After seeing MONTHS without any real updates, and now not even a word about 6.1 i am sad that I have been here since beta, paid for the lite version and then paid for the ice version to support the bot. I kind of wish I had waited for GarrisonBoss...
Incoming WALL OF TEXT:
Well, in all honesty. you never know which bot is going to be "the best". GarrisonButler was (is) very promising, certainly at start. GarrisonBoss was released later and I honestly thought they "missed the boat" or how do you say that in English; too little too late. Now, GarrisonBoss (no idea who's developing it besides Alisha) can do more, development is fast (each few days bug fixes or features added) and seems like a good product. Essentially it has surpassed GarrisonButler IMO. Just look at the interface and all the options you can set.
Still; I like GarrisonButler for being _SOLID_. Everything it can do, it does it well. I never have strange bugs that were not there before and when I start it up, it just works. It's hassle free for me (not for everyone, but it is for me).
Doing the missions is the most important part for me. That Deams and his team take a long time to perfect this is admirable, but often perfection will lead to never getting it released the way you want anyway and you keep changing it. I know it's been tested in 6.03 (Missions), but now in 6.1 there are changes to be made again. So before a public release, there are already new features to be implemented and it's going to delay it even further.
I still am a fan of releasing features bit by bit. Not to try to perfect it for weeks and weeks and then having to update it again due to a new WoW release. Even a percentage slider would've kept the masses quiet. I believe, once finished, it will be great and highly configurable and smarter than anything out there, but people just want visual progress. Even if it is small. When releasing a feature that is advertised as the best, smartest and greatest of all competitors but this takes weeks and weeks, people will still be disappointed. No matter how well it will work. Customers simply do not have patience
Having said that, I bought GarrisonButler not because what it WILL be capable of doing some time in the future, but because what it could do back then. Anything other than that is bonus for me. It has already helped me a lot so I've got my moneys worth!
More interesting though is how HB's own GarrisonBuddy is going to be and what it can do. It can essentially put GarrisonBoss and Butler out of business, seeing it probably will be incorporated into HB and thus free. The HB team has two nice examples of what people want from a Garrison helper, so they can release a complete working version at once. I would not even be surprised if they asked Natfoth to help develop it and that's the reason his own product got abandoned. Disclaimer: pure speculation on my part, I have no info on that whatsoever. Could just as well be Highvoltz of course.
TLDR: Buy GarrisonButler if you like what it can do for you NOW, and not what it promises to do in the future. Thay way you will never get disappointed in a product.