoW to idle
[11:48:41:942] [PID: 3364] Moving WoW Window to: 1576, 0 - With size: 336x294
[11:48:46:482] [PID: 3364] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[11:48:52:141] [PID: 3364] Selecting character and entering world.
[11:49:06:13] [PID: 3364] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[11:49:06:13] [PID: 3364] Disposing hooks
[11:49:06:14] [PID: 3364] Starting Honorbuddy
[11:49:22:474] [PID: 3364] Current Task: Botname: ProfessionBuddy - ProfilePath: - Finish Time: 2012-01-22 13:24:35
[13:00:47:680] [PID: 3364] Disconnected! Restarting WoW + Buddy
[13:01:01:458] Starting WoW
[13:01:01:508] Waiting for WoW to idle
[13:01:16:487] [PID: 2892] Moving WoW Window to: 1576, 0 - With size: 336x294
[13:01:21:787] [PID: 2892] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[13:02:00:559] [PID: 2892] Terminating monitor on request.
[13:02:00:627] All monitors are terminated.
[13:02:10:563] Starting WoW
[13:02:10:566] Waiting for WoW to idle
[13:02:17:834] [PID: 3204] Moving WoW Window to: 1576, 0 - With size: 336x294
[13:02:22:310] [PID: 3204] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[13:03:01:764] [PID: 3204] Selecting character and entering world.
[13:03:21:397] [PID: 3204] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[13:03:21:397] [PID: 3204] Disposing hooks
[13:03:21:397] [PID: 3204] Starting Honorbuddy
[13:04:23:859] [PID: 3204] Honorbuddy is crashed! Restarting Buddy
[13:24:36:994] [PID: 3204] Reached end of task. Terminating.
[13:24:43:561] [PID: 3204] Current Task: Botname: ProfessionBuddy - ProfilePath: E:\xxx\Miranda\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\[PB] AH.xml - Finish Time: 2012-01-22 13:42:37
[13:24:43:561] [PID: 3204] Restarting WoW + Buddy
[13:24:43:561] Starting WoW
[13:24:43:563] Waiting for WoW to idle
[13:24:50:587] [PID: 4200] Moving WoW Window to: 1576, 0 - With size: 336x294
[13:24:56:129] [PID: 4200] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[13:25:39:706] [PID: 4200] Selecting character and entering world.
[13:25:52:500] [PID: 4200] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[13:25:52:500] [PID: 4200] Disposing hooks
[13:25:52:500] [PID: 4200] Starting Honorbuddy
[13:42:41:765] [PID: 4200] Reached end of task. Terminating.
[13:42:48:181] [PID: 4200] Current Task: Botname: ProfessionBuddy - ProfilePath: - Finish Time: 2012-01-22 15:18:41
[13:42:48:181] [PID: 4200] Restarting WoW + Buddy
[13:42:48:181] Starting WoW
[13:42:48:226] Waiting for WoW to idle
[13:42:54:961] [PID: 4484] Moving WoW Window to: 1576, 0 - With size: 336x294
[13:43:01:23] [PID: 4484] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[13:43:40:327] [PID: 4484] Selecting character and entering world.
[13:43:53:435] [PID: 4484] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[13:43:53:435] [PID: 4484] Disposing hooks
[13:43:53:435] [PID: 4484] Starting Honorbuddy
[15:18:45:572] [PID: 4484] Reached end of task. Terminating.
[15:18:52:264] [PID: 4484] Current Task: Botname: ProfessionBuddy - ProfilePath: E:\xxx\Miranda\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\[PB] AH.xml - Finish Time: 2012-01-22 15:36:45
[15:18:52:264] [PID: 4484] Restarting WoW + Buddy
[15:18:52:264] Starting WoW
[15:18:52:267] Waiting for WoW to idle
[15:18:59:26] [PID: 3536] Moving WoW Window to: 1576, 0 - With size: 336x294
[15:19:04:890] [PID: 3536] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[15:19:44:464] [PID: 3536] Selecting character and entering world.
