You can't turn off Stormbolt for PvE. For enrage do you mean it uses Berserker Rage even though you turned off "Berserker Rage for Enrage" or what's the issue?Hm the CR (Fury) is using StormBolt and Enrage at the Target Dummy, but all options are OFF (havent testet it at an enemy)
At Feral CR, all work fine at Target Dummy.
Cokx is still in the process of moving and doesn't have internet access. He should be back in the next few days if the ISP doesn't mess up as they often like to doive noticed it doesnt execute properly and doesnt fear properly. also the forms dont seem touched by the routine creator.
No this supports all specsguys i have buyed warrior rotation, but this is only for fury? i see some Arms setting cant work, like swipping Strike
The CR is working properly for Arms. I use it daily.No this supports all specs
You can't turn off Stormbolt for PvE. For enrage do you mean it uses Berserker Rage even though you turned off "Berserker Rage for Enrage" or what's the issue?
They do work with BGFarmer. You just need to enable movement and facing in the options of the botIs anyone using this CR with BGFarmer?
If so, can anyone please confirm that it's working? I own GS Warlock and GS Warrior, they both don't work with BGFarmer.
You can close HB, rename the default settings file (honorbuddy/Settings/GladiatorSuite/Hunter/Hunter_Charname.xml) and then start HB.Can you implement a reset to default settings? I changed my settings and now I have no way of getting them back or seeing what the original setting was.
No this routine requires you to move yourself. Recommended botbase is Enyohello i have some questions about this routine, what botdatabase i need to use bgbuddy?
and also is this routine runs alone i mean is not like combat bot were you have to move your character, this routine does it alone without need of the user .??
thanks in advanze and forgive my high level of noob