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Haslassistant - Mob grinder with Hasla/Group features

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For some reason the script seem not use battlerage skills '-'
I try on bligther and it uses Shadowplay good, also defense shild skills, but... no battlerage skills '-' i was using just to farm jester, out of hasla '-'
For some reason the script seem not use battlerage skills '-'
I try on bligther and it uses Shadowplay good, also defense shild skills, but... no battlerage skills '-' i was using just to farm jester, out of hasla '-'

Which skills do you use with your blighter to farm efficiently? In which order do you use them and which combos are really mandatory?

@Karls: Have you thought about splitting the code up in a range combat and a melee combat tree?
I'll have to look into the crashes.

And got a decent blighter farm spec to link so I can add the battlerage skills to the plugin and test it a bit?

Any chance we can get play dead as an aggro dropper, for instance below a certain amount of hp / mp play dead :S as it is it's currently not using it at all for me.

It should use it when below 15% HP iirc. I'll double next next time I'm updating the plugin
Error while looking for a new target: Object '/4910549a_ae56_480c_b99b_c41149a30441/kwr34c713nrg6tmwwuxmlogp_138909.rem' has been disconnected or does not exist at the server.

Keep receiving this error and sometimes it just close all '-'
Love the plugin Karls excellent work, Small suggestion, maybe have the option to summon pet to help in battle and to rez it if dead that way you could lvl your pet and get some small extra damage :P

Thanks mate
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Hello, I realy love autoroll in Hasla. <3
Found few problems:
1) It stands and loots one body while Dice-roll in progress.
2) If not first on mob it realy often fails with assist, in raid atleast. Maybe if you make it stick to mob while it has respawn buff will fix it?
3) It also tempts to attack portals and Hasla rift portal thingy :)
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First, not sure when next plugin update will be, but probably sometime this week depending on how RL goes.

I use this one

[GUIDE] ? Fighter ? SURVIVE AND KILL ? PvP/PvE ? - Arche-Base

On my bligther

Other thing, i change my spec to mage and get a party with brother, but... it seem not assist my brother char '-' also in raid is rare when he get the same target '-'

Is it ignoring a close mob a team/raid member is fighting to aggro something further away? And I'll test with that blighter spec next time I'm ingame.

Keep receiving this error and sometimes it just close all '-'

The combat exceptions it prints in the log are pretty normal, usually just that the mob got killed too quickly. Still unsure about the complete crashes.

Love the plugin Karls excellent work, Small suggestion, maybe have the option to summon pet to help in battle and to rez it if dead that way you could lvl your pet and get some small extra damage :P

Thanks mate

Can add that to the todo list, started testing mount resurrecting for my daily-quest plugin so should be able to implement it eventually.

Can I add the bot to use bookmarks in the library every 30 minutes

I'm not sure what you mean. I might have missed some content updates since I last played AA (outside of the plugin testing), so you'll have to give me a few more details ;)

Hello, I realy love autoroll in Hasla. <3
Found few problems:
1) It stands and loots one body while Dice-roll in progress.
2) If not first on mob it realy often fails with assist, in raid atleast. Maybe if you make it stick to mob while it has respawn buff will fix it?
3) It also tempts to attack portals and Hasla rift portal thingy :)

1) I'm a bit lost on why it keeps trying to loot in groups, it does show the "Team Size: X" with the actual number (2 or more) for you, right?
2) I'll check the code next time to see if I missed anything there. And I'll do some testing to handle better the mobs that just spawned with the invincibility buff.
3) Is the ignore list (the 2nd tab in the GUI) not working on these? And if you mean player owned portals for the first one, the name should be "Space Gate (Portal)" to add them to ignore list

Edit: finally got some total crash from the plugin and might have that one figured out, will have to see if it happens again. Otherwhise testing quickly with battlerage skills (with terribad gear, had to buy a cheap green 1H sword to be able to test) and it's somewhat ok but mana management is pretty bad atm.
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More suggestion for you :)
Can add feature so that can override the target so you can attack hostile player while hunting (more danger when at war) but offcourse still using skill rotation.
Set attacking distance while attacking would be nice for range
Best plugin you got here!