[15:20:09:589] [PID: 3536] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[15:20:09:589] [PID: 3536] Disposing hooks
[15:20:09:589] [PID: 3536] Starting Honorbuddy
[15:36:48:804] [PID: 3536] Reached end of task. Terminating.
[15:36:55:198] [PID: 3536] Current Task: Botname: idle - ProfilePath: - Finish Time: 2012-01-22 16:36:48
[16:36:50:199] [PID: 3536] Reached end of task. Terminating.
[16:36:55:199] [PID: 3536] Current Task: Botname: ProfessionBuddy - ProfilePath: E:\xxx\Miranda\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\[PB] AH.xml - Finish Time: 2012-01-22 16:54:50
[16:36:55:199] [PID: 3536] Restarting WoW + Buddy
[16:36:55:199] Starting WoW
[16:36:55:209] Waiting for WoW to idle
[16:37:01:666] [PID: 4852] Moving WoW Window to: 1576, 0 - With size: 336x294
[16:37:05:912] [PID: 4852] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[16:37:44:509] [PID: 4852] Selecting character and entering world.
[16:38:03:395] [PID: 4852] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[16:38:03:395] [PID: 4852] Disposing hooks
[16:38:03:395] [PID: 4852] Starting Honorbuddy
[16:54:55:19] [PID: 4852] Reached end of task. Terminating.
[16:55:01:389] [PID: 4852] Current Task: Botname: ProfessionBuddy - ProfilePath: - Finish Time: 2012-01-22 18:30:55
[16:55:01:389] [PID: 4852] Restarting WoW + Buddy
[16:55:01:389] Starting WoW
[16:55:01:397] Waiting for WoW to idle
[16:55:07:185] [PID: 3016] Moving WoW Window to: 1576, 0 - With size: 336x294
[16:55:11:624] [PID: 3016] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[16:55:52:7] [PID: 3016] Selecting character and entering world.
[16:56:11:484] [PID: 3016] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[16:56:11:484] [PID: 3016] Disposing hooks
[16:56:11:485] [PID: 3016] Starting Honorbuddy
[18:30:58:552] [PID: 3016] Reached end of task. Terminating. <-------------- Arelog doesn't close wow and hd
manual closing of wow and hb <---------------
[19:16:24:729] [PID: 3016] Current Task: Botname: ProfessionBuddy - ProfilePath: E:\xxx\Miranda\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\[PB] AH.xml - Finish Time: 2012-01-22 18:48:58 <------At this hour the task was supposed to be done
[19:16:24:729] [PID: 3016] Reached end of task. Terminating.
[19:16:29:729] [PID: 3016] Current Task: Botname: ProfessionBuddy - ProfilePath: - Finish Time: 2012-01-22 20:52:24
[19:16:29:729] [PID: 3016] Restarting WoW + Buddy
[19:16:29:729] Starting WoW
[19:16:29:737] Waiting for WoW to idle
[19:16:39:646] [PID: 2352] Moving WoW Window to: 1576, 0 - With size: 336x294
[19:16:45:660] [PID: 2352] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[19:17:24:250] [PID: 2352] Selecting character and entering world.
[19:17:37:324] [PID: 2352] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[19:17:37:324] [PID: 2352] Disposing hooks
[19:17:37:324] [PID: 2352] Starting Honorbuddy
[19:18:02:953] Exiting with code: 0
I never use DX11, and have quintuppily quintuple checked to be sure. Any ideas now with the update?
In which form i have to write the Realmname? cause it is blank for me after i wrote my realm in?
Furthermore I just want to run Archeologybuddy if my WoW crashes. Do i have to load any Profile in the Shedule or just the Botname? Is ArcheologyBuddy the right form to load it in Shedule?
Thanks so far.
I'm removing singular and do not install more than one CC and it makes my life much easier. for every occasion (PvP, farming, leveling) I'm using another HB folder with a single CC. But the I just tried and CC selection is also working fine with me.Now that singular is always an option for my toons is there a way to make the cc-selection work?