Hoping the developer of this CR reads this. Would it be possible for future releases to add a feature of choosing the presence you want to play in while keeping the auto-change presence for blood healing? Recent changes to Frost spec make for some interesting things you can do in Unholy presence, but the bot only runs in frost presence while frost spec and unholy presence in unholy spec. Which normally would be perfect, but maybe an option choose spec to run in? Thanks.
If this is something people really want it should be easy to add. I'm not sure how many people would use such a feature thoughHoping the developer of this CR reads this. Would it be possible for future releases to add a feature of choosing the presence you want to play in while keeping the auto-change presence for blood healing? Recent changes to Frost spec make for some interesting things you can do in Unholy presence, but the bot only runs in frost presence while frost spec and unholy presence in unholy spec. Which normally would be perfect, but maybe an option choose spec to run in? Thanks.
Hey, Toizi, I just thought of a really good feature that maybe you could include.
When Dark Sim is off cooldown, can you make sure we try to keep 20RP available? I am using arena 1,2,3 dark sim macros and pause keys and it is working very well, except there will be times when I will not have 20RP available at the key moment.
Considering the small time frame for getting a good dark sim at high ratings, I think this could really be one of the things to push the CR to the next level.
Any chance we could get an option to support this? If we could keep 20rp kept available when dark sim is up, especially when we are not bursting I feel like it would be a great addition to the CR, as using arena 1,2,3 dark sim macros give u great flexibility in the game and is a great way to potentially stop an otherwise uninterrupted cc from going off on your teammate.
Anyone else agree?
why is tuanhas routine better ... atm i always can find the free version ... so i doesnt think tuanhas would be better for uh ?!?
i dunno if its better, but i sure do tuanha support is way better, plus he updates it almost every day...I have no idea what are the developers plans for any of their GS routines. From top routines like vitalic, tuanha, GS is the only one in HB store wich makes hotfix impossible because any minor change can take sometime until HB staff release it, and at least for now when rountines have so many bugs would be nice to stay with SVN, thats the biggest problem with GS crew imo, support....i know they want more ppl to buy the routine but i dont think they can handle the support well, its frustrating
A heads up would be nice from time to time u know
Hello Cokx,
today I bought your "Gladiator Suite - Death Knight ".
the following links are my settings which i uploaded. Please check them.
I got some problems with the bot so far its running but with what bot base do i have to play it? i tried the combat bot base.
When i ran the program i had to queue and join the arena manually. The character didnt run by himself either. All it did was casting the spells (like a noob xDDDD )
Can you may help me setting up the bot? Maybe sending a guide, or screens or we can talk in ts/skype about it. I really need help xPP
I need also the URL Code for SVN Checkout. I didn't get it at the purchase E-Mail.
Greetz Sanderlol
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I got some problems with the bot so far its running but with what bot base do i have to play it? i tried the combat bot base.
When i ran the program i had to queue and join the arena manually. The character didnt run by himself either. All it did was casting the spells (like a noob xDDDD )
2. Which Botbases are supported?
- All non-afk Botbases
- All Botbases with included movement (our CR's don't have any movement or facing)
Any reason why cr doesn't know about "Every man for himself"? And/or I don't see any kind of "trinket cc less than" options?
Obv was talking about non-rated bg with kind of semi-afk mode, but thanks anyway.Yes there is a reason. It's too situational and something that you want to control yourself. At least if you want to play above 1500.