Feature Req: the trader is used when you have 'spare' resources
buy raw leather, if number in bag/bank is under 200 and I have more than 7500 resources and if the item price today is 20 resources
buy dust, if number in bag/bank is under 200 and I have more than 7500 resources and if the item price today is 20 resources
if we could have a rule like this for each item, then the ability to arrange them in priority order. then it would top up the leather first then the dust but without just converting all your resources.
here I picked 7500 as the number because I have 3x scavengers and sometimes earn 1225 resources off a single mission (will be nerfed in 6.1 i know) but then with the upto 500 from the garrison crate and some from the trading post, war mill and lumberjack by staying under 7500 i'm avoiding capping resources and wasting them
hey mate this is a great botbase as of this new patch 6.1 its not doing your daily professions if you manually do them yourself it carrys on thanks in advanced
keep up the good work
Guys, HB does not work in any way shape or form on the PTR...
Maybe thats the problem and they should allow it ti work for the Devs to eliminate issues.
apparently there is some issue with an LUA being passed about "AutoLootDefault" or something - I keep crashing wow but only when I run garrison butler.
It wouldn't be really practical for many technical reasons.
They would waste time and not even sure it would make things easier after the release.
The probability for changes in the build between a PTR and a Release is way to high! :/
? there is a button for select all
Greatly disappoint.
- Slow update. does not working(GarrisonButler) is priority.
- Lack of features. (look Garrison Boss)
- Frequent price changes (I Paid €24.99 12/31/2014 3:32:31 PM)
I think he is talking about the NEW "Create All" button introduced by Blizzard in 6.1.? there is a button for select all
Greatly disappoint.
- Slow update. does not working(GarrisonButler) is priority.
- Lack of features. (look Garrison Boss)
- Frequent price changes (I Paid €24.99 12/31/2014 3:32:31 PM)
- its working just a bug in the TESTING build of honorbuddy -> not deams fault / can´t be foreseen, but iam sure you read at least the last pages / since the patch hit
-> what you can do is: the profession cooldowns by hand while its standing in the garden or temporarly disable all profession cooldowns in the gb gui
I believe honorbuddy just pushed the update to fix the npc problem, so it should be working now. Still have to check myself thoughI have 2 account 22 char.
All this Manually? Why would buy GarrisonButler?
How long time wait? At least, When ETA?
I have 2 account 22 char.
All this Manually? Why would buy GarrisonButler?
How long time wait? At least, When ETA?