Stop sticking your nose in every single thread, it's annoying as you are not staff yet you consistently project yourself as someone of importance, and I do not appreciate your fanboi style response to my legitimate enquiry.
I'm running a business, and having to wait ages for 20 accounts to load up interferes with the normal use of my computer as it is not solely used for botting. The old method worked fine, I merely would like an option to use it.
1) I actually care about the community. I actually help them. And you do what? Ask for more and better free development?
It's not always about you you you. As another user posted others have had problems with the old startup methods.
Raphus was kind enough to add in the option to switch between. Kudos to him.
2) If you are running a "Business" and do not have enough income to build a dedicated setup then you are not running a business at all. Especially with 20+ accounts.
Granted to have 20 accounts running, and still being able to do other things, means you have a powerful setup already.
3) My nose is soft and Furry. I would appreciate you not attacking me, as I may not be a staff member, but am a member of the community. I can say what I want, where I want (within the rules of the forum).
And so ends my rant about selfish users.
Raphus I appreciate the updates.
I've had the same problems as others have posted about it not actually starting wow, and showing the "check to make sure you have the correct path" log.
Win 7, 64bit. Dual Video cards, 1 on MB, 1 External.
I'll set wow to start on the MB card and see if it affects it.
Edit: Still failed to start. Uninstalling Norton IS. Trying again.
Edit2: Still failed. No anti-virus running. If you need more info, or access to my comp via teamview or such just get ahold of me via PM.