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Gladiator Suite - Druid

Pretty sure there should be some pre-hot option that makes it behave this way and not the percentages
there is an option for pre buff primary target rejuve and lifebloom. nothing for regrowth. If i uncheck the rejuve and lif pre buff it just spams regrowth over and over when i am at 100%
there is an option for pre buff primary target rejuve and lifebloom. nothing for regrowth. If i uncheck the rejuve and lif pre buff it just spams regrowth over and over when i am at 100%
I can't reproduce that. Can you please send me your settings and a log?
this is still going OOM all the time. It doesnt save mana for dispels or clones. Can you please put in a threshold where it trys to save mana above 20% or so? its pretty bad when i can't dispel my healers hex because i've been spamming heals
I think its resto, but to be honest I dont have any clue about settings for others specs. I tried feral and boombie but they were everytime healing :D So if anyone have good settings for a boomie or feral please contact me :/
But resto is fine as it comes! Just changed some heal options thats it :)
i dont feel like the boomkin is all that strong tbh. i always had issues with timing roots + SB and some other things. i'd be interested to hear a fully geared boomy who plays this at high ratings(even though boomy is weak right now)

feral dps is really terrific but the main issue is mana in longer games. basically you get to a point where you are constantly OOM. This is really not good because you cant de-curse your teammates or cast clones. I know I've mentioned a number of times to have the CR leave 20% mana always for dispel and clone but it still takes you OOM with healing. Otherwise feral is very capable of higher ratings

resto is really solid
New update has been submitted and is waiting for approval. This can take up to 3 business days.
You will automatically receive the update once it has been approved.

- Added Travel Form on enemy Blazing Speed + FoF option
- Added option to reset Tiger's Fury by interrupting with Skull Bash when using the 2 piece set bonus
- Added min mana option to dps heals
- Added auto rake stealthed units when prowled
- Performance improvements
- Added auto attack totem kill (stand near and face totem to auto attack, no targeting required)
- Added 10 stack agony dispel
- Added ClearCast to F-Bite
- Fixed Dragon's Breath being counted as incap despite being a disorient DR
- Added BearForm instead of TravelForm while in combat or arena
- Added option to enable Thrash while in Bear Form as a resto druid
- Added Bear Form on Events option
- Added Force of Nature (Treants) on Freezing Trap option
so after playing moonkin with this cr for about 2hrs (using the 2 day trial) i will tell my experience with it.Now the cr moonkin i think is bug or somthing b/c i try using in arena and it was bad the main thing was the rejuvn spam was killing my dps cuz the cr was spaming rejuvn and doing less dps,i they trying bg's and cr was doing way less dps then i do playing and all b/c the cr will stop doing everything and spam rejuvn to everyone in the bg lol non-stop and then cr will cast healing touch on anyone who had low hp so it was not fun at all it was almost like if i was being a healer.the only time this cr do "ok" was when it came to being 1v1 and no1 was nearby but it will not stop the rejuvn spam sill in 1v1 so it did less dps .i think this cr can be good if the rejuvn spam and trying to heal anyone with low hp gets fix.
so after playing moonkin with this cr for about 2hrs (using the 2 day trial) i will tell my experience with it.Now the cr moonkin i think is bug or somthing b/c i try using in arena and it was bad the main thing was the rejuvn spam was killing my dps cuz the cr was spaming rejuvn and doing less dps,i they trying bg's and cr was doing way less dps then i do playing and all b/c the cr will stop doing everything and spam rejuvn to everyone in the bg lol non-stop and then cr will cast healing touch on anyone who had low hp so it was not fun at all it was almost like if i was being a healer.the only time this cr do "ok" was when it came to being 1v1 and no1 was nearby but it will not stop the rejuvn spam sill in 1v1 so it did less dps .i think this cr can be good if the rejuvn spam and trying to heal anyone with low hp gets fix.
That's not a bug that's just not using the CR correctly.
If you're thinking it's using too much rejuv, lower the settings for rejuv or use the toggle hotkeys designed for that (toggle balance/feral heals) to turn it off/on whenever you think you need to focus on healing.
ok so after deleting the GS folder the rejuvn spam has stop, and i set healing touch to 0 so it wont try and heal everyone.now i have another problem the cr will auto attack everything player or mobs and when there more then one player or mobs the cr will spaming moonfire/sunfire.How can i make the cr just attack the the target i click on and not have cr Wary about everyone else.
ok so after deleting the GS folder the rejuvn spam has stop, and i set healing touch to 0 so it wont try and heal everyone.now i have another problem the cr will auto attack everything player or mobs and when there more then one player or mobs the cr will spaming moonfire/sunfire.How can i make the cr just attack the the target i click on and not have cr Wary about everyone else.
If you want to do only single target damage you can use the aoe mode toggle.
If you're playing pve and only want to attack tagged mobs then the pve mode setting is better. Although you have to set it back to pvp if you want it to work correctly in pvp again
ok toizi this what im trying to say,im doing bg's/rbgs the problem is this the cr is doing way too many things,its casting cyclone,roots,healing other player i have healing touch to 0 yet it still casting to heal other player and the worst part is that cr is auto selecting and auto attacking as soon as it gets near a player or mobs and no im not using this for pve.I use Gladiator Suite for hunter,priest and warriors and they never auto select and auto attack or try and cc for other player in bg's.so i know theres something in the setting thats it doing but i dont know how to turn it off.
ok toizi this what im trying to say,im doing bg's/rbgs the problem is this the cr is doing way too many things,its casting cyclone,roots,healing other player i have healing touch to 0 yet it still casting to heal other player and the worst part is that cr is auto selecting and auto attacking as soon as it gets near a player or mobs and no im not using this for pve.I use Gladiator Suite for hunter,priest and warriors and they never auto select and auto attack or try and cc for other player in bg's.so i know theres something in the setting thats it doing but i dont know how to turn it off.
Every CR will auto attack your current target. Specs that rely on dots like moonkin, shadow priest and warlock will always attack enemy units in range unless you turn off aoe mode as in enable single target damage only.
If you don't want it to cast auto cyclone/roots then just disable it? First page cyclone/entangling roots dps/healer check boxes
For heals are you sure you're modifying the correct values? There are values for resto (bottom) and values for moonkin/feral (top and only rejuv/healing touch). Also if you want to turn off a healing spell entirely there is a check box for each one instead of setting every single value to 0.
so ur saying that every cr will will just auto selecting and auto attacking "without me" selecting my target first and theres noway to turn that off? lol
so ur saying that every cr will will just auto selecting and auto attacking "without me" selecting my target first and theres noway to turn that off? lol
No they don't ever select your target unless you explicitly enable that option. The CR doesn't need to target enemies to cast spells on them.
All targeting options are in the general tab