AB fails solving when plugin Arhcy is used...
It took me awhile to notice the trend, but AB works fine and solves artifacts when I wasn't running my regular plugins - but when I was running it this evening, it would fail to solve the artifacts when I was running Archy, the Archeology plugin.
I like that plugin cause it shows the nearest digsites so even when I'm botting, I can see where I'm heading to, how far it currently is as I fly in and which type it is. But when AB states that it's solving an artifact, it actually doesn't. After a min or so it will then attempt to do an unstuck routine and try again... but until I actually solve it myself manually, it doesn't succeed. And once I do solve it, then AB functions normally... until it attempts to solve it's next artifact.
I'm attaching a log - some times to note:
5:02 - attempted to solve an artifact - I let it fail until 5:05 when I manually solved it myself.
5:16 - attempted to solve an artifact - and I had toggled Archy so that it wasn't visible on screen, but it was still loaded... had to solve manually at 5:19.
5:38 - same... solved manually at 5:42.
After this I turned off Archy and reloaded UI... and AB proceeded to work as normal - including solving artifacts without issues.
Any ideas on if this can be fixed so that it could work while Archy was loaded? As I said, it's just nice that when I am around the machine that I can see how far it is until the dig site and details on what I'm working on.