First, not sure when next plugin update will be, but probably sometime this week depending on how RL goes.
I use this one
[GUIDE] ? Fighter ? SURVIVE AND KILL ? PvP/PvE ? - Arche-Base
On my bligther
Other thing, i change my spec to mage and get a party with brother, but... it seem not assist my brother char '-' also in raid is rare when he get the same target '-'
Is it ignoring a close mob a team/raid member is fighting to aggro something further away? And I'll test with that blighter spec next time I'm ingame.
Keep receiving this error and sometimes it just close all '-'
The combat exceptions it prints in the log are pretty normal, usually just that the mob got killed too quickly. Still unsure about the complete crashes.
Love the plugin Karls excellent work, Small suggestion, maybe have the option to summon pet to help in battle and to rez it if dead that way you could lvl your pet and get some small extra damage
Thanks mate
Can add that to the todo list, started testing mount resurrecting for my daily-quest plugin so should be able to implement it eventually.
Can I add the bot to use bookmarks in the library every 30 minutes
I'm not sure what you mean. I might have missed some content updates since I last played AA (outside of the plugin testing), so you'll have to give me a few more details
Hello, I realy love autoroll in Hasla. <3
Found few problems:
1) It stands and loots one body while Dice-roll in progress.
2) If not first on mob it realy often fails with assist, in raid atleast. Maybe if you make it stick to mob while it has respawn buff will fix it?
3) It also tempts to attack portals and Hasla rift portal thingy
1) I'm a bit lost on why it keeps trying to loot in groups, it does show the "Team Size: X" with the actual number (2 or more) for you, right?
2) I'll check the code next time to see if I missed anything there. And I'll do some testing to handle better the mobs that just spawned with the invincibility buff.
3) Is the ignore list (the 2nd tab in the GUI) not working on these? And if you mean player owned portals for the first one, the name should be "Space Gate (Portal)" to add them to ignore list
Edit: finally got some total crash from the plugin and might have that one figured out, will have to see if it happens again. Otherwhise testing quickly with battlerage skills (with terribad gear, had to buy a cheap green 1H sword to be able to test) and it's somewhat ok but mana management is pretty bad atm.