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Gladiator Suite - Warrior

i use combat bot. it works but very stupid. In arena it's fine, but normal BG is very stupid...why?

There is no download but check out the buddy store wiki for how to use CRs from the store.
For the botbase we suggest using Enyo (from the store) and the CR can be configured via the GUI from the class config button

Use the Enyo bot base. Mentioned in the post directly above yours. Do people even read the forums?
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Hey Coxz, any chance you could recommend a good shield barrier hp %? I bumped mine up from the default which was 70% i think, up to 99%, since if I'm getting focused the idea would be to negate as much damage as I can, but, such a high amount might be detrimental to counter-pressure, but I'm not familiar enough with warrior above 2k to really speak to that.

Was about too request something that would help with this, Any chance we could have a shield barrier option for Spamming barrier if we have 2 DPS on us, like the bear form option in the feral CR.
Was about too request something that would help with this, Any chance we could have a shield barrier option for Spamming barrier if we have 2 DPS on us, like the bear form option in the feral CR.
Seems like a good idea
Recommending rage dump for Arms spec? can someone tell me the best rage dump setting for arms please
Was about too request something that would help with this, Any chance we could have a shield barrier option for Spamming barrier if we have 2 DPS on us, like the bear form option in the feral CR.

On that note any chance of adding a Safeguard Burst option, For spree/Shadow dance, recklesness ect, Storm bolt Barrage maybe too?, Any news on any kind of updates, season will be closing soon, would be nice too have some little nuggets of improvement for the last push.
...i actually hate both Arms and Fury in Arenas... anyway to get a Gladiator/prot update? would me alot! i really enjoy the routine on my Arms but as said i hate having to play Arms to use your outstanding work :/ it basically has a decent rotation already just swaps stances back and forth because it cant find battle stance... supprised i havnt seen more Req for this since Glad is very good all around in any Arena
...i actually hate both Arms and Fury in Arenas... anyway to get a Gladiator/prot update? would me alot! i really enjoy the routine on my Arms but as said i hate having to play Arms to use your outstanding work :/ it basically has a decent rotation already just swaps stances back and forth because it cant find battle stance... supprised i havnt seen more Req for this since Glad is very good all around in any Arena
Glad stance should work correctly already. Did you try turning off def stance if no enemy within 10 yards or what exactly is the problem?
Recommending rage dump for Arms spec? can someone tell me the best rage dump setting for arms please?
Glad stance should work correctly already. Did you try turning off def stance if no enemy within 10 yards or what exactly is the problem?

Yes I've tried toggling it off and on but same results I'll attach a log when I get home basically when I click start it just shuffles between gald and def stance like a mad man even if I put Def stance to be used at 100% HP and have the battle stance set to 0 it still swaps stances as fast as it can non stop
...i actually hate both Arms and Fury in Arenas... anyway to get a Gladiator/prot update? would me alot! i really enjoy the routine on my Arms but as said i hate having to play Arms to use your outstanding work :/ it basically has a decent rotation already just swaps stances back and forth because it cant find battle stance... supprised i havnt seen more Req for this since Glad is very good all around in any Arena

Gladiator stance is bad for arena, Having Anger management and a dispell far outweighs the 5% damage.

Also im pretty sure having Bstance at 0% = it will go Bstance when you are above 0% health, wich should be all the time, so theres your issue.
Not sure about your theory entirely... I run with a Frost DK also using Gladitor DK and we are currently 19xx and even while stance swapping I am easily matching him in DMG and we do fine without a dispell or anger management
Not sure about your theory entirely... I run with a Frost DK also using Gladitor DK and we are currently 19xx and even while stance swapping I am easily matching him in DMG and we do fine without a dispell or anger management

"Doing fine" and "optimal" are two very different things btw. I would concur with the previous poster that defensive stance in a proper prot spec is a superior build than using the gladiator stance talent. From the last time I was playing prot in competitive arena, the CR appeared to working very well with proper settings.
Not sure about your theory entirely... I run with a Frost DK also using Gladitor DK and we are currently 19xx and even while stance swapping I am easily matching him in DMG and we do fine without a dispell or anger management

Not sure how you are stance swapping, you cant leave Gladiator stance once you enter combat, And when Gladi stance was viable, pressing the force Battlestance bind was enough too keep it in Gladi stance, or setting Battlestance when HP above 1% and Defensive when HP Below 1% will also hold it, or atleast it did for me when Gladi was viable.

As for the theory behind Anger management being better than Gladi, 30 secs knocked off Avatar, 30 secs knocked off you defensives, Shield Wall, Last stand, Demo shout and Most important of all as prot since you dont bring a MS effect, the disspell, Ive found as prot a do as many offensive disspells as a shaman....so yeah that VERY strong. (30 secs is the average amount of second i manage too knock off with Anger management it can be a little more or less sometimes depending on circumstances) But yeah id say the point is Avatar becoming a 1 min CD rather than the 1.5 min CD without AMan thats ALLOT of extra damage over not having Aman.
Well i've been reading this forum a lot and I am at least going to give a try to this CR once my warrior is leveled completely to 100. If I like it, count me in !!!!!!

(by the way, Nice feedback guys keep that up, encourages new people to buy the cr )
I like this CR, rushed to 2.2k cr with only 630ilvl gear lol. Have it set up pretty well so far. i do all the CC myself and let the CR just handle it's awesome damage rotation.

But i would like to have one more feature, i will just call it "fury healing mode spec". Vs. certain combos (when i played TSG) i use "unquenchable thurst" so i can theoretically spam bloodthirst and shieldbarrier to survive better while healer sits in long CC chains. Would it be possible to have that built into the CR hotkey-based? So when i press hotkey -> defstance, spam bloodthirst/barrier.
Hi Cokx,
I want to download Warrior and Priest ( I bought them last year ). Can you assist me for downloading again them?
anyone have any recomendations on stance swapping for the arms warrior and optimal settings on the bot, let me know :) would also benefit readers, thanks!
Hi Cokx,
I want to download Warrior and Priest ( I bought them last year ). Can you assist me for downloading again them?
There is no download anymore only buddy store streaming.
If you PM me the email you used for the purchase I can let you know the info to redeem them on the store
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