Last News on upcoming Next release build Stace
Change Log:
*NEW* Questing&Grinding Module
*NEW* GUI Multi Language: Chinese Translation added
*NEW* Stack Helper: Use Item Parts\Containers to Create\Open Item
*NEW* Do not Sent Follower, If his Level < Mission Level GUI Option
*NEW* If our Mount if Big Mount: Yak or Mamont, change it to normal one to prevent stuck
*NEW* Addon Compatibility: LUI Addon not Compatible cause it change Bank Frames. GarrisonBoss will disable LUI on Start (it its loaded) and enable back on end (when GarrisonBoss stopped)
*NEW* Survival Helper - Use Eat to restore Health / Mana or to Gain Food Buff
*NEW* Survival Helper: Use Grilled Saberfish \ Saberfish Broth to Restore Health \ Mana
*NEW* Survival Helper: Use Best Food to Gain Food Buff or Restore Health / Mana
*NEW* Survival Helper: Choose Min HP% till which We need to wait to Restore health
Fix: Barn Preq Quest #1 Turn In
Fix: WarMill check for we have at least 20 Garrison Resources to start
Fix: Check for Space when open Salvage Boxes
Fix: WarMill vendor wasnt blacklisted properly, cause stuck when try to go to this vendor in Garrison
Fix: Check if do not have more Active Followers than we can Handle
*drumroll* Next version coming: Grinding & Questing Module - other BotBase and Profiles Support!
Usage Example
We have lvl 90 toon, which we need to
lvl up and
also farm some leather for WorkOrders, and
get some Gold
- Setting up Profile #1 as Questing via Free Kicks Quest Profiles, Run time: 1 hour
- Setting up Profile #2 as Grind via Grinding Profile for Leather, Run time: 1 hour, Items need ID: 110609 [ Raw Beast Hide ], count 40
- Setting up Profile #3 as grind via Gold Farming Profile, Run hour: 1 hour, min level to run 95 (as we know we cant do it successfully in 90 lvl for example)
Profiles Setup Done. Ready to GO!
GarrisonBoss will do usual Garrison stuff, and when have nothing else to do -> Start Profles query with requirement we setup.
After all profiles done, it will check again for Garrison works, and then will try to start Queue again.
Potentially can be run with any BotBase, tested and supported QuestBot, GrindBot. Other BotBase compatibility not garantee, but can also work
So we can easy do Leveling up our toon, Farm needed Mats and Grind for gold - all with GarrisonBoss management!
Module Stace:
- *NEW* Option to choose any BotBase from available to user [ done ]
- *NEW* Option to load Profiles for chosen BotBase from Local Machine (your computer) [ done ]
- *NEW* Option to load Profiles for chosen BotBase from Store (by pasting store link) [ done ]
- *NEW* Option to set Activate/Deactivate Profile [ done ]
- *NEW* Option to set Time how Long Profile will be executed [ done ]
- *NEW* Option to set Minimum Character level to run profile [ done ]
- *NEW* Option to set Maximum Character level to run profile [ done ]
- *NEW* Option to set ItemID and Count in Bags until which profile will be running [ done ]
- *NEW* QuestBot Compatibility Supported and tested [ done ]
- *NEW* GrindBot Compatibility Supported and tested [ done ]
- *NEW* Queue for profiles -> Run next profile when current done [ done ]
- *NEW* Stop Requirements -> Stop when we have Completed Missions >= X [ done ]
- *NEW* Profiles priority start run [ in work ]
- *NEW* Restart Profiles Queue When All Done [ done ]
- *NEW* Stop Requirements -> Stop when we have Completed Missions >= X [ done ]