No full log, no support. With that attitude u may move on though. There's a refund button which will give ur money back, and we'll both live happily after.There's nothing to post more of the log. Its all the same shit over and over again. Whatever, i wasted money and it's okay for me, i know this already so shit happens.
At this point in time i have been unsuccessful running Greedy. Before spending time on configuring and adding my items of interest, I went to Help Tap and click on glyphs and mats, which populate those items in Actions Tap. I can see the long list of buying and selling. Started Greedy and nothing is happening. I have been playing with it since last night and I can not make it to work. Also every time I want to stop Greedy I need to do it with Task Manager by ending HB. Also I have disable TSM addons.
Are Default settings needs to be change for Greedy to work, like in my case?
The first thing Greedy does is scanning my own actions, then it goes to regent bank and withdrawing items, then nothing he just sits there....
Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[47:693]: LuaEventHandler: attaching eventHandlers.
[47:761]: Warning: Greedy setting 'Enable_HBRelogSupport' value of True Can't be set, changing to False. [Reason:HBRelogHelper is not installed.]
[47:761]: Warning: Greedy setting 'RobotoDB Download Interval' value of 3 out of range, changing to 4. [Reason:RobotoDB only updates every 3-4 hrs]
[47:816]: Greedy.NagivationProvider: ENABLED.
[14:812]: First call to GUI - Initializing Core first -> May take a little longer.
[16:888]: Greedy.NagivationProvider: ENABLED.
[17:221]: Retrieved 298 localized Battle pet names.
[21:146]: Exception thrown in RecordsAtleast14DaysOld || (See log file for more information)
[21:649]: Exception thrown in RecordsAtleast14DaysOld || (See log file for more information)
[30:585]: BatchLocalize retrieved 10907 out of 10908 in 15367ms
[30:599]: WoWuction Data Loaded: New Items: 10908 -- Total Items: 10908
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Greedy
Current zone is Stormwind City (Stormwind City - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Changing current profile to Greedy 'Blank Profile'
[30:947]: 0 CancelAuctions Beta:No
[30:948]: 1 CheckForPostedAuctions Beta:No
[30:948]: 2 GetAllMails Beta:No
[30:948]: 3 WithdrawFromReagentBank Beta:No
[30:948]: 4 WithdrawFromBank Beta:No
[30:948]: 5 WithdrawFromGuildBank Beta:No
[30:948]: 6 VendorItems Beta:No
[30:948]: 7 SendCods Beta:No
[30:948]: 8 SellCustomandAutoItems Beta:No
[30:948]: 9 BuyBattlePets Beta:No
[30:948]: 10 BuyCustomandAutoItems Beta:No
[30:948]: 11 SendMails Beta:No
[30:948]: 13 DepositInBank Beta:No
[30:948]: 14 DepositInReagentBank Beta:No
[30:948]: 15 DepositInGuildBank Beta:No
[30:948]: 16 DepositInGuildBank Beta:No
[30:948]: 17 RepairAuctionItems Beta:No
[30:948]: 20 SummonVendorMount Beta:No
[30:948]: 21 DoneBehavior Beta:No
[Singular] Your Level 100 Gnome Frost Mage Build is
[Singular] ... running the Greedy bot in Stormwind City
[Singular] ... Zone: Eastern Kingdoms using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[38:998]: Withdrawing 441 x Talador Orchid from ReagentBank
[39:321]: Withdrawing 441 x Talador Orchid from ReagentBank
[39:877]: Withdrawing 441 x Talador Orchid from ReagentBank
[40:192]: Withdrawing 387 x Fireweed from ReagentBank
[40:530]: Withdrawing 387 x Fireweed from ReagentBank
[40:932]: Withdrawing 482 x True Iron Ore from ReagentBank
[41:251]: Withdrawing 482 x True Iron Ore from ReagentBank
[41:899]: Withdrawing 482 x True Iron Ore from ReagentBank
Is it stuck looping on 482x True Iron ore? or does it say nothing at all?
- For the freeze bug, I've contacted the HB devs to assist. As I'm not sure what's causing it.
Hey Mirabis,
did you manage to take a closer look into the Logs i posted a few pages ago?
I posted about 3 logas about my problem with the non responding interface i have 8/10 times i trie to open the config...
also HB crashes when i try to enable the HB relog support...
right now it crashed WOW when the bot wanted to deposit gold to guildbank...
ok here're the 4 logs of my tonights frustrating tries to get this running
each run ended at the Guildbank, only one time i managed to open the interface (the last one) and for that time it hang up right after it opened the interface, might be because at that moment he reached the guildbank (moved him away manually to send gold to an alt because i thought he went to the bank to deposit...)
View attachment 169220
View attachment 169221
View attachment 169222
View attachment 169223
if you need more details just let me know, for today i'm off but will be on the next days very often, so if needed also a skype talk is possible!
really like the idea of greedy and enjoy all the setup possibilities, but doesn't help if it always chrashes and doesn't work with HBrelog loops
You know!
