since i don´t wanna post using my facebook / google acc (realname) i post here the suggestion i have after 1 day trail i hope you don´t mind (checked them and they where not already suggested)
- variable logout position
it would be nice to have a option for the position where he logs out (i.e. using hb relog and he stands in from of the mission table / or flightmaster / portal to asharan / garrison exit)
- don´t start missions if capped option
if your capped (garrison ressources / honor / seal of temered fate) don´t start mission which reward this currency
++ maybe even if current ressource + 50% of the rewards > cap so he won´t start a 1200 ressource mission if your on 9950 because you started some missions
otherwise a option to not collect them would be possible but i think the other way around is the better sollution because no follower gets stuck on missions which won´t be completed.
gz Alisha for 1337 posts