hello nomnomnom
I like the overlay function but for some reason it renders the overlay pretty often, like few seconds Im out of fight and even then up to 2 times.
I wouldnt mind but the rendering causes a 2 second freeze of my wow.
System: i7 4790K | 16 GB RAM | GTX 980.
View attachment 177884
Found the bug for that. Will push an update.
I have to say it's been extremely disappointing and very frustrating that we've YET to see any release of FU3. We were told of it's development prior to the new year, yes I know Nomnomnom was in an accident in Jan. but we were also told much of the core was completed if I recall correctly when he came back from his rehab. Now here we are 4+ months later still with no FU3 and we have to beg to get any word on the status of FU3 and when we do it seems as if very little has been done. Yes I know there's been continuing updates to FU2 but in speaking with other coders, 4+ months to push out a completely re-coded from scratch routine shouldn't take this long.
@Nomnomnom, I've been a continued supporter of yours for a long time. It's been difficult to recommend your profile to fellow warrior friends of mine yet I continue to do so. FU2 Has been faulty with one issue or another since release. We've been promised of a FU3 release for a VERY LONG time now. So I ask, can you give us an honest answer as to the state of FU3 and when you plan on having a release version available to the public because I'm at the point of having to use another companies combat engine that pretty much works flawlessly but is much more expensive but in my mind worth it if these kind of results are what we should continue to expect.
Alright, a minor update on FUP3.
It's very functional. The Fury rotation is working. Progress is going fairly quickly over the last couple of weeks and I have high hopes on seeing a release soon. Most core functionality is implemented and working. I'm going through the rotations now one by one and add core functionality as required by each rotation.
To sum it up, a list of to be done:
* Protection rotation and it's logics.
* Arms rotation and it's logics.
* Gladiator rotation and it's logics.
* Finetuning on the rebuild engine (Like when you switch talents).
* Movement!
What I'm currently working on:
* Fury's rotation (Almost done, just it's cooldown manager left).
* Item usage class.
You will get a vastly improved settings capability. The customizability of your abiltities has been drastically improved. Also the GUI received a revamp, increasing it's size allowing me to have more explanatory text. The only abilities which will not have their own settings are baseline abilities like Bloodthirst, Raging blow and Mortal Strike.
There is also a new functionality ready which is the Settings Composer. This tool checks your talents and glyphs and optimizes your specialization settings accordingly in order to properly use these abilities automated. If you're the "manual" type of guy this composer won't be good for you - But for everyone asking which is the best setting, this will do the trick!