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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

On which fight? Single target aka butcher?
Yes butcher
simply copy and paste over your old settings..
FUP2 General Settings
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Hotkey Settings
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Gladiator Settings
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Hold Lctrl or which hotkey you set dragon roar+bloodbath use it with trinkets enjoy ;)
All the best wishes for 2015 - And let start the year good.

Version is up for approval.
* Core: Smart Taunt list updated with Highmaul tanking tactics.
* Core: Taking account for high latency on hotkey queue system now.
* Core: Slighty updated the Highmaul bosslist.
* Core: Added a bandaid fix for Brackenspore and Twin Ogrons range for Rend (MultiDoT).
* Fury: Revamp: Fury Rotation has been completely redone - Still work in progress.
* Fury: Revamp: Optimized Execute for Ko'ragh's extra Execute phases.
* Fury: Revamp: Implemented cooldown management functionality - USE IN RAID ENVIRONMENTS - Only works in Fury Development rotation!

Yes butcher
simply copy and paste over your old settings..
FUP2 General Settings

Hotkey Settings

Gladiator Settings

Hold Lctrl or which hotkey you set dragon roar+bloodbath use it with trinkets enjoy ;)
Hello and thanks for the CR,

My 635 ilvl fury warrior is pulling an avrage of 19k dps and on CD's about 25k DPS. Talents: Talent Calculator - WowDB

Edit: I was wrong about Wild strike it did use it. Looking forward to see this CR being perfect later on. :)
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All the best wishes for 2015 - And let start the year good.

Version is up for approval.
* Core: Smart Taunt list updated with Highmaul tanking tactics.
* Core: Taking account for high latency on hotkey queue system now.
* Core: Slighty updated the Highmaul bosslist.
* Core: Added a bandaid fix for Brackenspore and Twin Ogrons range for Rend (MultiDoT).
* Fury: Revamp: Fury Rotation has been completely redone - Still work in progress.
* Fury: Revamp: Optimized Execute for Ko'ragh's extra Execute phases.
* Fury: Revamp: Implemented cooldown management functionality - USE IN RAID ENVIRONMENTS - Only works in Fury Development rotation!
Hopefully it will get approved fast :D.
Hi nom,

First of all, thank you for a great routine; you're an inspiration for the community!

I play both protection and gladiator using your routine and I'm very happy with how the routine handles Unyielding Strikes when playing as a gladiator warrior. It never lets the buff fall off, nor does it refresh the buff too early, that is awesome! However, as my gear (and guild) improves, I find myself wishing the same logic would be there for protection warrior. Perhaps as a setting or hotkey that could let me prioritize the Unyielding Strikes buff and heroic strikes spam for maximum DPS (as tank), possibly at a survivability loss if needed.

In addition to this, I'd also love the ability to hotswap between spending rage for survivability (Sblock/Sbarrier) or for DPS (heroic strike), as a tank. This would be very valuable to me, and I guess other high end tanks as well!

I wish you, nom, and all fellow FU2 users, a great new year!
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IR, fury+arms working, protection does not do anything, fresh honorbuddy install..
edit: reloged and still problems also with fury spec now routine does not do anything.
edit2: now working again only restarted hb, strange
3: working very strange, charging dummy, routine is making 4-5 autohits then starts with normal Business...
logs added...


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I love it! Good job, and i also like the Dev routine. It holds on to Rec for pots/hero. I use BB manually to trigger trinket and Rec(in the past) but this works well.

Edit: I have done two full clears in HM and it worked very well apart from on The first boss... I had to mid fight change it to normal rotation then it started to work again. I dont have a log sorry.
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@Nomnomnom - First off apologies for shitting up this thread in my response to klepp. Had to prove what a moron he is.

Anyways, used the update profile tonight and noticed a couple of things. I know you stated that Arms will be looked at soon so I might be jumping the gun here. I noticed the routine had Fury set to Developer from the get go and in order for me to get the Arms routine to work, I had to change it from normal to Developer as well. Not sure if this was intended or not but thought I'd point it out.

Still having the problem with Ravager not being cast when Bloodbath is cast. I have Bloodbath set to Never, hotkey'd to right ctrl, and ravager set to cast on BB but most of the time it won't go off with BB and I have to spam the hotkey for it to finally go off eventually but by that time it's a waste. Again, this might be something you haven't addressed yet but just letting you know. Thank you.
B12 isnt casting/doing anything for me as SMF sorry. I had to swap it to 'Normal' rotation from development to fix it, perhaps its related to my talents?
Here is a log, tried 3 restarts of HB but it never worked once.

(all I am doing in this log is charging a few level 90 frost wolf alpha's and meleeing them down, bot used no abilities)

Update: stopping the bot, changing the rotation to normal then hitting save and exit, then going back in again and changing it to development then hitting save and exit, then starting the bot again has temporarily fixed it if anyone else has similar troubles)


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IR, fury+arms working, protection does not do anything, fresh honorbuddy install..
edit: reloged and still problems also with fury spec now routine does not do anything.
edit2: now working again only restarted hb, strange
3: working very strange, charging dummy, routine is making 4-5 autohits then starts with normal Business...
logs added...
yeah i have the same problem as this guys, playing gladiator... he routine doesn't do anything for a bit then works then stops also fresh install no change can you Fix this ASAP?

edit: also i have error speech turned on, and while testing it it kept saying "out of range" i have no idea what ability it's trying to use maybe this is what's causing it to being shit
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With the recent update Arms seem to be broken. I've done a fresh install of Honorbuddy, and I've tried both the normal and the developmental routine settings. When I've chosen the "Normal routine settings" the routine does nothing. With the "Developmental routine settings" the routine atleast cast abilities, however, it mostly uses CDs and rend, but not regular abilities such as Colossus Smash, Mortal Strike and Execute, etc. I also noticed that on training dummy that if I went over and took a hit from the Tanking dummy the routine would in most cases start casting regular abilities again for about 5 seconds before it went back to its "broken" state. I also tested it for a bit in an instance, and again it would do fine with using rend on multiple targets aswell as using Ravager and Bloodbath, however, it would again neglect using the regular abilities most of the time. It worked perfectly fine yesterday before the new release.
There is an issue with the rotations - I'll push a emergency fix in a few minutes.