Will this routine use all CD's, mana, etc, etc to keep someone alive?
Yes and also you can define the urgent moments by adjusting the variables about when to use the CDs and trinkets
Will this routine use all CD's, mana, etc, etc to keep someone alive?
1- u are not resto specHi, i'm quite new to botting and have hit a problem the bot moves extremely slowly and sticks out like a sore thumb then stops and does nothing, here's the log:
View attachment 158312
Been doing a bit of testing and it seems it's because we're not in combat. I tried casting Moonfire a few times when I noticed it wasn't healing and it would immediately begin working. When not casting Moonfire it obviously doesn't heal until we're hit.Probably Dungeon buddy - as it might not enter combat - if not in combat, leaves won't heal :/ hhmm
Been doing a bit of testing and it seems it's because we're not in combat. When not casting Moonfire it obviously doesn't heal until we're hit.
need to see a logSame issue as above, leaves isn't kicking out enough healing right now, have had to use other profiles as this routine seems to be broken compared to how it used to be.
Need to see a logHey Mirabis,
is there any Setting for healing in cm? I tried different settings and it seems like Leaves cant handle it. Even with weight damage max and / income heal min. there ist always a point where leaves letz someone die... i got flamed hard for several times. (i got no log atm sorry) Maybe you can upload a settingsfile for cm?
The other point: DoC just didnt work. He didnt attacked a single time in 3 days, tried several settings. he is just not attacking with wrath, i can do what i want
Hope you can give me some suggestions even without a logfile
Been doing a bit of testing and it seems it's because we're not in combat. I tried casting Moonfire a few times when I noticed it wasn't healing and it would immediately begin working. When not casting Moonfire it obviously doesn't heal until we're hit.
First time i use a paid CR also first time in raids and other stuff, i thought it would be fun to try it out. For now iv just got it working in instances not in proving grounds i read around abit seems to be a problem but in the latest update you did it should be working. Sorry tho i don't have the logs atm i can maybe try again today and give you the logs.
my question is i do Normal/heroic maybe mythic raiding later on also CM's my question is to you all, do you have diffrent kind of settings for everything? Also can you pause the CR and cast Tranquility as my raid sometimes wants me to do it on hard aoe nukes from bosses. Also in raid dose the CR use the Wild mushrooms more?
Sorry for the nobbish questions, if someone wants to share some of thier settings for CM's and raids etc i will gladly try them out!
Just wanted to throw in a little update for those of you raiding. I had been using TuanHA's druid routine for healing as it was stable and the mana usage was customizable. However, found myself only pulling 25-30k healing on Heroic Butcher with 653ilvl gear even though my mana would just barely last me to end of fight. Tried using this routine with Gud123's setting but my mana would get blown in the first minute of the fight. Went back to TuanHA until Mirabis pointed out the "Automatic" vs "Manual" mode and the "Mana Save on Unit%" feature. Set it to Manual and the mana save at 90% and suddenly I pulled a whopping 50k on Butcher on a successful kill. For some of you healers that may still not seem like a lot, but knowing my ilvl is still mediocre and my mana ran out perfectly as the boss died, this is worlds better than any other CR I've tried. Thanks for the hard work Mirabis and thanks for the presets Gud123.