[GarrisonBoss 59.834]: Taxi Node to check <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 59.867]: Blacklisting Taxi Node <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 00.035]: Flight Time: 00:02:23, Move Time : 00:05:15, Difference: -00:02:52
[GarrisonBoss 00.037]: Moving to <Darkscreech>[84515] at <128.974, 1541.106, -1.732429>@7.64, Me at <135.5171, 1544.951, -0.8256763>
[GarrisonBoss 00.533]: Arrived to <Darkscreech> at <128.974, 1541.106, -1.732429>@4.68. Me at <132.4785, 1544.189, -1.459955>
[GarrisonBoss 00.594]: Interacting NPC: Darkscreech 10/04/2015 10:43:00
TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
[GarrisonBoss 01.228]: Flight Time: 00:02:23, Move Time : 00:05:15, Difference: -00:02:52
[GarrisonBoss 01.229]: Taxi Node to check <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 01.261]: Blacklisting Taxi Node <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 01.505]: Flight Time: 00:02:23, Move Time : 00:05:15, Difference: -00:02:52
[GarrisonBoss 01.506]: Taxi Node to check <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 01.538]: Blacklisting Taxi Node <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 01.674]: Flight Time: 00:02:23, Move Time : 00:05:15, Difference: -00:02:52
[GarrisonBoss 01.675]: Taxi Node to check <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 01.708]: Blacklisting Taxi Node <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 01.850]: Flight Time: 00:02:23, Move Time : 00:05:15, Difference: -00:02:52
[GarrisonBoss 01.851]: Moving to <Darkscreech>[84515] at <128.974, 1541.106, -1.732429>@8.78, Me at <136.3648, 1545.713, -0.6021285>
[GarrisonBoss 02.414]: Arrived to <Darkscreech> at <128.974, 1541.106, -1.732429>@4.95. Me at <132.6912, 1544.365, -1.43701>
[GarrisonBoss 02.471]: Interacting NPC: Darkscreech 10/04/2015 10:43:02
TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
[GarrisonBoss 03.134]: Flight Time: 00:02:23, Move Time : 00:05:15, Difference: -00:02:52
[GarrisonBoss 03.135]: Taxi Node to check <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 03.168]: Blacklisting Taxi Node <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 03.445]: Flight Time: 00:02:23, Move Time : 00:05:15, Difference: -00:02:52
[GarrisonBoss 03.445]: Taxi Node to check <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 03.478]: Blacklisting Taxi Node <Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley>@<1866.56, 219.467, 77.5279>
[GarrisonBoss 03.614]: Flight Time: 00:02:23, Move Time : 00:05:15, Difference: -00:02:52
[GarrisonBoss 03.616]: Moving to <Darkscreech>[84515] at <128.974, 1541.106, -1.732429>@7, Me at <135.0391, 1544.504, -0.9518751>