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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

ATTN: Everyone who was having problems with Fury spec!!!!!!!!!!!!

I realized I had just bought a new gaming computer and had to re install everything, well in the process I forgot to set my client to 32 not 64, that fixed the problem. Simple as shit, if you do it I bet that fixes the problem. I hope this helps everyone who was having the same problem as me, I will be busy killing bitches with Fury now. That is all.

Go to your battle.net client, click options, click game, and set it to 32.
How are people setting their hard locks in enyo? Are you just averaging raid fights fps and setting to that? I have mine set to 30 but haven't played around with it, what's the gain/loss for changing it?
Never messed with it, set it to twenty like nom said and left it at that. I average 60 fps in raid, but have ticks set to 20.
Never messed with it, set it to twenty like nom said and left it at that. I average 60 fps in raid, but have ticks set to 20.
If you average out at 60fps in raids with hardlock and 20 tps increase your tps to like 40.

Toggle interrupts hotkey please!
Yes - Added to the todo list.

Nom, would be nice if you would implent one more thing to trinket use, i got a hp on use trinket and would be great to have it on like when my "hp is lower then" option and not only dps criterias or boss
Thank you, great cr otherwise, and yeah, im using it manually now so not big thing, just a tought
Yes - Added to the todo list.

Not sure where i can locate the changelogs or the date changes were made, can anyone guide me to these please?
Follow this link and scroll down - There is a changelog with dates there:
Buddy Store

Great Profile!
just curious though what the priority or raging blow is? does it do more damage than wild strikes?
RB's priority will be slightly adjusted next push (Or the one after). It's not entirely correct.

How do we auto target on this ? any idea?
Can you give me some more info on what you're trying to do?

I have a problem that the routine works on target dummy but when i enter an instance it wont work properly. Using fury spec and Enyo bot base.
Contact me on Skype please: nomnomnomhb

Yeah about five others are also, and we provided log. Not sure what the problem is but everyone else is having no problems.
ATTN: Everyone who was having problems with Fury spec!!!!!!!!!!!!
I realized I had just bought a new gaming computer and had to re install everything, well in the process I forgot to set my client to 32 not 64, that fixed the problem. Simple as shit, if you do it I bet that fixes the problem. I hope this helps everyone who was having the same problem as me, I will be busy killing bitches with Fury now. That is all.
Glad you got it resolved!
Played with the tps last night, at one point I went too far and discovered a slight stagger in frames. Now running at 40, super smooth. Also still ranking each raid using this CR with fury, goes hard.
Anyone got some tips on using ravager more easily?

Edit: Noticed that holding down the T7 hotkey (basically spams ravager) will get it to cast.
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Set a hot key, set t7 use to never. I set the hot key the same as bloodbath (and have all other burst/cd s on bloodbath) and when shit is still and time to burst, mouse where you want ravager and key press it.
Fury, I'm at the dungeoneers training dummy. I understand i have no buffs but my own.
I seem to be doing 11-12k DPS on a training dummy over a 5-10 minute fight. I'm 650 ilvl. Surely buffs do not affect my DPS to drop it by 10k? I've got the required glyphs and talents.
While on my gladiator spec, With 647 ilvl i'm putting out over 20k on a 5-10minute fight. lowest it got too was 19.5k and then it instantly went back up when all my trinket procs came back.
Any ideas what is going wrong? I can post a log file and recount damage test of the 2 fights if needed when i wake up.

