the truth is, that like with everything its best to learn from the decisions you make so you can make better ones in the future. we learned a lot from rift and from swtor both games where outside of our normal realm of WoW and we learned a lot from both. like i said before if there's enough demand and our core developers feel the game has enough potential to sustain a player base and that we could make a product to answer that demand then at that point we would. its not a yes, its not a no, just its not feasible for us to tell you anything at this time. because look, i came on here and said "YES we are making a bot for such and such" then people are going to start wanting dates, and its just going to snowball out from there for people who want a bot for a product that isnt even out to market yet. so again, its not yes, its not no, just its a possibility we are looking at.