Where is this slot for mailing to Bank ALT ?
After loading the profile, just press settings button, and from the right side there is an empty window where you have to fill name of your bank hero...
Where is this slot for mailing to Bank ALT ?
August 2016.... Getting an error...
"The currently loaded profile does not have anything for the local player to do (is your toon too high level?)"
I changed the max level to 101 in the profile xml file. Problem solved.
Thanks so much for this! My bot is skipping looting some corpses in this run, haven't seen this before, anywhere I should look in the routine?
Works fine, but you should have focused on Zora Hive, i think. When playing by hand, i was able to get 2 glorious chests, a head, a shield and boots in 6 hours of playing there... Maybe a stroke of luck but i doubt it...I went to the Settings & Tools and set the Loot Radius to 100 (the highest available).