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Gladiator Suite - Druid

Can you please enable one of the notifier options for toggles and check if toggle hotkeys are working?

I already do. I can pause and do healer damage. That's about it. :(

Also, is there anything to cast displacer beast? Otherwise I'm fighting with the routine to use it and it's just terrible in that sense...

Is there a hotkey I'm missing or something?
I already do. I can pause and do healer damage. That's about it. :(

Also, is there anything to cast displacer beast? Otherwise I'm fighting with the routine to use it and it's just terrible in that sense...

Is there a hotkey I'm missing or something?
Somewhere in setting panel i dont remember it will auto use DB when your hp is about xx%
Somewhere in setting panel i dont remember it will auto use DB when your hp is about xx%

I saw that, but the problem is is that it doesn't use it all the time. And on top of that, I want to use it in other situations, like kiting for example.

I feel like DB when health is at XX% is not exactly the best use of it.
I saw that, but the problem is is that it doesn't use it all the time. And on top of that, I want to use it in other situations, like kiting for example.

I feel like DB when health is at XX% is not exactly the best use of it.
To quote the introduction text the first time you open the class config
If you want to manually use spells/macros that don't have a hotkey, you can add your ingame keybind to the so called
short pause list in the hotkeys tab. Every key combination from the list will pause the CR for a certain amount of time that
can also be configured in the general tab
To quote the introduction text the first time you open the class config
Huh... okay, well am I only able to use one keybind at a time for that then? It seems like that I can only use one. It has a drop down list but won't work unless I selected that keybind.

Also, what about the issue with the rest of the hotkeys? I can't cyclone, bash, entangle, etc. Those hotkeys don't work.
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Huh... okay, well am I only able to use one keybind for that then?

Also, what about the issue with the rest of the hotkeys? I can't cyclone, bash, entangle, etc. Those hotkeys don't work.
Are you sure you're not using pve mode?
After that are you sure it's not your CC options that are configured wrong?
Then have you also tried holding down the hotkey instead of just hitting it once?
Are you sure you're not using pve mode?
After that are you sure it's not your CC options that are configured wrong?
Then have you also tried holding down the hotkey instead of just hitting it once?

Even if I didn't hold it down, it will still tell me it's activated, wouldn't it?

I do have things set like "CC healer" and what not, will the hotkey not work if that's checked?

I'm certain I'm not using pve mode.
Even if I didn't hold it down, it will still tell me it's activated, wouldn't it?

I do have things set like "CC healer" and what not, will the hotkey not work if that's checked?

I'm certain I'm not using pve mode.
No there is no "activation" message. You press the hotkey and it's active for I think default value should be 1 second but it's not a toggle that will then cyclone as soon as it found a unit.
The CC options I'm talking about is the tab "Crowd Control Options" where you can set the behavior of cyclone/root
Okay, well it seems to work by holding it down now. Only a few times though. It's kind of a hit and mess. I can stand there doing nothing holding the keybind and it just won't do it. Other times it'll go right away. It seems to be screwing me over though in arenas.
Okay, well it seems to work by holding it down now. Only a few times though. It's kind of a hit and mess. I can stand there doing nothing holding the keybind and it just won't do it. Other times it'll go right away. It seems to be screwing me over though in arenas.
You can try increasing the hotkey active time if it's not going off consistently which will make it simulate pressing it longer.
The setting can be found in the general tab and is in milliseconds so 1000 is 1 second
You can try increasing the hotkey active time if it's not going off consistently which will make it simulate pressing it longer.
The setting can be found in the general tab and is in milliseconds so 1000 is 1 second

Okay, awesome.. Thank you very much!

When first using this it was making me die so easily.

Now after figuring things out I'm doing quite well!
when playing resto it wants to cast regrowth when players are at 100% i even turned it down to 60% and it still casts regrowth. burns up a lot of mana. Is there a way to fix this? so it will just dot everyone then cast regrowth when they get to the specified hp and then cast it?

Are you sure that its not using the clearcast proc?
was wondering if anyone could send me their settings for this druid cr or have any tips it would be awesome thanks
Its totally true! I used this cr for a long time now and didnt have good settings for most of the cr.
I already gave my feedback to Cokx, but nothing changed yet.
So, please make a site or something else where you can look up generel settings for each spec and maybe also some tricks for change some settings.
This would be awesome otherwise I will jsut use the spec I found out myself.
Could you please send me ur settings that you found most viable? This is honestly something that I was hoping the devs would have tackled..
You expect them to give you good settings while their updating/fixing several routines? they give you standard settings which you get when you start the CR. Use your brain and try out different settings for yourself.
so ive been messing with the feral druid cr settings for a bit and im still very low on dmg. i dont know how to play feral but i can manually beat the cr right now.
maybe somehow i have completely trashed the settings, but ive reset them and tried again. i cant seem to get any that make sense or any that do more or even the same dmg as me in 3v3. maybe add a the warriors rend logic to the feral rake for fls comps or ebola. any aoe style comp. just a thought. i can some what get the cr to do decent dmg if i target every player i want a bleed on and sit on them for up to 5 secs to get the bleed. i understand there is healing globals, dispell globals and stuff happening, but im just thinking of ideas.
I dont know what is going on today. I died so fast, from 1k8 to 1k6 3s :(
Bot doesnt auto bear on Sheep, I got stunned.
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Druid 2.11 has been submitted and is waiting for approval


- Added overlay icon notifier system
(Sheep) - if there is an enemy in range that can CC us with instant casts
(crossed out speech bubble) - if we can be interrupted by an enemy
(leaf/crossed out leaf)i f an ally healer is in range+los and a different one if one is in range+los but CCed. As a healer it shows a leaf if the primary friendly target is in range and los.
(crosshair) if there are units that are attacking us

- Added overlay text notifier for toggles
- Added talent check to our CDTracker
- Added a new FBite option to use it on low hp targets while at x >= cps

- Improved GCD check
- Improved FakeCasting

- Fixed SpreadRip
- Fixed MovementTime
- Fixed an issue with Natures Cure when UA/VT dispel was enabled
We are currently looking for new beta testers.

Write us an email to [email protected]

if you can identify yourself with one of the following points

Druid is your main
2.4+ current rating in 3s

Be a mythic raider
Druid is your main
and you can get the new tier set within 4 weeks after the release.