here the log from opening the HB waiting few minutes then starting Greedy. Right now he is in SW spamming the banker.
Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[40:002]: LuaEventHandler: attaching eventHandlers.
[40:070]: Warning: Greedy setting 'Enable_HBRelogSupport' value of True Can't be set, changing to False. [Reason:HBRelogHelper is not installed.]
[40:071]: Warning: Greedy setting 'RobotoDB Download Interval' value of 3 out of range, changing to 4. [Reason:RobotoDB only updates every 3-4 hrs]
[40:114]: Greedy.NagivationProvider: ENABLED.
[44:267]: First call to GUI - Initializing Core first -> May take a little longer.
[46:384]: Greedy.NagivationProvider: ENABLED.
[47:415]: Retrieved 298 localized Battle pet names.
[47:951]: Exception thrown in RecordsAtleast14DaysOld || (See log file for more information)
[48:448]: Exception thrown in RecordsAtleast14DaysOld || (See log file for more information)
[50:212]: BatchLocalize retrieved 10935 out of 10936 in 5475ms
[50:231]: WoWuction Data Loaded: New Items: 10936 -- Total Items: 10936
[39:618]: Exception thrown in RecordsAtleast14DaysOld || (See log file for more information)
[40:053]: Exception thrown in RecordsAtleast14DaysOld || (See log file for more information)
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Greedy
Current zone is Stormwind City (
Stormwind City - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Changing current profile to Greedy 'Blank Profile'
[28:586]: 0 CancelAuctions Beta:No
[28:588]: 1 CheckForPostedAuctions Beta:No
[28:588]: 2 GetAllMails Beta:No
[28:588]: 3 WithdrawFromReagentBank Beta:No
[28:588]: 4 WithdrawFromBank Beta:No
[28:588]: 5 WithdrawFromGuildBank Beta:No
[28:588]: 6 VendorItems Beta:No
[28:588]: 7 SendCods Beta:No
[28:588]: 8 SellCustomandAutoItems Beta:No
[28:588]: 9 BuyBattlePets Beta:No
[28:588]: 10 BuyCustomandAutoItems Beta:No
[28:588]: 11 SendMails Beta:No
[28:588]: 13 DepositInBank Beta:No
[28:588]: 14 DepositInReagentBank Beta:No
[28:588]: 15 DepositInGuildBank Beta:No
[28:588]: 16 DepositInGuildBank Beta:No
[28:588]: 17 RepairAuctionItems Beta:No
[28:588]: 20 SummonVendorMount Beta:No
[28:588]: 21 DoneBehavior Beta:No
[Singular] Your Level 100 Gnome Frost Mage Build is
[Singular] ... running the Greedy bot in Stormwind City
[Singular] ... Zone: Eastern Kingdoms using my SOLO Behaviors alone