Nomnomnom очень доволен рутиной особенно в специализации гладиатор,вот только заметил проблему когда берешь в таргет цель при атаке ее нельзя использовать героический прыжок. Исправь пожалуйста это.
Use Heroic Leap Hotkey.
Seems to have trouble switching specs and talents without a full honorbuddy restart.
Will look into it, but should work. From what spec are you switching to what spec?
I may have missed this, but it does not use execute in defensive stance?
What specialization?
Hi when the profile is activated I can't move around the bosses to avoid aoes etc and it auto charge and auto heroic leap on him :/ plz help me
Post a logfile please - Need to see your settings etc.
Hi nom would it be possible to add :-
[FUP] Pausing routine functions - Detected MButton pressed.
[FUP] Pausing routine functions - Detected XButton1 pressed.
[FUP] Pausing routine functions - Detected XButton2 pressed.
to the Manual Cast Pause - Ignore key list
You can add those buttons to the ignore list yourself via the GUI.
Hello again,
Here is the logfile you requested.
Hi there - I will need a logfile when you actually have these talents.
[11:48:14.760 V] [FUP] ========== Talents ==========
[11:48:14.760 V] [FUP] Talent: DoubleTime
[11:48:14.760 V] [FUP] Talent: EnragedRegeneration
[11:48:14.760 V] [FUP] Talent: UnquenchableThirst
[11:48:14.760 V] [FUP] Talent: DragonRoar
[11:48:14.760 V] [FUP] Talent: Vigilance
[11:48:14.760 V] [FUP] Talent: Bloodbath
[11:48:14.761 V] [FUP] Talent: Siegebreaker
These talents are in the log. With those, it will never use Stormbolt or Shockwave.
Hello Developer,
i have a Question... I have purchased this routine recently and must say it's been releativ well, just because there is a problem. In the new NHC raid. Does the routine, to taunt exactly for me at the respective bosses function as a tank. Would this be feasible?
i hope you can me help. THANKS.
Smart Taunting will be updated soon for the new bosses.
Hello Dev,
When i have 3.Stucks from the BOSS. Tectus. I not used Taunt. WHy?
In the config the Routines..i have True. AUTO TAUNT and Enable smart taunting (True).
Why should I use it myself? The routine does not taunt. There are many Wipes in the group of High Rock.
I thought this routine was designed for the raid? TANK Warrior.
Please TELL ME.
Only support SoO at this moment - Will be updated soon!
Hi Nom,
how do you handle meatcleaving with fury and why ist the fury routine set to 3 units (not 2)?
If you have 2 targets in 8y range you should whirlwind once to get you next raging blows hit 2 targets.
With 3 targets whirlwind twice to get the buff to 3 stacks and your next ranging blow to hit 3 targets. (Caps out at 3 ww's for 4+ targets)
Do you want to add offtarget Executes? So that the Routine hit targets <20% in meelerannge with Execute even if its not your actual target?
The 3 units is history - Need to update it to 2 as default. Meatcleaver is implemented as it should and the Offtarget execute will be implemented soon.
hey is it possible with this routine when the routine is doing its rotation and i press a key that he stops it cause i want to do ravager to do by myself but i cant get it right cause the rotation is going and going and cant place ravager on the ground only option i do now is to pause the routine complet and do the ravager hotkey by myself but its annoying to pause cast ravager and press pause again that the routine is going tried all the options avaible in routine for hotkeys and so on but nothing working with my ravager problem.sry fo bad english
Ravager hotkey should be fixed in the latest version - Check the hotkey tab in the routine.
please confing for fury becouse now i doing 6-7k dps more manual in single target ilvl 650 to much waiting with wild strike and others please fix it becouse now gladiator is much better rotuine then fury
That is a humongous difference - There must be something wrong with your setup/installation/talents. Can you post a logfile so I can do some basic diagnostics? Especially as I have ranking users in Fury ...
I'd also be careful with statements like this - As it's completely unknown in what kind of scenario's you tested. Eg are you comparing raidbuffed DPS with Dummy DPS? For comparison, you need to keep the situations the same. And as you're not explaining how you got to that number, I'm assuming that the situations simply wernt the same.
If the cases are the same, it would ofcourse be a tremendous help if you could diagnose the difference between your manual play and the fury rotation and hit me up on PM. Maybe we can work it out together to improve the rotation.
Don't have log, but maybe someone can answer me, Fury spec is screwing up bad for me, it will hit rotation on dummy perfect, as soon as I hit Pve it stops, no clue why, tried everything to fix it.
Im having same problem as tylertipton
Hi! same problem! here log file.
View attachment 157930
Still an issue and only thing that works for me is Glad and Arms, I would love to use fury again... Just saying lol. Tried everything, restarting, reinstalling, the works. No luck.
The numbers don't lie lol, great yours is working, but it is obvious there is a problem with the amount of people saying fury "isn't" working. Ie, myself included.
I'll just stay glad for another three months or so until Fury is fixed to the point I'm not afraid to enter a raid with my guild wondering if something is going to happen where the rotation stops or it spams something. I really thought I paid for Fury bot to max out fury all the time, but since the release of WoD, Fury isn't even my secondary lol. Obviously it was nerfed, then they buffed, whatever.. All I'm saying is, nerf, buff, the rotation should be flawless or close to, and it should never have as many consecutive problems. It seems like nom releases a push witch fixes shit and a day later it's back to being screwed up. Idk, just venting... I miss topping charts screaming FURRRRRRYYYYYYYYY. Give me something that literally presses buttons in the order it needs to for high DPS and I'll take care of the rest, that would make me happy

I see there is a memory error in the only logfile posted. While I feel sorry that Fury isn't working for you, it's working for quite a few users including my testers. So lets try to fix it, kindly perform the following steps:
- Start Honorbuddy - At the login screen write down the key - You will need this later again.
- Close all Honorbuddy instances.
- Go to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Bossland\Buddy Store\ and delete the cache.bin file.
- Go to your Honorbuddy Folder and delete the contents of that folder (Yes, all Honorbuddy files).
- Go to the Honorbuddy forums and download the latest version of Honorbuddy.
- Copy all files from the zip file to the Honorbuddy folder you just cleaned.
- Start Honorbuddy.exe and enter your key.
- Make sure to run FUP2 with Enyo at at least 20TPS and Hardlock enabled.
The issues you guys are having are probably very hard to diagnose - There are about 200 Fury users each day, and you 4 seem to be the only ones with the issue. I've heard one of my testers having the same kind of issue earlier on but he lives in the USA. Once he wakes up/responds I will ask him what solved the issue for him.
If this doesn't work - I will need the following information:
1: What localization of WoW do you use?
2: What version of Honorbuddy do you use?
3: Did you change specializations while HB was started?
4: In the Honorbuddy settings - What class and spec is selected?