Next [email protected] pushed
Available for beta testers from now and awaiting approval as release via HB Team
Full Change Log:
*NEW* Auto Pickup, Execute and Complete Prequest for Alchemy for Horde Garrison
*NEW* Supported Alchemy Building Level: 1,2,3 for Horde Garrison
*NEW* Auto Pickup, Execute and Complete Prequest for Alchemy for Alliance Garrison
*NEW* Supported Alchemy Building Level: 1,2,3 for Alliance Garrison
*NEW* Auto create Daily items for Alchemy : Secret of Draenor Alchemy, Alchemical Catalyst
*NEW* Auto create Professional items for Alchemy :
--> Crescent Oil
--> Draenic Agility Potion
--> Draenic Armor Potion
--> Draenic Channeled Mana Potion
--> Draenic Intellect Potion
--> Draenic Invisibility Potion
--> Draenic Living Action Potion
--> Draenic Mana Potion
--> Draenic Rejuvenation Potion
--> Draenic Strength Potion
--> Draenic Swiftness Potion
--> Draenic Water Breathing Elixir
--> Draenic Water Walking Elixir
--> Pure Rage Potion
--> Transmorphic Tincture
--> Draenic Agility Flask
--> Draenic Intellect Flask
--> Draenic Stamina Flask
--> Draenic Strength Flask
--> Greater Draenic Agility Flask
--> Greater Draenic Intellect Flask
--> Greater Draenic Stamina Flask
--> Greater Draenic Strength Flask
*NEW* Option to setup Max count of Flash, Potions to Craft
*NEW* Showing in Log How many Money we gain from Mail
*NEW* Understanding Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife for Proffesions
*NEW* Allow to Run Professions without Garrison Buildings (Doing CDs, Crafting)
Fix: Engineering Anvil checking
Fix: Cooking cause crash sometimes
Fix: Do not try to go to Garrison Vendor when we are not in Garrison