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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

Heyho nomnomnom!
I use Your Botbase ans CR for a real long time. if i remember correctly i use HB since wotlk ;)
i allway´s used your routines to play my warri in raids. but after i loged on yesterday enyo+fzry unleashed2 prem wouldn't work anymore IN RAIDS... open world no prob. even without framelocks. but raid only with hardlock and then it's mor elike a diashow.
can ya tell me what happend the the allways smooth working warrior-bundle? ;D

would be nice if we can fix this

- Umiiruka
Is there a way to disable shield charge when not in melee range?
I have problems with it charging the boss at inopportune times...
for example, right as a stamp is coming down on Hans and Franz or right as a group of bombs is about to explode on Iron Maidens.
Question: Is there any way of moving the new form of output for the rotation being paused and all that? It's sort of in the way when it's in the middle of my screen

Edit: I know this isn't the place for Enyo, but since you're the maker I might as well put this here. It seems the option to turn off click-to-walk is gone as of now?
Not yet but will look into it.

Heyho nomnomnom!
I use Your Botbase ans CR for a real long time. if i remember correctly i use HB since wotlk ;)
i allway´s used your routines to play my warri in raids. but after i loged on yesterday enyo+fzry unleashed2 prem wouldn't work anymore IN RAIDS... open world no prob. even without framelocks. but raid only with hardlock and then it's mor elike a diashow.
can ya tell me what happend the the allways smooth working warrior-bundle? ;D

would be nice if we can fix this

- Umiiruka
Kindly post a logfile. No way for me to check without.

Is there a way to disable shield charge when not in melee range?
I have problems with it charging the boss at inopportune times...
for example, right as a stamp is coming down on Hans and Franz or right as a group of bombs is about to explode on Iron Maidens.
Point taken - Setting will be added.
For better result's i'm wondering:
- Which fury rotation is recommanded ? ( advanced or the normal one ?)
- Do i have to leave HB + Enyo to 15 fps ?
For better result's i'm wondering:
- Which fury rotation is recommanded ? ( advanced or the normal one ?)
- Do i have to leave HB + Enyo to 15 fps ?
Default rotation is recommended - Put enyo to a bit below the FPS you ahve using the routines in raids. Increase it with 15 or 30. So if you have 70 fps during combat, pick 60. If you have 55, pick 45, if you have 42, pick 30. Always enable hardlock. Further proper glyphing and talents help ALOT in DPS. Is it a fight wiht interrupts, take Rude Interrupton glypg etc.

The more you control cooldowns manually at optimal moments the higher your DPS. If you're a beginning raider or lazy, use the default settinngs with the cooldown manager to take care of that.
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Default rotation is recommended - Put enyo to a bit below the FPS you ahve using the routines in raids. Increase it with 15 or 30. So if you have 70 fps during combat, pick 60. If you have 55, pick 45, if you have 42, pick 30. Always enable hardlock. Further proper glyphing and talents help ALOT in DPS. Is it a fight wiht interrupts, take Rude Interrupton glypg etc.

The more you control cooldowns manually at optimal moments the higher your DPS. If you're a beginning raider or lazy, use the default settinngs with the cooldown manager to take care of that.

I'm doing every cd manually, just using regular rotation for lasiness. I had fps drop with your CR, i will try again and see if i can change the fps in enyo.

Thx for your reply
I'm having the same issue as a poster above. Everything works fine outside of an instance but as soon as I go inside, it does nothing. Here's a few logs, not sure which ones are which.
View attachment 7672 2015-03-31 20.09.txt
View attachment 5020 2015-03-31 20.04.txt
View attachment 7788 2015-03-31 19.59.txt
View attachment 6804 2015-03-31 19.54.txt
View attachment 5616 2015-03-31 19.30.txt

**EDIT** It works fine when I play arms, just Protection it doesn't do anything. Doesn't matter whether I have Gladiator's Resolve specced or not.
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Hey nomnomnom,

have ya changed the rotation? i know i played this routine via hardlock around 30 frames in the past but now it kills me down to 5! don´t know why this happens now. ; /
On Kromog the routine has really hard time with the hands. It's using spells on the hand after at least 3 secondes, it's not trying to cleave with Whirlwind. Had around 85% uptime on the fight because of this, if you could check plz.
And it's delaying Bloodthirst way too much :s
Just wondering if with can have a option on vigilance to target a certain player and a hot key so we can use it when that player has called for it??? I would find this usually for raid tky nomnomnom keep up the great worth looking forward to fu3 can't wait.
Still having the issue on kromog also. No FPS drop though, the routine is working very well for me.
On Kromog the routine has really hard time with the hands. It's using spells on the hand after at least 3 secondes, it's not trying to cleave with Whirlwind. Had around 85% uptime on the fight because of this, if you could check plz.
And it's delaying Bloodthirst way too much :s

Working well for me, check if your rune-position gets as much targets as to which your AoE is set at the bottom of settings!

Just wondering if with can have a option on vigilance to target a certain player and a hot key so we can use it when that player has called for it??? I would find this usually for raid tky nomnomnom keep up the great worth looking forward to fu3 can't wait.

Use a macro...
target Player, use vigilance, targetlasttarget
i find all these complaints about low fps really weird, im on an old OLD type quadcore and everything is asmooth as a babys bum for me
On Kromog the routine has really hard time with the hands. It's using spells on the hand after at least 3 secondes, it's not trying to cleave with Whirlwind. Had around 85% uptime on the fight because of this, if you could check plz.
And it's delaying Bloodthirst way too much :s

Kromog hands seem to be sensitive to direction you are facing. If you face Kromog and look down at about a 45 degree angle the routine attacks the hands with no issues.
Character is Orc Fury Warrior ilvl 683 Talents [Double Time] [Enraged Regeneration] [Sudden Death] [Storm Bolt] [Vigilance] [Bloodbath] [Siegebreaker] Glyhs [Glyph of Raging Blow] [Glyph of Unending Rage] [Glyph of Bull Rush]

The problem is as follows

At the beginning of the fighting continued to 50k
And I go back to my listing that continued 22k
Please help me what is the mistake that corrective



Are there settings followed or there is another solution to my problem
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Character is Orc Fury Warrior ilvl 683 Talents [Double Time] [Enraged Regeneration] [Sudden Death] [Storm Bolt] [Vigilance] [Bloodbath] [Siegebreaker] Glyhs [Glyph of Raging Blow] [Glyph of Unending Rage] [Glyph of Bull Rush]

The problem is as follows

At the beginning of the fighting continued to 50k
And I go back to my listing that continued 22k
Please help me what is the mistake that corrective



Are there settings followed or there is another solution to my problem

its your settings, you need to do more manually, theres also 1 or 2 other things you should turn off.
t6 and t7 abilities should be set to never and then set your hotkeys to cast them, theres other stuff to that will save u time and increase ure dps, also turn victory rush and impending victory to off otherwise your forcing rotation to do either when ure at 75% hp. theres other minor bits u should change to. i would also turn the cooldown manager off.