I created the file in Notepad++ with all the items that I am interested to have on buying and selling list, save it as XML file and importing is not working. Can some one help me out.
In what format did u create the items? can u show me a part of the file?
stuck in AH constant error loop.
Item ashela's adorned waistguard.
2nd log is stuck at the mailbox.
Also after i press Star in HB i can't stop bot, have to end tash it from system.
Hey Mirabis,
did you manage to take a closer look into the Logs i posted a few pages ago?
I posted about 3 logas about my problem with the non responding interface i have 8/10 times i trie to open the config...
also HB crashes when i try to enable the HB relog support...
right now it crashed WOW when the bot wanted to deposit gold to guildbank...
No it is not looping it just not doing anything, no new log info.
-Minutes later-
I cannot open the settings now, (would need to kill it with Task Manager) but after tweaking few settings. I think there is something there like minimum buy price which was 0, i changed that to 80 gold and after sitting in the regent bank for minutes it start working , I think:
This is the same log as my previous post, just continue
[41:899]: Withdrawing 482 x True Iron Ore from ReagentBank
[45:990]: Posting 1 Stacks of 20 x Rough Stone with tBid: 4g18s60c - tBuyout: 4g27s20c (eBid: 20s93c - eBuyout: 21s36c) - Duration: TwelveHours
[46:016]: Posting 1 Stacks of 20 x Rough Stone with tBid: 4g18s60c - tBuyout: 4g27s20c (eBid: 20s93c - eBuyout: 21s36c) - Duration: TwelveHours
[46:083]: Posting 2 Stacks of 10 x Rough Stone with tBid: 2g9s30c - tBuyout: 2g13s60c (eBid: 20s93c - eBuyout: 21s36c) - Duration: TwelveHours
[46:417]: Posting 2 Stacks of 10 x Rough Stone with tBid: 2g9s30c - tBuyout: 2g13s60c (eBid: 20s93c - eBuyout: 21s36c) - Duration: TwelveHours
[46:583]: Posting 5 Stacks of 5 x Rough Stone with tBid: 1g4s65c - tBuyout: 1g6s80c (eBid: 20s93c - eBuyout: 21s36c) - Duration: TwelveHours
[48:312]: Golden Lotus's Results(each): Cheapest=6g75s65c -- CheapestUndercut=6g75s60c -- MyMinPrice=12g38s66c -- NextCheapestToUndercut=15g0s0c -- NewPrice= 14g99s95c
[48:313]: Posting 1 Stacks of 100 x Golden Lotus with tBid: 1469g95s0c - tBuyout: 1499g95s0c (eBid: 14g69s95c - eBuyout: 14g99s95c) - Duration: TwelveHours
[48:346]: Golden Lotus's Results(each): Cheapest=6g75s65c -- CheapestUndercut=6g75s60c -- MyMinPrice=12g38s66c -- NextCheapestToUndercut=15g0s0c -- NewPrice= 14g99s95c
[48:346]: Posting 1 Stacks of 100 x Golden Lotus with tBid: 1469g95s0c - tBuyout: 1499g95s0c (eBid: 14g69s95c - eBuyout: 14g99s95c) - Duration: TwelveHours
[48:387]: Golden Lotus's Results(each): Cheapest=6g75s65c -- CheapestUndercut=6g75s60c -- MyMinPrice=12g38s66c -- NextCheapestToUndercut=15g0s0c -- NewPrice= 14g99s95c
[48:387]: Posting 5 Stacks of 20 x Golden Lotus with tBid: 293g99s0c - tBuyout: 299g99s0c (eBid: 14g69s95c - eBuyout: 14g99s95c) - Duration: TwelveHours
[48:989]: Blackrock Ore's cheapest price (each) was 1g90s0c, which would make my undercut price(each) 1g89s95c. My maximum price on this auction is 1g56s0c (each) - Posting at fallback value to reset prices
[48:990]: Posting 2 Stacks of 200 x Blackrock Ore with tBid: 305g76s0c - tBuyout: 312g0s0c (eBid: 1g52s88c - eBuyout: 1g56s0c) - Duration: TwelveHours
[50:549]: Blackrock Ore's cheapest price (each) was 1g90s0c, which would make my undercut price(each) 1g89s95c. My maximum price on this auction is 1g56s0c (each) - Posting at fallback value to reset prices
How long do I run it for? Will it notify me when it is finish?
By the way, Greedy is at the action house and the regent bank window is still open...
ohh, so the actions tap is not for importing, but there is import button. You want me to go to Inventory Tap and from there click on Item's ID button...
When I import should i import to Automatic buying and selling or custom? I import it to automatic and when i looked at the list all the pricing is 0.
I am so confuse at this point, I don't think that there is one thing that have not done and i cannot make this to work.
I was waiting for your replay in the mean i start Greedy, he went to the bank deposit items from my bag and then went to talk to another banker and just keep spamming her, occasionally he would run to different banker then come back to Kristine Cazares banker in black dress SW. I really want this to work, but i just don't know how.