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Gladiator Suite - Warrior

something is wrong with this cr...can you please tell us what is going on? It's not using spell reflection on traps, sitting at full rage until I hit the burst hotkey. and hotkeys still barely work. I really think they issues should be addressed since we are paying....

As always, please try using a fresh hb installation and if the problem persists, attach a full log file and a short description of what you were expecting to see and what actually happened.
Also please refrain from making additional posts that don't add any value to the topic in the future. All it does is clog up the thread
Hey there,

starting to use this CR and just wondering how you deal with the needed rage for execute?
Just played 10 games and 3 times the problem that i couldn't use execute to kill players far below 20%...

Looking for an option like "always save 10 rage for execute" or is there another way to make sure i can use it once player drops blow 20%?
so apparently if you've accidentally refunded this cr and want to repurchase it you aren't allowed to purchase it ever again according to buddystoresupport. Is there any way I can purchase form you directly? I really wanted this cr and made a mistake now I can't correct it. Seems like maybe you guys might wanna look into that situation?
I also find this happening very often. These CR's are great but the support for them is shitty.

I was also wondering if you had any kind of ETA on when the CR will be up after HB adjusts to the update.?

Most definitely. 3 days played at 100 on my warrior and hit 2k the other day in 2s and 3s. After such a short play time I see myself going much further.

is there any bundle where i can buy all the CR's?
Does this Routine include a customizable Interrupt Bot as well? Can I choose only to use interrupt from time to time or only to use damage rotation without using cc? Regards
Hey there,

starting to use this CR and just wondering how you deal with the needed rage for execute?
Just played 10 games and 3 times the problem that i couldn't use execute to kill players far below 20%...

Looking for an option like "always save 10 rage for execute" or is there another way to make sure i can use it once player drops blow 20%?

anyone having an idea to avoid this?
With the new patch the 1.5 minute cooldown on Avatar plus the 43% dmg buff on slam will probably change alot, is slam + avatar fully supported?
Wanna give you some other idea for the routine :
what's about a more customizable kick ? something where you can choose different % of kick and hotkeys to change it (example : kick1:10% ; kick2:80%) ; and hotkey to enable/disable kick mod
what's about some features about racials ? example for nightelf : use meld on next control ; same for dwarf, gnome, human and trinkets : set use trinket on next cc > x seconds (which is configurable)
and fix thing which waste execute proc because no colossus in arms, its good to wait but if no colossus aviable before proc ends its not good.
It can take between 24hours to a few days for a working hb build after a wow patch and then another day or 2 for new build approvals on the buddy store. Just chill and wait until then.
F me you guys are impatient.

They have a new patch to attend to and about five different class suites. Chill the F out and enjoy the game or some sunlight whilst you wait. Just because you paid for something doesn't mean they're able to give you instant feedback, different time zones, real life issues. Chill.

As for using a trinket in the car, use it yourself, because the cr could waste it at an inopportune time, like having a team mate who can dispel.
F me you guys are impatient.

They have a new patch to attend to and about five different class suites. Chill the F out and enjoy the game or some sunlight whilst you wait. Just because you paid for something doesn't mean they're able to give you instant feedback, different time zones, real life issues. Chill.

As for using a trinket in the car, use it yourself, because the cr could waste it at an inopportune time, like having a team mate who can dispel.

Those that are impatient and want the CR to do everything; trinket and use racials, are generally the people that haven't quite gotten a basic understanding of their class or general PvP and therefore cant manage to effectively use their toons without the bot/CR. They just want to hold right mouse + "s" and win because they "paid" for it to win for them.
I just want to give you all heads up: Don't use mass spell reflect on hunter traps, it looks too suspicious.
Please add a logic to stop cleaving when around ccs like poly/trap please

We already have that since day 1 of the CR. Poly and freezing trap are definitely not missing from our list of CCs either so try using a fresh HB installation or clearing your cache first