Here is a short combat log of fury and gladiator. too tired to run a longer test tonight.
View attachment 5020 2014-12-18 04.03.txt
View attachment 3388 2014-12-18 03.55.txt
Fury ended at 13.3k - i changed back to stormbolt talent it upped dps a tad bit.
Gladiator ended at 20.6k.
Big difference. Thanks for any response.
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hmm fury is like i dont know how to say :) if spells, trinket will procs you will do dps BUT if not you dont have lucky and you do 17k(in my situation) but normal with this routine 21-23k somtimes if nolucky 17-18
hmm fury is like i dont know how to say :) if spells, trinket will procs you will do dps BUT if not you dont have lucky and you do 17k(in my situation) but normal with this routine 21-23k somtimes if nolucky 17-18
My trinkets do proc. 100% do. I have skull of war and one i can proc myself every 2min. so i basically use them when i want them/CR wants them. I'm sure there must be something else wrong with my 13k dps on dummy other than proc.
I really don't understand why some people are having such difficulty getting their CC to run/dps properly. I haven't done anything special other than download HB, pay for the routines and then configure the routine as I see fit and all specs (haven't messed with PvE arms yet) have worked great for me. Even in testing in quick LFR runs with guildies I've pushed both Gladiator and Fury to well over 30k dps on some of the fights with normal raid buffs, 100 crit food and a regular flask. No prepots or execute pots, etc. I'm a slightly higher ilvl than some of you but not high enough to have a 7k to 17k difference from what some of you are claiming.
Any chance you could explain Automated Logistics under mitigation when you get a moment?

I'm having a bit of fun with it at the moment.

If I'm off tanking on a taunt switch (with no incoming damage) I'm finding that it's using rage on shield barrier, even though I'm constantly @ 100% health with zero damage incoming.

Does the routine detect the Heavy Repercussions or Unyielding Strikes talents? I'm seeing a lot of barrier use when block would be much more beneficial (IMO naturally) for both mitigation and threat/dps, I also find my threat output (for what it's worth, only a valid concern vs other tanks) low by comparison - is there any chance of a option to only use barrier/block under a certain health % otherwise use heroic strike?

No logs sorry and realise the post is a little pointless without them - will grab some next raid.
I'll respond to everyone again tomorrow - But just a headsup for everyone having issues to run Fury: Do not spec Siegebreaker! It seems to fuck it up. I'm investigating why.

And as update for everyone; I'll be pushing a new version later this week (probably the weekend) with several bugfixes but no real rotational tweaks. I've also started the conversion to a new core - which will bring a performance/fps increase for everyone. Everyone who got FUP2 will get this upgrade for free ofcourse, as it will be pushed to the FUP2 product.
Is there anyway we can get an option for Gladiator to NOT use Shield Charge as a gap closer? It makes it look incredibly bot-like when you're on the first boss in UBRS trying to hit the conduits, and your CR hits shield charge, right through all the lightning orbs up to the platform, or on Twin Ogron trying to run away from WW and you shield charge right through 4-5 fire walls.
Is there anyway we can get an option for Gladiator to NOT use Shield Charge as a gap closer? It makes it look incredibly bot-like when you're on the first boss in UBRS trying to hit the conduits, and your CR hits shield charge, right through all the lightning orbs up to the platform, or on Twin Ogron trying to run away from WW and you shield charge right through 4-5 fire walls.

its not using it as a gap filler its using it in it normal rotation, if u want to jump down simply de target the boss then jump down, just press escape :)
you may also have " use range attacks " enabled, you could try disabling that :)
With abilities set to use on cool down, now trinkets and dragon roar are been used at range, not in melee range. Ranged attacks are off.
With abilities set to use on cool down, now trinkets and dragon roar are been used at range, not in melee range. Ranged attacks are off.

I've been experiencing this too, its most noticeable as prot. I've got shockwave and I'll charge into a group of mobs, it'll use shockwave when I'm no where near the mobs and I end up not stunning anything.
@nomnomnom: Is it possible you to add an option to the use of "Berserker Rage (id: 18499)" PVE indeed it must be used if one is not in effect "Enrage (id: 13046)".

This is the first point on IcyVeins, the Enrage must have a 100% uptime otherwise it's a waste of DPS by 10%

1. Use Berserker Rage if your Enrage falls off.

Need an option : "Enrage FallOFF"
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