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Gladiator Suite - Warrior

Works pretty good but this is missing or at least I cant find it.
- Berserker rage to break some incapacitation (sap, fear)
- Bladestorm to break movement impairing effects.
- Human racial to break stun. Dont know if the pvp trinket is included.
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Works pretty good but this is missing or at least I cant find it.
- Berserker rage to break some incapacitation (sap, fear)
- Bladestorm to break movement impairing effects.
- Human racial to break stun. Dont know if the pvp trinket is included.

- You dont want the routine to use berzerker rage on sap!!! if u do 2s/3s. and you get sapped it will break it and the rogue will just wait and re-sap you. Tere is a option for how long to wait to use berzerker rage on fears
- You dont want the routine to use BS as a root breaker. 70-90% of the time it would be a waste.. Its a skill you want to use your self.
- Hehe and you want to be able to use trinket your self! at least if u play above 1500 :P

Any way: here is my idea:
Is there any way to make the routine stop using all attacks if I target a CC'ed target? CC that breaks instantly on damage?
I just use the bot to farm BGs to heirlooms. If I go full pro I would control it more, ofc.

Yeah okay then I understand. But It wont matter if you use this or some free CR whenyou dont play yourself.. This is made for arena and RBG. not botting bgs
is it just me or sometimes the routine with no rage 65 by default for CS would just stand still and dont even MS?
Force Battle Stance and Defensive stance hot keys do not work for me.

What should be my percent to switch from battle to defensive? I'm using 55 to 54 in 3's when I'm probably going to be targeted (tsg with frost dk).
I have def stance <50 and Battle stance >100, because I want to switch stances manually, only below 50% I want to stay in defensive.
Hi. I'm torn between buying this or Ritchies CR. I'd like to know if its possible to disable all charges / heroic leaps and movement and pretty much just have the cr interrupt, do the rotation, spell reflect and so on?
Bought the routine, but I ran into a problem. I set the on use on "on burst" it wants to use it, but I doesn't and an error message appears in wow "Item not Found". Any solution? And it randomly bladestorms sometimes in 2s in the box :o.
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Hey I was playing KFC today with a russian warrior who's living in Paris. I played with his 3rd warrior. I'm almost 100% sure you were using GS warrior so if you see this PM me so we can play more! :)
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I have a problem with my GS Warior Rutine..

I can use it while i was in arms spec.. and Battle Stance.. It automaticly sends me to Defansive stance why?
Just asking before i buy this. Do i need to move the char my self,charge, leap and so on?
And what do i use when i enter arena? combat rute? because i dont see arenabuddy.
Just asking before i buy this. Do i need to move the char my self,charge, leap and so on?
And what do i use when i enter arena? combat rute? because i dont see arenabuddy.

Yes you have to control movement yourself. You can set auto charge/heroic leap but it's highly recommended that you use them yourself too. At least if you want to achieve higher ratings.
You should use the Enyo botbase. (free from buddystore)
Does anyone have issues with going into defensive stance when blade storming? Regardless of my %hp settings for auto defensive stance the bot still goes into defensive when blade storming. Other than this issue the CRis fantastic 10/10. Wish you guys could make something this fantastic for warlocks.
Does anyone have issues with going into defensive stance when blade storming? Regardless of my %hp settings for auto defensive stance the bot still goes into defensive when blade storming. Other than this issue the CRis fantastic 10/10. Wish you guys could make something this fantastic for warlocks.

I believe this is by design. If you watch some streams of top warriors, they usually try to go into def stance when bladestorming as the warrior is quite vulnerable during this time (can only cast enraged regen as a defensive unless you cancel BS).
I have a little problem but I dont know if its this routine or the bot base. Sometimes in BGs the bot gets stuck at 5-6yard range of an enemy. Its not a debuff, its the bot itself who chooses to stay here. If I force him to go to the enemy using W the bot goes back again and thus he cant hit the enemy.

Sometimes he also goes back "to get stucked" but then goes forward again, not being stucked but losing a few attack chances.
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I have a little problem but I dont know if its this routine or the bot base. Sometimes in BGs the bot gets stuck at 5-6yard range of an enemy. Its not a debuff, its the bot itself who chooses to stay here. If I force him to go to the enemy using W the bot goes back again and thus he cant hit the enemy.

Sometimes he also goes back "to get stucked" but then goes forward again, not being stucked but losing a few attack chances.

This is a problem of your botbase/settings. This CR does not control any movement, nor can it run "back to the place your toon was". Check your Botbase Settings.

can anyone recommend some good settings for fury spec in 2's / 3's?

Uncheck No enemy in 10yd
Rage Dump 65
Auto Stormbolt (I recommend using this via Hotkey, otherwise check [x] DPS)
Auto Fear Healer YES
Auto Charge on enemy gap closer YES
Charge/Leap Execute players (for 2s NO, for 3s YES, for BGs YES)
Auto Charge NO
Shockwave (D-Roar) Unit Count 2 YES
Bladestorm Unit Count 3 YES (but better do it on yourself with a Hotkey)
Prepare Burst Auto Burst YES
Auto Burst HP 30 YES Ally Using CDs YES On Trinket Proc NO

Auto Shield Wall HP NO
Auto DbtS 40 YES
Enraged Reg 40 YES
Rallying cry/Laststand 30 YES
Auto Intervene / Vigilance 30 Healer YES DPS NO
Def Stance on Stun YES
Escape hotkey targets check both

Berserker Rage for Enrage YES
Heroic Throw on Totems YES
High Prio Totem Stomp YES
Low Prio Totem Stomp YES
Charge Priest on Chastise YES
Auto Startattack YES
Blootbath everything NO
Siegebreaker everything NO
Ravager everything NO
Heroic Throw out of range 10 YES
Heroic Throw on Rogues YES
Taunt Pets YES (depends, choose by yourself)
Shield Barrier HP 75 YES
Shield Block NO
Berserker Rage on fear delay 400 YES
Intervene CCs
Demoshout NO

Routine 2 Tab -> default settings are good to go, interrupt enabled, spell reflect enabled, mass spell reflect traps enabled

Crowd Control Options
Storm Bolt units attacking my healer
only Players
never my target (with except bursting enemies)
any unit

check everything, target HP 75% is okay

I recommend binding Heroic Leap, Bladestorm, Fear Target, stormbolt healer, stormbolt dps, interrupt next heal

This works at least for 1800+ rating for me, if you have any suggestions feel free to share your settings ;)
Depends on your comp. If you are running WLD or smt, I would go Arms. If you are running KFC/Turbo etc, I would go Fury.
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