how cai i reset the routine to default?
I have a big problem:
I disabled the auto CC function at the Warrior Routine, because I want to CC the enemies when I want.
But when the Routine is running and I try to push "E" for Stombolt -> nothing happens.
With a little bit luck when I am spamming "E" I am faster than the routine and he will use Stombolt or Shockwave.
Why can´t the routine detect manual activities and use instantly the manual pushed key?
Looks like Ive got a small problem here.. The routine is switching from Battle stance to glad stance all the time and won't stop untill HB is killed... Log Attached.
Any suggestions on how to fix this ?
Changed from CC to Routine (old habbits...)
Thanks man! was a little struggel to find this option due to all txt being cropped in the gui but found it eventuallyDisable def stance when no enemies in 10 yards range or stop hitting dummies