Seems to be interrupting cast when manually casting tranq hasn't happend before tonights raid not sure if I screwed up a setting somewhere.
[17:29:51.612 N] [51:612]: BossBase: Detected Brackenspore
[17:29:51.612 N] [51:612]: Automatically changed boss to Brackenspore <Walker of the Deep>
[17:29:54.092 N] [54:092]: Clearing/Updating Wild Mushroom data
[17:30:30.339 N] [30:339]: BossBase: Detected Fungal Flesh-Eater
[17:30:30.339 N] [30:339]: Automatically changed boss to Yu'lon
[17:31:25.032 N] [25:032]: A unit has died - Scanning for possible ressurection.
[17:31:34.439 N] [34:439]: Detected a battle res on Declan-DefiasBrotherhood
[17:31:51.618 N] [51:618]: Pause: Tranquility is active
[17:32:03.464 N] [03:464]: BossBase: Detected Brackenspore
[17:32:03.464 N] [03:464]: Automatically changed boss to Brackenspore <Walker of the Deep>
[17:32:30.409 N] [30:409]: BossBase: Detected Fungal Flesh-Eater
[17:32:30.409 N] [30:409]: Automatically changed boss to Yu'lon
[17:33:55.076 N] [55:076]: BossBase: Detected Brackenspore
[17:33:55.076 N] [55:076]: Automatically changed boss to Brackenspore <Walker of the Deep>
[17:34:30.808 N] [30:808]: BossBase: Detected Fungal Flesh-Eater
[17:34:30.808 N] [30:808]: Automatically changed boss to Yu'lon
[17:34:53.629 N] [53:629]: Pause: Tranquility is active
[17:35:43.666 N] [43:666]: BossBase: Detected Brackenspore
[17:35:43.666 N] [43:666]: Automatically changed boss to Brackenspore <Walker of the Deep>
[17:36:40.907 N] [40:907]: BossBase: Detected Fungal Flesh-Eater
[17:36:40.907 N] [40:907]: Automatically changed boss to Yu'lon
[17:36:57.377 N] [57:377]: BossBase: Encounter Ended
The combat routine paused multiple times - when u were casting Tranquility. :O
PS: I see a bug in boss detection