General issue; FPS drops is somewhat normal when you enter combat and have heavy graphics on screen etc. But I will see if I can reducde the amount of FPS the routine takes.
Next version is work in progress and will probably be pushed tomorrow. A changelog so far is:
* Core: Fixed the FPS drop and spamming when you drop below certain healthpercent and it tries to spam Health restoration items.
* Core: Prevented the Talentmanager to interfere when you're in combat - Might solve the random-dps stop and starts.
* Core: Talentmanager should now properly react to talent and spec changes - No need to restart HB anymore.
* Core: Reverted the multicolor logging - Other devs told me this might cause performance issues and as it's just cosmetics ... POOF its gone.
* Prot/Gladiator: After switching talents and no stance is detected - The routine will put you in the preferred stance in Gladiator Settings.
Nom you planning to update fury with the new buffs? or does the rotation stay the same?
It probably stays the same, and the Fury rotation is already in top-notch shape as it got it's fair share of attention pre-wod (prepatches).
Fury rotation should not change...
I agree - But if it does, then I will adjust accordingly.
Also nom, ragewing in ubrs.. it wont dps half hte time due to not being "close" enough. its close enough to dps manually but not via the routine apparently. Ive also noticed during highmaul on certain bosses that it helps to be max range.. all melee's max range is alot further than mine. Again, I can hit the bosses just fine manuallyi but the bot wont work unless im much closer than everyone else.
whatever controls range needs to be looked at.
The range is calculated by combatreach - I cannot change this besides making per boss fixed range settings. Would need much more info then just "some bosses in highmaul". Ofcourse something to look at.
just FYI, i have had this happen several times now and it causes tons of issues during raid and obviously nosedives your dps.
I have it set to automatically use healthstones and once it uses it and you drop to the point you set to use it again, it will try to CHAIN use the healhstone and in game you get CHAIN repeat "the item isnt ready yet" audibly and the bot stops dps'ing and the log in HB displays this that its continually trying to use a healthstone on cooldown.
Figured id' let ya know.
Should be fixed next push.
Can we get a settings area to add spells we don't want to interrupt?
More flexible interrupter is on the todo list, but low priority for now.
Have just read the last 2 pages but does anyone else have the problem that the routine doesnt do the rotation, only the CD´s?
Im playing arms atm but in glad there is no problem. Can get a log later on.
Always post a logfile.
Would still like to know why my bot stops its rotation most of the time... this i happening both tanking and dps'ing
Get me a logfile first please.
Does it work with Gladiators Resolve?
View attachment 156550 this is the logfil for the bosses in highmaul 1-6 bosses... this is my first time uploading a log i hope im doing it right. and this 2nd log is for the last boss.
View attachment 156551
I'll look into this.