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Gladiator Suite - Warrior

I have a big problem:

I disabled the auto CC function at the Warrior Routine, because I want to CC the enemies when I want.

But when the Routine is running and I try to push "E" for Stombolt -> nothing happens.
With a little bit luck when I am spamming "E" I am faster than the routine and he will use Stombolt or Shockwave.

Why can´t the routine detect manual activities and use instantly the manual pushed key?
how cai i reset the routine to default?

You can go to honorbuddy/Settings/GladiatorSuite/Warrior and move/rename your settings.
When you load up the CR next time it should generate default settings again *lazyquote*

I have a big problem:

I disabled the auto CC function at the Warrior Routine, because I want to CC the enemies when I want.

But when the Routine is running and I try to push "E" for Stombolt -> nothing happens.
With a little bit luck when I am spamming "E" I am faster than the routine and he will use Stombolt or Shockwave.

Why can´t the routine detect manual activities and use instantly the manual pushed key?

Add them to Short Pause Hotkeys (Read the Tooltipz!) ;)
Hi all guys, i buy this fantastic CR to push up in arena, but for now i cant go over 1,4k. I think i'm not able to set the CR. I have some issue to stun enemy. I really appreciate if anyone can send me the right setting to play in arena in 2v2 and 3v3 i really appreciate. I also appreciate if u can send me the right settings for honorbuddy and, if u want, we can play in arena to push up :) thanks in advance, i really appreciate ur works!
hey guys anyone have a problem with MS spec he dont allways do the routine he pauses it every couple seconds and when colossus smash is rdy or mortal strike he dont use it with fury i have no problems but want to play ms but with this MS performance it dont shine...plz help
Warrior 2.16 has been submitted and is waiting for approval


- Honorbuddy will now reload itself if you change spec
- Honorbuddy will now open the Custom Class Window when you switch your class while HB is running
- Added Toggle to switch Interrupts between Any unit or Focus+Target
- Added functionality to clear hard focus by focusing the player
- Added Ice Nova to the DRTracker
- Berserker Rage for Enrage will now only be used if Bloodthirst is on cooldown and you havent specced into T3-3
- Force Defstance will no longer try to spam Defensive Stance when you are in Gladiator Stand and in Combat
- Fixed Prepare Burst and Auto Burst for Prot
- Improved Heroic Strike behaviour when playing with Gladiators Resolve and sitting in Defensive Stance
- Fixed GUI scaling > you will now see the Auto Escape option
I have had a problem the last 3 nights for some reason I load HB and glad suite running enyo and the profile will pause alot if I open it to change settings. I have reinstalled HB and Glad suite and this still happens any ideas ?
Having issues finding a short pause key. It stays on Add and i am unable to change it :(
Hi. Great routine, really like the interface etc.

However, as arms I think the routine saves rage until it can use a few abilities at the same time.. I really want to configure this, so it just use the abilities when they're up.
I rather want sustainable damage than the short period bursts in my current arena setup.

How do I do this? it just doesn't seem very fluent gameplay to me. :)

Looks like Ive got a small problem here.. The routine is switching from Battle stance to glad stance all the time and won't stop untill HB is killed... Log Attached.
Any suggestions on how to fix this ?


Changed from CC to Routine (old habbits...)


Looks like Ive got a small problem here.. The routine is switching from Battle stance to glad stance all the time and won't stop untill HB is killed... Log Attached.
Any suggestions on how to fix this ?


Changed from CC to Routine (old habbits...)

Disable def stance when no enemies in 10 yards range or stop hitting dummies
Disable def stance when no enemies in 10 yards range or stop hitting dummies
Thanks man! was a little struggel to find this option due to all txt being cropped in the gui but found it eventually :)

Anyone able to help with the pause function? I am still having issues with this.
i have a little question, i dont understand how to ser Heroic Leap on tarher position, i have set on mouse button but i need it on target position, can someone explane me how to set? plz