Thank you Karls for your plugin, awesome work so far and support!
Could you have some option toggled by hotkeys like the F1-12 keys(Traderunner has this if you need code example)
Dis/en able Combat (F1) Dis/en able Looting(F2) in case someone tries to gank your spot?
Maybe an (F3) Toggle to PvP mode where you try to unload everything you have on the closest Red? Or have it enabled if attacked by another player? :)
Karl be sure i will donate some money to you........you plugin is far best one i have used.........if you can only add some more options that would be great.....for example to open coinpurse........and what Fuzzied said would be nice to have 2........everything else is awesome.........very simple and professional done
1) I'm a bit lost on why it keeps trying to loot in groups, it does show the "Team Size: X" with the actual number (2 or more) for you, right?
2) I'll check the code next time to see if I missed anything there. And I'll do some testing to handle better the mobs that just spawned with the invincibility buff.
3) Is the ignore list (the 2nd tab in the GUI) not working on these? And if you mean player owned portals for the first one, the name should be "Space Gate (Portal)" to add them to ignore list

1) Wasn't checking logs then, last night looting in group worked perfect.
2) Changed code a bit to get rid of continuose exceptions caused by loop on changing object here:
private Creature GetBestNearestMob(Zone zone, int combatRange)
            Creature mob = null;
            double smallestDist = 999999;
			List<Creature> nearMobs = core.getCreatures();
                foreach (var obj in nearMobs)
and to calculate aggro for team too instead of me and mount here:
private int GetAggroCount()
			int total = 0;
			foreach (var teammember in team)
			total = total +(int)core.getAggroMobsCount(teammember);
			total = total + core.getAggroMobs().Count + (int)core.getAggroMobsCount(core.getMount());
            return total;
also played with resting % of mana and hp, it seems uploaded version got it from solo version (and my build had mana issues so some unexpected moves could come from there). After that it plays smoother and become more helpful to team.

3) Yeah it works, just didnt know I should handle it by ignore list and the name of portal. Another "item" you want to add is "Hasla Rift".
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First thanks to the two users who sent a donation, was appreciated to see these emails appear in my inbox ;)

And uploaded 2.0.4 with the changes I have tested so far:
- Used your code changes Iso (just got team aggro count disabled by default, but it's just one variable to edit in the function if you want it - set the parameter to true)
- Added Battlerage/Defense skills (make sure to check the "shield equipped" option in the gear tab - that is just a temporary easy way out until I code an actual shield detection). It's pretty bad on mana as Blighter, maybe Abolisher does better with Meditate
- Added some more UI elements for future updates
- Plugin might crash less now!
Damn, man, I like your code more and more :)

Feedback on 2.0.4:
- It crashes a lot more often then 2.0.3. It seems mostly when I'm "helping" it manualy (rotating camera, scrolling chat, but maybe coincidence), but sometimes when it's untouched too. "Exception Cought. Do 'Unmarshal' delivered wrong element ObjRef."
- Waiting for mob respawn buff to be gone spams log.
+ Never did multiple looting in raid to me again.
- Plugin still not willing to assist in case party memebrs pulled mob first. I suspect it just takes close 100% hp mob over further already pulled one so acts as intendeed in code. Need more tests to be sure.
+ I think this statement is false now :) "What it won't do: Beat good players in mob-tagging wars" because it actualy beats just like another player.
But what about real crashes that stop the plugin, or worse ArcheBuddy and get you disconnected? The ones caught and displayed in log are probably due to bad pieces of code not checking that everything is right (and trigger an exception instead of properly ignoring that mob/...). At least that Unmarshal one triggered enough on my side as well to be able to fix it with more testing.

And yeah I forgot to set a limit to that log spam (or even just remove it), it was mostly for debug purposes to make sure it reacted correctly when picking new mobs before they were attackable (since I do the testing in quiet areas and mostly solo. But did you mean that targeting new mobs early helped to win more tagging battles in Hasla?
- It crashes a lot more often then 2.0.3. It seems mostly when I'm "helping" it manualy (rotating camera, scrolling chat, but maybe coincidence), but sometimes when it's untouched too. "Exception Cought. Do 'Unmarshal' delivered wrong element ObjRef."

This one crash AB, disconnects you etc. It's not in log, it's in popup window.

Yes, early targeting makes bot win tagging because it just spams insta skill like humans do. It has it's problems - I'll PM you in the morning with some code proposal.

I sent you 2 PM's, will be waiting for new version for future test so we test and use same code ;)
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Ah it doesn't actually spam skills, it just gets in combat range and waits for IsAttackable() to return true (but probably reacts faster than the delay between 2 keypresses for normal players' spam)

And will include both code changes you suggested, they'll help :)

Edit: also for the question I forgot to answer in your PM, I have no idea what obj.firstHitter would return if a pet got the first hit. Both the pet and its owner can make sense, so will have to test that sometime incase it becomes an issue.
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Yeah, I'll make sure min HP/MP to engage mobs are configurable in UI for the next update.
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