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this is what ive got while running this for about a week 6-15+ a day:
3x lofty legs,2x chest,1x shoulder,1x hands
2x vanguard legs, 2x shoulder, 2x belt,1x hands
4x glorious belt, 2x head, 1x boots,1x hands AND LEGS! was so happy to see these in my bags today morning.
ran with frost dk usind ezfrost cc, worked flawlesly.
This profile doesnt work for me, It wont move or target mobs. If I target the move and move myself and kill it, then it does go and loot/skin it...Any way you could assist me on this issue? I tried a fresh install of HB and that didnt work
Well, its been exactly a month since i last posted, i had pair of glorious legs the day after i posted here and none since. Made around 300k though so not all bad.
Auto farming or should i kill and its auto loot because i think im having problem with this, Stucking in " Downloading Mesh " and i just run around and kill mobs and the profile auto loot them
This profile doesn't work for me. I select GrindBot or [Beta]Grindbuddy. None of them work. My character just stands while Honorbuddy says: "Loading profile" When I select the other profile of Zuabro, the bot works fine. But I wanted to try out this one. What to do?
Downloaded it set the botbase to grind and then tried to load profile , but it doesn't load up
s this bugged or is a reupload needed ?
Corrected changed the botting profile to work at level 91 ,